Chapter 113

The young master smiled slightly while holding the contract, and left Haagen-Dazs directly.

Not only the main store, but the other four stores also encountered corresponding situations, and the amounts were not the same, all of which were one thousand pastries.

Naturally, several shopkeepers refused to let go of such a large order. They collected the money one after another and signed a contract to deliver the pastries within five days.

After signing the contract, five Haagen-Dazs companies arranged production together.

Whether it is long or short in five days, if they can do it earlier, they can be more relaxed.

After a large number of blanks were produced like clouds and flowing water, they discovered a very important problem, that is, their own raw materials were simply not enough.

Milk, cream, butter, these things are perishable items, and they will go bad if they are not stored properly, so they don't have that much in stock, anyway, they can be taken from Li Yanran's at any time.

Immediately, Wu Qi took someone with the money to Li Yanran's shop to buy these things, but it was only when the people arrived that they found out that something had happened.

The shop is closed.

Wu Qi was dumbfounded when he got the news.

He had just signed a contract and made a blank, but the shop over there was closed. If he said that there was nothing to do with it, he wouldn't believe it.

Wu Qi already had some ideas in his mind, and immediately sent someone to the branch to inquire about the situation.

When he learned that the five Haagen-Dazs had received an order of [-] guan, Wu Qi was depressed.

If the goods cannot be delivered after five days, wouldn't they have to pay [-] guan?

He had already smelled the unusual smell, so he hurriedly left the shop and ran towards Wu's house.

Wu Yuanqing was reprimanded by Empress Wu, and has been thinking about his mistakes behind closed doors in the mansion for the past two days, but he said that he was thinking about his mistakes behind closed doors, but in fact he was lying at home and fattening up.


Wu Qi ran over sweating profusely.

Wu Yuanqing glanced at Wu Qi and asked, "Wu Qi, why are you running back when you're not at the Häagen-Dazs head office?"

"Master, something happened to Haagen-Dazs."

Wu Qi hurriedly closed the shop over there and said that the raw materials were cut off.

"Didn't someone be sent to look for it?"

What's the big deal about Wu Yuanqing? Isn't it just a shop? As for making such a fuss?

"I sent someone to look for it, but the person seemed to have evaporated from the world, and I couldn't find it at all."

Wu Qi was also in a hurry. Could he not send someone to look for it, but he couldn't find it at all.

"No, there's something wrong here, it must be Zhang Sunyan's fault, but it doesn't make sense, what is he trying to do?"

After Wu Yuanqing thought about it, he had already guessed that it might be Changsun Yan and those guys who wanted to trip him up.

But this is a bit too naive.

It's not that you can't do these things by yourself. The result of closing the shop is not only disgusting yourself for a few days, what else can you do if you waste a little time?
It really disappointed him a bit.

Seeing Wu Yuanqing's calm demeanor, Wu Qi gritted his teeth and said, "Master, there is one more thing I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Is there anything else? Say."

Holding the new tea in his hand, Wu Yuanqing patted the foam with a tureen, with a profound and at ease expression.

"Five shops received a thousand orders for pastries at the same time, and they agreed to deliver them within five days after receiving the full payment. If the goods cannot be delivered by then and the goods are replaced by inferior ones, ten times the compensation will be required."

With a clang, the teacup in Wu Yuanqing's hand fell to the ground and smashed to pieces, and Wu Qi was so frightened that he quickly knelt on the ground, not daring to look into the other's eyes.

"Do you dare to sign such an order? If the goods can't be delivered after five days, won't I have to accompany [-] Guan?"

Wu Yuanqing's eyes were red, and he grabbed Wu Qi's collar.

"Master. Master, with the capacity of the five shops, it is not a problem to have a thousand cakes, but who would have thought that the other four shops would all receive similar orders, and there would be problems with the raw materials. This..."

Wu Qi tried his best to defend himself, after all, no one would have guessed such a thing, it can only be said that these people are simply too cunning, and their tricks are one after another, making it difficult to resist.

"What is this? Ah."

Wu Yuanqing threw Wu Qi to the ground, raised his foot and kicked violently.

"Master, even if you kill me now, it won't help, ah, the most urgent thing is to solve the problem." Wu Qi wailed and said to Wu Yuanqing.

"Solve the problem, how to solve it?"

Wu Yuanqing lowered his head and possessed himself, looking at Wu Qi.

It seems to mean that if you don't give yourself a solution, you will die.

"My lord, it is not impossible to make five thousand pastries in five days, the key is to solve the problem of raw materials.

The most urgent thing is to send people to buy sugar, eggs, milk, with which we still have hope. "

Wu Qi bared his teeth, while expressing his thoughts.

"If we can do it, Changsun Yan and others will spend money to help us improve our performance. Why not do it."

Hearing this, Wu Yuanqing also glared at Wu Qi, since you know all about it, why don't you hurry up and buy it, do you want me to go by myself?
Wu Qi got up from the ground, and ran out with a limp after saluting.

"Changsun Yan, if I want my Haagen-Dazs to go bankrupt, I want to see if you can do it."

Now that there was a solution, Wu Yuanqing also restored his original elegance, and after ordering someone to bring new tea, he began to taste it comfortably again.

When Wu Yuanqing was stunned, Li Yanran also got the five contracts.

"Brother Li, what shall we do next?"

Changsun Yan was also excited when he saw the contract in Li Yanran's hand, these sticks even dared to sign a contract with ten times the compensation, what a daring.

"What to do? Wait and see what happens. I want to see how Wu Yuanqing breaks the current predicament."

Li Yanran took out a yellow apricot from her pocket, and ate it comfortably.

Now everything is ready, it's just a matter of time.

Five days later, Wu Yuanqing would have to pay himself [-] guan if he couldn't make pastries.

But there is a high probability that the other party will not be able to get it out now, and I don't know how he will pay back the money by then?
Haagen-Dazs should not be able to keep it.

Ha ha.

The servants of the Wushi clan started to take action one after another, sweeping up the large and small shops in Chang'an, but to their despair, they couldn't buy anything except eggs.

"Wu Qi, how is the purchase of raw materials?"

"Old master, something happened."

Wu Qi looked at the smiling Wu Yuanqing, and his legs softened and he knelt on the ground again.

"what happened again?"

Wu Yuanqing stood up abruptly, staring at Wu Qi with wide eyes.

"We couldn't buy anything except eggs, and even sugar was sold out."

Wu Qi was weeping, he had suffered from blood mold in the eighth life, and Chang'an City was so big that there was not even a candy left.

Changsun Yan, the grandson, is really amazing at what he does, you can just cheat Wu Yuanqing.

Why let yourself be burdened by a small person, isn't this purely bullying an honest person?

"Don't you just say that the raw materials are easy to solve? What should we do now?"

(End of this chapter)

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