Chapter 116
Li Feng looked at Li Yanran with surprise in his eyes.

He really didn't expect that Li Yanran would achieve the purpose of influencing the court through such a small matter.

This scheming really made him amazed.

"Empress Wu is a strange woman from the beginning of May. I'm afraid my plan will be very difficult to succeed. The next step is to see how close Empress Wu is to the Wu family."

Li Yanran ignored Li Feng, and was still on the swing, talking to herself.

"Let me see what my little Yanran is doing?"

Wu Zetian came out from behind pretty and lively, looking at her daughter who was meditating under the moon, her face showed the light of a loving mother.


Li Yanran turned her head to look at Wu Zetian behind her, jumped off the swing, and plunged into Wu Zetian's arms.

Holding Wu Zetian's willow waist, Li Yanran called out sweetly: "Xiao Yanran misses Auntie."

Wu Zetian put his arms around Li Yanran and gave Li Feng a compliment, and the other party politely bowed and left.

Wu Zetian took Li Yanran's hand, sat on the stone bench, glanced at him and asked, "What has Xiao Yanran been up to lately?"

"Aniang, Yan Ran didn't do anything, she read, wrote, and tended flowers and plants honestly."

Li Yanran buried her head in Wu Zetian's arms, not daring to look into Wu Zetian's eyes.

Aniang, if you ask me that, are you trying to check my account?

I managed to earn some money, but you can't take it away again.

"You still dare to lie to me? You should fight."

Wu Zetian slapped Li Yanran lightly on the head, she has learned to deceive people at such a young age, she must have been misled by that grandson Yan.

"Auntie, how can I lie to you."

Li Yanran covered her forehead, a little afraid to look into Wu Zetian's eyes.

"Then what's the situation with Haagen-Dazs? It's not true."

Seeing that Li Yanran was still trying to argue, Wu Zetian gave him a blank look and pointed out Haagen-Dazs.

"It was just a small business, if my mother hadn't told me I would have forgotten about it, hehe."

Li Yanran knew that she couldn't hide it, so she had no choice but to trick her, so she slipped into Wu Zetian's arms again.

"Hmph, you're not being honest, you should fight."

Wu Zetian grabbed Li Yanran's clothes, and slapped her little butt with one slap.

"Auntie, stop beating, Yanran is calling."

Li Yanran looked at Wu Zetian and told all the things she had done recently.

"Confused, Wu Yuanqing is Yi Yi's generation. He is the elder brother of the current empress. If you force him like this, once he goes to the empress to complain, how will you end up?"

After listening to what Li Yanran said, Wu Zetian also nodded.

As expected, I did not guess wrong, all of this was written by my daughter.

It is really strange enough for an uncle to be pressed to the ground by his niece and almost beaten to death.

"Aniang, Yan Ran is really looking forward to Wu Yuanqing going to complain to the empress."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and told Wu Zetian all the thoughts in her heart.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Wu Zetian and shook his head again: "But the queen is a wonderful woman through the ages, so my daughter's little calculations may not come true."

Wu Zetian was depressed for a while, and he was too thoughtful, otherwise, if he really listened to his elder brother's misfortune and intervened, wouldn't he be tricked by his daughter.

Fortunately, fortunately, the fame of the first life is preserved.

It seems that I have to be more careful in the future, and don't capsize in front of Li Yanran.

"Yanran, since you know that the queen is a strange woman through the ages, if you still do this, if you are caught by the other party, not only will you not be able to help the eldest grandson, but you may also completely offend the queen. It is so inappropriate."

Although the daughter helped the eldest grandson Wuji, it was also for herself, so she couldn't say anything harsh.

And she came here this time to help her elder brother, so she had to scare Li Yanran first.

"No, this time I must make that Wu Yuanqing pay everything and not let him go to the street to beg for food. I am not Li Yanran."

Regarding Wu Zetian's worries, Li Yanran was not afraid at all.

"Nowadays, the empress values ​​her family the most. If you really do a good job, you will inevitably attract people's hatred. Now you have slapped Empress Wu in the face. When the prime minister's eldest grandson really gets into trouble, your father will also bear it for nothing." disaster.

Sometimes it is better to stay on the front line than to kill everything. "

Facing Li Yanran's clever little head, Wu Zetian was also a little depressed.

This kid is good at everything, but he is too smart.

It's not easy to fool around.

"Aniang is still smart, I almost made a big mistake."

This time Wu Zetian really grabbed Li Yanran's painful foot, hearing this Li Yanran's little brows also frowned.

If it was really like what Wu Zetian said, what I did was a bit too much.

"So what do you do next?"

Seeing Li Yanran's small appearance, Wu Zetian couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

"Then I will spare Wu Yuanqing, as long as he hand over several Haagen-Dazs shops, I will not want the [-] guan, and save face for him."

Li Yanran thought for a while, and now she could only do this.

Haagen-Dazs must be taken back, because it not only involves himself, but also Lao Li and Changsun Yan, but I believe that Wu Yuanqing has suffered the loss this time, and he will not dare to provoke them in the future.

"Well, Xiaoyanran is the best. See what Auntie brought you?"

Li Yanran's response coincided with what she thought, after all, she was the girl she gave birth to.

Just smart.

"It's golden apricot."

Looking at the golden apricot in the box, Li Yanran was also excited.

The last time she ate the golden apricot, she missed it, but Li Feng searched all over the West Market and found nothing. A Niang still likes herself the most.

He directly picked up a golden apricot, wiped it on his body and handed it to Wu Zetian. Seeing that the other party took it, he took another one happily.

"Aniang, this golden apricot is really sweet."

"You can eat more if it's delicious."

Wu Zetian played with Li Yanran for a while, and after watching her fall asleep, she left directly.

Li Yanran slowly opened her eyes, scratched in the air, and curled up into a ball again.

The next day, Li Yanran took Li Feng directly, stepped on the donkey and headed towards Lan Kwai Fong.

Looking at the four donkeys chained outside Lan Kwai Fong, Li Yanran felt depressed for a while.

These dudes are comparable to the ninety-six of the later generations. They can't wait to get up every day when they hear the chicken, and come here early to order meat.

It really refreshed his understanding of the noble sons of the Tang Dynasty.

Could it be that this inward wind has already blown to the Tang Dynasty?
Or is it a tradition that has existed since ancient times?
Li Yanran pushed the door open, the four of them smiled at her together, the others were fine, Changsun Yan's long face gave her the feeling of King Jiji.

Pressing on Changsun Yan's face, Li Yanran sat on her swing straight away, while Li Feng stood behind her with his hands behind his back.

"Brother Li, Wu Yuanqing's housekeeper, Wu Qi, found the dairy farm yesterday, and even used the queen to pressure me, so I just came here to draw money from the bottom of the pot.

He said that if he dared to press him again, he would kill all the cows, which scared him away. "

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Yanran with complacency on his face.

"Picking gold from the bottom of the pot?"

(End of this chapter)

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