My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 114 It's over, it's over

Chapter 114 It's over, it's over
Wu Yuanqing just wants to kill people now, kill this idiot who caused trouble.

What the hell is that there is more than enough success to fail.

Wu Qi felt Wu Yuanqing's anger, and after shivering, his brain spun rapidly.

When a person is in a crisis, his brain will be faster than usual, and he also thought of a countermeasure.

"Master, for sugar, you can find the big merchants responsible for transporting cane sugar, they must have surplus, as for milk, you can only go to Zhuangzi outside the city to find it.

I believe Changsun Yan and the others can buy milk, so can we, but the big deal is that it will be a little more expensive. "

"Then hurry up, and if you mess up this time, you don't want to come back."

Wu Yuanqing gave Wu Qi a sideways glance, since he thought of a countermeasure, he didn't rush to do it.


Wu Qi ran out again, asking the servants to go to the big bank to discuss sugar cane under the flag of the Wu family, and he led the people out of Chang'an to look for milk from farmers outside the city.

"What? Your cows have been bought long ago? Where have they all been sold?"

Hearing the bad news, Wu Qi brought up the villager and asked the whereabouts of the cows.

The man in the village tremblingly pointed out Li Yanran's dairy farm, and reported the idea of ​​treating a dead horse as a live horse doctor, so Wu Qi rushed there with more than twenty guards.

A group of people rushed to the dairy farm, and everyone was stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.

Such a large area of ​​Zhuangzi is full of cows, and the villagers are milking the cows leisurely.

Wu Qi couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed in with someone.


Several strong guards stopped Wu Qi, their eyes were full of alertness.

"I'm here to buy milk. Where's your master? I pay for all the milk here."

Wu Qi's eyes were full of excitement. If he could pack the milk, it would definitely not be a problem to solve the five thousand pastries, and Haagen-Dazs would never be in a crisis of cutting off raw materials.

"Let's go, the milk here is not for sale."

The guard shook his head and stopped Wu Qi's thoughts on the spot.

The master ordered that the milk here would be thrown away rather than sold out.

"Not for sale? That's up to you. I'm Master Wu Yuanqing's housekeeper. Tell your master to come over. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Seeing the other party's determination, Wu Qi immediately reported his identity.

These milks are related to Wu Yuanqing's wealth. Now that he has found it, no matter who the other party is, he will take all the milk in his hands.

"A little butler with such a big tone, do you really think that Tang's surname is Wu?"

Just when Wu Yuanqing was talking nonsense, Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan walked over slowly.

"Cheng Chubi? Yuchihuan?"

Seeing these two people, Wu Qi could guess the owner of this dairy farm even if he was dull.

How the hell did they do it? You must know that it hasn't taken much time to change hands from Haagen-Dazs, and it can't be completed in a few days if you want to build such a scale.

Could it be that they had anticipated this situation a long time ago, so they made preparations in advance?
If this is the case, they really hit the iron plate this time.

"What? Are you going to be rude to me?" Yu Chihuan smashed the iron rod in his hand to the ground, and threatened Wu Qi with his eyes wide open.

"You two sons, do you really want to kill them all?"

Although he knew this was their property, Wu Qi didn't want to give up, so he frowned and asked the two of them.

"Kill them all? This is a bit exaggerated. Our cows can do whatever they want. What's in the way of you? Besides, you are just a servant, are you qualified to talk to the young master?"

Cheng Chubi gave Wu Qi a sidelong glance.

Kill all?You really guessed it right.

What's more, you slave is here to talk to me endlessly, is it giving you face?
"Behind us is the current queen. If you really want to tear your face apart, I'm afraid the two princes will not be able to explain it. Why don't you take a step back and sell us the milk from this dairy farm? I'll pay you two thousand, no three Qianguan, how is it?"

Now that it's all over, Wu Qi can't help giving in at all, and simply moved out the identity of Empress Wu, hoping they won't mistake themselves.

Because my father offended the queen because of this trivial matter, I'm afraid you won't be able to explain it when you go back.

"Is it frightening that you are really a young master? What about the current queen? She probably won't offend our family for this dairy farm.

Take a ten thousand step back and say, it really made me anxious, young master, I slaughtered all these cows in one go, what can you do with me? "

Cheng Chubi is not stupid, if you really dare to suppress yourself with official status, then don't blame me for taking money from the bottom of the pot.

That's right, it's not pulling the bottom out of the pot, it's pulling the bottom out of the pot, this is what Zhang Sunyan taught himself.


Hearing this, Wu Qi was also stupid. This guy is really a reckless man. He just threatened that you will kill all the cattle. He is really disgusting.

"What are you, if you have nothing to do, hurry up and get out, the young master still needs to milk the cow."

Cheng Chubi looked at Wu Qi contemptuously, and returned to the cattle farm without looking back.

"This dairy farm is here, come if you dare."

Yu Chihuan also spat, grabbed the iron rod and followed Cheng Chubi into the cattle farm.

"How to do?"

A servant glanced at Wu Qi, his eyes were full of depression.

It was so easy to find a place, but I ran into these two idiots.

The key point is that the other party still doesn't follow his own way, which makes people have nothing to say.

"What should we do? Those two are the noble sons of the Duke, what else can we do? Go back and report to the master immediately."

Wu Qi stared fiercely at the cattle farm in front of him, and left without looking back.

"What? The cane sugar of the big merchants has also been sold out? Even if you want to make an order now, you will have to wait until two or three months later?"

Wu Yuanqing was numb when he heard the news reported by his subordinates.

Changsun Yan and the others are really exhaustive. They can borrow some sugar, but milk is troublesome. If Wu Qi can't find milk, it's really over.


Wu Qi walked in front of Wu Yuanqing listlessly, and knelt in front of Wu Yuanqing as if he had lost his soul.

"Why this dead person, have you found the milk I want?"

Seeing Wu Qi's appearance, Wu Yuanqing was furious.

I'm not dead yet, so there's no need for you to cry.

I just want milk, milk.

"Master, all the cows outside the city have been sold out by Cheng Chubi and the others. I...I can't find any milk."

Wu Qi lowered his head, put his hands on the ground, and lost all strength.

"Didn't I say, master, if you can't find milk, you can die outside, why come back?"

Wu Yuanqing kicked Wu Qi away with one kick, his eyes were full of violence.

"Master, it's over now, Haagen-Dazs is over."

Wu Qi was completely wilted, curled up on the ground not knowing what to do.

"It's over, it's not over yet."

"Prepare the carriage, I want to enter the palace."

(End of this chapter)

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