My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 125 Mahjong

Chapter 125 Mahjong
Wu Zetian smiled slightly, Xiao Mian is playing with my mother, you are still a little tender.

If you can't even handle it, how can I play rivalry with those loyal and traitorous ministers in the court.

"Okay, Yanran understands, I will have people send all the money to the Fuchu for storage."

Li Yanran gave in completely, since she can't be offended, then don't resist.

Anyway, money is just a number to me as a child, maybe if it is given to my mother, it may not be of great use to her.

"Is that good?"

Wu Zetian hugged Li Yanran into her arms. After all, she was her own daughter, so she was obedient.

Compared with that ineffective son, he is much better.

Feeling the temperature in Wu Zetian's arms, Li Yanran's restless heart also calmed down.

In this Great Tang, perhaps only Wu Zetian's embrace can make her feel the long-lost peace.

A pair of big eyes slowly closed, and the snoring sound followed.

Seeing the child falling asleep, Wu Zetian couldn't help feeling distressed.

The child must have been exhausted during the day, otherwise how could he fall asleep so quickly.

It's really hard for my little Yanran.

Gently picked up Li Yanran and put it on the bed.


"Don't drop it."

"Little Yanran."

Listening to Li Yanran's nonsense, Wu Zetian couldn't help feeling distressed.

Covering her with a thin quilt, Wu Zetian kissed Li Yanran's forehead lightly.

"Little Yanran, it won't take long for Auntie to get rid of that person, and Auntie will definitely take you to sleep when the time comes."

"Trust Mommy."

Wu Zetian left straight away with a cold look in his eyes.

For me, and for my daughter.

Changsun Wuji, I must completely eradicate you.

The sunlight filled the room, Li Yanran rubbed her eyes and woke up.

Looking at the empty side, Li Yanran couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

In the end or left.


Li Yanran pushed open the door, looking at the sun above her head, she was also full of energy.

"Old Li."

With a shout, Li Feng's figure slowly appeared.


"Get ready, let's go."

One person and one donkey left the mansion and went straight to Lan Kwai Fong.

Just as Li Yanran estimated, Haagen-Dazs' popularity lasted for five days, and then returned to normal. Even so, Haagen-Dazs' profits also increased further.

Li Yanran was lying on the reclining chair and looking at the sky boredly, while Changsun Yan next to her was already snoring comfortably.

As for Cheng Chubi and Li Siwen, they performed martial arts in the courtyard.

That idiot Yuchihuan went to harm the cows in the farm, insisting on wrestling them.

Although ice cream and milk tea make them happy, even the gods get tired of it if it goes on like this.

Li Yanran has not been in high spirits for the past few days. After all, her own money flowed into the old lady's pocket in such a rush, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

Glancing at the three bored people, Li Yanran felt depressed for a while.

Always find something to do for these crouching dragons and phoenix chicks, otherwise these few will not be able to harm someone else.

After thinking about it, the activity of mahjong flashed in her mind.

Mahjong is different from Go and Chess. It needs to be strategized, and you need to take a look at three.

Thirteen cards to overthrow Hu, simple and rude, even Yuchihuan's tough head can learn it, it's the most suitable for them.

"Come on, bring me the carpenter."

Following Li Yanran's order, the carpenter in the farm hurried over.

After making arrangements, the carpenter also nodded, and not long after, a pair of mahjong carved with wood was delivered to Li Yanran.

"Brother Li? What is this?"

Changsun Yan woke up when Li Yanran shouted, looking at the objects in front of him, his face was full of doubts.

"This is mahjong, it's very fun, do you want to play it?"

Li Yanran touched the pattern on the mahjong with her hand, and nodded.

"Mahjong? How do you play this?"

Changsun Yan grabbed a mahjong tile, put it in front of his eyes and looked at it left and right, not knowing how to play it.

While speaking, Cheng Chubi and Li Siwen also stopped their competition and approached Li Yanran.

Glancing at the four of them, Li Yanran also opened her mouth to teach them how to play mahjong.


After speaking, Li Yanran glanced at the three of them again and asked how they accepted it.

"Isn't that simple? I'm a genius."

Changsun Yan smiled slightly, isn't it just mahjong, what's so difficult about it.

"Well, I understand too."

Li Siwen gave Changsun Yan a blank look, are you the only genius?
Pull it down.

"What about you?"

Both of them understood, and only Cheng Chubi was left standing by his side like a fool. After all, mahjong needs four people to play to be fun.

"I can't bear it anymore, let's start."

Cheng Chubi nodded bluntly, his eyes filled with excitement.

Although the rules of mahjong sound very simple, there are hidden tactics in the art of war, and strategy must be paid attention to when playing cards and receiving cards.

It must be fun.

"Lao Li, move a table over here."

The table was set, covered with a layer of cloth, and the four of them sat down in the direction of southeast, northwest, and then began.


"Clap, clap, clap."

"One can."




After a while of confrontation, I didn't expect Cheng Chubi to get off to a good start.

"Come again."

"That's right, how can Cheng Sanlang be arrogant."

Seeing Cheng Chubi eat the bullshit, Zhang Sunyan and Li Siwen were annoyed for a while.

Pushed down the mahjong in front of him, and started to compete again.

Let go of eight laps, and the winner in the end is that idiot Cheng Chubi.

"Don't play anymore, it's boring."

Changsun Yan was depressed, he really couldn't see how this mahjong was as fun as Li Yanran said.

It's just grinding your nails and killing time.

"Boring? Then how about we raise the bet? How about a consistent one?"

Li Yanran looked at the three people in front of her, my mother took away my money, so I must find a way to earn some pocket money.

A Niang said that I can't hold on to so much money, and now I'm giving you the words intact.

If you can't control it, leave it to me to control it.

"One consistent? Interesting."

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Cheng Chubi couldn't help but get more excited, it's fun to play like this.

"Come on, then play eight more rounds?"

"I can see it."

Li Siwen and Changsun Yan looked at each other and saw their excitement.

After all, no one will think that they have a lot of money.

Li Yanran took the bamboo sticks that the carpenter had carved long ago, including forty sticks for regular sticks, twenty sticks for five sticks, twenty sticks for ten sticks, and twenty sticks for fifty sticks. round of confrontation.

After one lap, Changsun Yan was lucky. With one against three, he became the winner and won more than 50 rounds.

"Fun, fun, is this interesting?"

Although Cheng Chubi lost the most, he clamored for fun.

Li Siwen frowned when he looked at the bamboo stick in his hand. He was always frugal, and he had already output [-] kung fu in a while, which really made his heart ache.


Li Yanran glanced at Li Siwen, and couldn't help showing a smile.

At the beginning of the second round, under Li Yanran's deliberate feeding of cards, Li Siwen pushed his cards again and again. Not only did he get back the twenty pips he lost just now, he also won more than a dozen pips.

"Keep going."

The winner of the third round became Cheng Chubi, and now each of the three of them has won more than 20 rounds, only Li Yanran has a lot fewer bamboo sticks in front of him.

"and many more."

(End of this chapter)

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