My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 124 You Can't Hold It

Chapter 124 You Can't Hold It

Li Zhi squinted at Li Yanran, did I say I was leaving?
You kid is the first one who dared to throw me out.

Even if you are my default son-in-law, you can't catch up with your old Taishan.

"Brother has a lot to do every day, and all he manages are military and national affairs. Don't waste your mind on such trivial matters."

Li Yanran looked at Li Zhi's displeased little eyes, pouted her little mouth, and flattered her.

It's strange to say that Li Zhi usually feels that those civil and military people who praise him are hypocritical, but when these words come out of Li Yanran's mouth, he feels a little ecstatic.

"Okay, I know what you mean, but you must seriously consider my affairs. I'm leaving."

Li Zhi smiled slightly, then smacked Li Yanran's head secretly, and escaped under Li Yanran's roar.

Li Yanran chased all the way to the door before giving up.

The popularity of Haagen-Dazs lasted until the afternoon, and all the ice cream they prepared were sold out, so there were still many people who did not buy the new ice cream.

Without ice cream, I had to snap up a lot of other desserts in the store, and at the same time put down my money and address in advance, and agreed to deliver them to my door tomorrow.

Several people gathered in Lan Kwai Fong with the sales data of five stores.

"Brother Li, do you know how much we sold today?"

Changsun Yan's eyes were full of excitement with the result of the accountant's reconciliation.

"A total of 420, 450, and [-] yuan were sold."

Li Yanran glanced at the list and said the result of the mental calculation.


Changsun Yan was stunned, and Li Yanran just said it without knowing the result after calculating for a long time?
"Brother Li, have you read the final calculation results?"

Li Siwen picked up the calculation result in his hand and stared blankly at the other party.

The result was in his hands, how did Li Yanran see it?
"It's not easy. Can't we add up the turnover of the five stores?"

Li Yanran was also stunned. Elementary school students can calculate addition and subtraction within a thousand, let alone themselves.

"Brother Li, you are truly a god, I am convinced."

"Me too."

Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan were also dumbfounded, this ability of mental calculation alone was beyond their reach.

"According to the current momentum, the popularity of ice cream can last for another three to five days. The ice cream on the farm side must arrange production as soon as possible, so that the store is still open and the goods are sold out."

Li Yanran didn't take the compliments of the two naive critics to heart at all.

These are just pediatrics, just you dudes, you can easily change the accountant.

"I arranged it during the day. Fortunately, we accumulated enough milk a few days ago, otherwise we really wouldn't be able to make so much ice cream."

As the head of logistics, Zhang Sun Yan has already arranged these matters.

"Well, remember to give bonuses to the clerks of each store. Such achievements are inseparable from their efforts. If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first."

Li Yanran nodded, she had expected Haagen-Dazs to have such a result, and Haagen-Dazs, who was messed up by Wu Yuanqing after this time, came back to life.

Li Yanran left, Li Feng grabbed the incubator on the ground and followed the lady.

Miss must love this ice cream very much, otherwise she wouldn't bother researching this dessert.

If you like it, take it with you.

"I don't know how the conflict between Xiaoyanran and elder brother is going."

Wu Zetian missed her daughter in her heart, and could no longer watch the memorial in front of her.

"Get ready, I'm leaving the palace."


A carriage drove out slowly and stopped directly outside Li Yanran's mansion.

Wu Zetian got out of the car and went straight in.


The guards protecting Wu Zetian immediately dispersed to guard the surroundings.

Li Yanran was drinking milk tea and eating ice cream and puffs when she saw a pretty figure walking towards her, whoever it was if it wasn't Wu Zetian.


Li Yanran gave up the ice cream and threw herself directly into Wu Zetian's arms.

"Little Yanran, what have you been doing today? Why is your face so tired?"

Seeing the tiredness on Li Yanran's face, Wu Zetian couldn't help feeling distressed.

"Aniang, what you told me that day has been completed. Wu Yuanqing has already returned Haagen-Dazs, and my daughter didn't criticize him too much. It's a way of paying him back."

Li Yanran looked up at Wu Zetian's pretty face, and told about Haagen-Dazs' situation.

I can't make my mother worry because of this.

"Xiao Yanran did a good job. Giving Wu Yuanqing a face is equivalent to giving the Empress a step up."

Hearing that the Haagen-Dazs matter had been resolved, Wu Zetian also smiled like a flower.

Although his eldest brother lost a large sum of money, it was his own fault.

Who told him to provoke his good daughter?

When an uncle robs his niece of his property, he should learn a lesson.

"Aniang, my daughter has something good for you, come here."

Seeing Wu Zetian smiling, Li Yanran also took Wu Zetian's little hand and walked towards the small table.

"What is this?"

Seeing Li Yanran open the incubator and fiddle with the ice cream, Wu Zetian was also puzzled.

"Aniang, this is a new dessert launched by Haagen-Dazs, it's called ice cream, try it."

After fiddle with it, Li Yanran took two more cherries to decorate on the ice cream, and handed it over with a smile.

"Ice cream? Then Auntie wants to try it."

Feeling the chill of the ice cream while holding the cup, Wu Zetian directly dug a piece with a small spoon and put it in his mouth.

"Huh? It's really the first time A Niang has tasted such a delicacy."

Wu Zetian raised her phoenix eyebrows slightly, this ice cream really lived up to its name, it was ice cold, refreshing and silky.

Even she has never tasted such delicacies.

"Hee hee, A Niang, there is still milk tea here, but Yan Ran has already used it. I'll ask Li Feng to get a cup."

Glancing at Li Feng who disappeared and standing in front of him, Li Yanran also shook her head.

This old Li, no one was there at the critical moment.

"No need, will A Niang still despise my baby Yanran?"

Wu Zetian lifted the teapot with his hands and poured a cup of milk tea into Li Yanran's cup.

"The taste of this milk tea is also good, and it complements the ice cream."

With the milk tea in his belly, Wu Zetian couldn't help smiling again.

Every time I come to my daughter, there will be something that subverts her cognition.

This daughter of mine is really a treasure given to me by God.

"I knew Auntie would like it."

Li Yanran grinned, and seeing A Niang's smile, these snacks were considered to have completed the task.

"The ice cream is so delicious, presumably Haagen-Dazs must be crowded."

Drinking milk tea and eating ice cream, Wu Zetian glanced at Li Yanran again.


Hearing Wu Zetian's words, Li Yanran was suddenly taken aback.

No way, Aunt, you don't want it.

"Aunt, what do you mean?"

Li Yanran's face was full of alertness.

"What? You forgot that I also invested money. I have the right to know the operating conditions of Haagen-Dazs."

Wu Zetian touched Li Yanran's little head.

Little girl, your mother and I have the upper hand.

"Do you still want me to send someone to Haagen-Dazs to check the accounts?"

"Aniang, can you leave some money for Yanran? After all, I'm not a child anymore, so I should be financially free."

Li Yanran's face was full of despondency, she didn't know anything else, but my mother was always sure about her.

"Just what you said just now, A Niang can't leave you money. These words are clearly the words of children."

"Aniang still said the same thing, you can't handle so much money, and Aniang doesn't want to spend your money, but save the money and give it to you as a dowry."

(End of this chapter)

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