My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 117 Preparing for Peace

Chapter 117 Preparing for Peace
Li Yanran is depressed, Cheng Chubi, I'm afraid you are not the same teacher as Zhang Sunyan.

He sucked the bottom of the pot, and you also sucked the bottom of the pot, which really made this girl anxious, and I have to give you a cramp in the bottom of the pot.

"It's just a prodigal dog. This time, according to Brother Li's plan, Wu Yuanqing must mortgage the mansion and go to the street to beg for food."

Changsun Yan looked at Li Yanran from the side, his eyes were full of hatred.

Openly snatching Haagen-Dazs, he has never suffered such a deflation, how could he give up easily.

"Okay, get ready, I want to negotiate a peace with Wu Yuanqing."

Li Yanran glanced at the few people, and slowly expressed her thoughts on peace talks.

"Peace? I don't agree."

"That's right, Wu Yuanqing is going to sleep on the street soon, why are you negotiating peace now?"

"That is, why did you let Wu Yuanqing live?"

All four of them were taken aback, seeing that they were about to win a big victory, why are they negotiating peace now?

What exactly does Li Yanran want to do?
Now that they are negotiating peace, everything they have done before will be in vain.

"If we don't want to, we can't. If we press too hard now, Wu Yuanqing will definitely jump over the wall in a hurry. It will be a dead end situation after all. It's not worth it."

Li Yanran also sighed heavily, do you think I want to let Wu Yuanqing go?

I wonder if this is a great opportunity?

But I can't implicate my parents because of this incident, so I can only let it go and leave a chance for Wu Yuanqing to survive.

"Brother Li, the death of a fish does not necessarily mean that the net is broken. We will be fine. Wu Yuanqing's failure in business is his own fault. Even if he sues the queen, he is not afraid."

Changsun Yan stared at him. He knew that the emperor was standing behind him. Even if Wu Yuanqing was really asked to go to the street to beg for food, Li Zhi could hold on to the scene.

"Hey, Yanzi, the current court is full of turmoil, if you really treat Wu Yuanqing like this, what will be the queen's face?

At that time, your father may be hated by him, so I will send someone to negotiate peace with Wu Yuanqing. "

Li Yanran shook her head, her mother was right, she was not only for herself, but also for them.

"Brother Li is right. We are asking for money, not to cause trouble for our family. If our father finds out about this, I'm afraid no one will get good results."

Li Siwen glanced at Li Yanran, and there was always a question lingering in his mind.

Li Ge is still nine years old, and he is already so outstanding. When will he be able to catch up with the opponent's footsteps, it will not take his whole life.

"There must be a charter for the peace negotiation, brother Li, what do you think?"

When Li Siwen said this, several people also lowered their heads, but after talking and doing, there must be a reason for peace negotiation.

"What I mean is, as long as Wu Yuanqing agrees to transfer all five Haagen-Dazs to us, how about we let go of the [-]-guan order and settle?"

Li Yanran gave Li Siwen a look that I liked you, after all, he was the first to react among the four, so he must give some encouragement, right?

"What if Wu Yuanqing doesn't agree?"

Cheng Chubi looked at Li Yanran, you just put it in a good place, what if he plays a scoundrel.

"If you don't agree, then we don't need to leave room for him. Even if you sue the emperor, you will have to get back the money. If Wu Yuanqing can't even see this clearly, he should go to sleep on the street."

you still need to ask?

If you don't know the good and the bad, you are looking for death.

Since he was willing to die, he was also willing to bury himself.

"Then do it."

Although Changsun Yan was very reluctant, but for everyone's consideration, he could only nod his head in agreement.

"Then who shall we send? Anyway, I don't want to go."

"I'm not going either."

"Don't look at me, I want to beat that old boy when I see him."

A few people look at me and I look at you. No one wants to negotiate a peace.

"No, I'll go."

Li Siwen sighed and volunteered to take over the job.

Among the four, the eldest Sun's family and the Wu family are in the same boat, and Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan are idiots. After much deliberation, only I am the most suitable.

There is no way, those who can do more work.

After that, he walked out the door.

"Li Siwen, stop for me."

Li Yanran was depressed, I said to negotiate a peace, but did I say I would send you there?
One by one, I haven't spoken yet, and you have put on a good show yourself.

Li Siwen turned to look at Li Yanran, a little confused, so he said, "Don't you want to negotiate a peace?"

Li Yanran said with a look of resentment: "If we send people there now, won't we weaken your prestige of the Four Heavenly Deaths? I mean wait for him to come to negotiate peace with us, a bunch of clubs."

"It's our Brother Li. I don't even know what to say now that I'm still thinking about the reputation of the Four Heavenly Deaths."

"Me too."

Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan stood up together, it was Li Yanran, they were really thoughtful.

It's all like this, and I still think about their great reputation.

Li Yanran glanced at Cheng Chubi and was speechless, Cheng Yaojin was very smart in history, how could he have such a naive son.

"Okay, let's go to the dairy farm together. It just so happens that I have nothing to do these two days, and it's time to add some new varieties to Haagen-Dazs."

Li Yanran jumped off the swing, these days she has been thinking about what other diets can be promoted, now that the dairy farm has so much milk, why doesn't she produce some milk drinks.

One is that it can digest milk that Haagen-Dazs does not use, and the other is that it can make Haagen-Dazs's products less monotonous.

"New varieties?"

Hearing that Li Yanran had a new species born, the eyes of the playboys all brightened.

Every time Li Yanran can come up with some unexpected good things, like perfume, fried tea, and desserts.


Li Yanran nodded, and led Li Feng directly outside Lan Kwai Fong.

Looking at the four healthy donkeys lined up side by side, the scene of the group of donkeys going on an expedition came to Li Yanran's mind again.

"I'll go first, and wait until a quarter of an hour before you start. If anyone dares to keep pace with me, I... I won't let him eat good food."

"That's called driving together with donkeys, brother Li, you forgot that you are donkey friends for the time being."

Changsun Yan smiled slightly, he was still talented.

I'm so talented that I can invent it even if I don't drive like a donkey.

Now Li Yanran just wants to ask Changsun Wuji, how did your old man educate such a monster.

Also drive the donkey together, I pooh.

When I met the eldest grandson Yan, I really enjoyed the blessings of eight lifetimes and came here to pay off my debts.

After spitting on Changsun Yan, Li Yanran got on the donkey and led Li Feng to the village outside the city.

"How about it, do you want to have a competition, whose donkey is faster? Can you catch up with Brother Li first?"

Looking at the time, Changsun Yan turned on his donkey, his eyes full of rebellion.

Our donkey is a rare one in a thousand miles, and none of you are tall.

"Whoever is afraid of whoever loses will be treated to dinner at Cuihuafang tonight."

Before Li Siwen finished speaking, his legs clamped the donkey's belly, and the donkey was in pain and took him out like flying: "Everyone, my donkey is startled. See you next to Brother Li."

"Li Siwen, you are cheating, where are you going?"

Cheng Chubi patted the donkey's butt on his crotch, left the two of them behind and rushed out.

Yu Chihuan and Changsun Yan looked at their backs and were stunned for a moment.

"Damn, two treacherous villains, really shameless."

"Me too."

After the two looked at each other, they suddenly came to their senses, and directly drove the donkey to chase after them.

Li Yanran was riding a donkey and happily eating the golden apricot brought by Wu Zetian, when suddenly she heard an exclamation behind her.

Turning around to look, I saw Changsun Yan and the others galloping on their donkeys, rushing towards themselves amidst the exclamation of the crowd.

"Brother Li, I'm here."

Changsun Yan took the lead and glanced at the three people behind him, his eyes were full of excitement.

Just relying on your stupid donkeys, how dare you compare the speed with my precious donkey?

Really overwhelmed.


(End of this chapter)

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