My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 126 Decisive Battle Until Dawn

Chapter 126 Decisive Battle Until Dawn

Just as Cheng Chubi was about to turn the cards, Li Yanran suddenly stopped.

"Brother Li? What's wrong?"

Cheng Chubi stared at the other party with big eyes, a little confused.

"I'm raising."

Li Yanran grabbed two bamboo sticks that symbolized the ten strings and placed them in front of her card.

Changsun Yan asked Li Yanran with a smile on his face. Although he didn't win much later, the foundation he laid in the first round now has more than ten bamboo sticks.

"I raise [-] kangaroos. If I win, you will pay me [-] kangaroos more. Similarly, if I lose, you will win me [-] kangaroos more."

Li Yanran smiled and explained the meaning of the raise.

"Brother Li, are you afraid that you are red-eyed?"

Changsun Yan took a sip of the milk tea, eyes full of contempt.

Don't think you invented mahjong, but when it comes to playing, you are still far behind.

If you raise your bet now, wouldn't it be moths jumping into the flame and looking for a dead end?
"That's right, Brother Li, think twice."

Li Siwen frowned again.

If you raise [-] times, it's fine if you win, but if you lose, you will lose [-] times more.

"Aren't you afraid?"

With disdain on her face, Li Yanran mocked the three of them.

"Since Brother Li wants to lose, don't blame me. I'll also raise [-] times."

Cheng Chubi was feeling very lucky now, so he directly threw twenty bamboo sticks into it.

"I'll raise the bet too, Brother Li, you'd better let Li Feng prepare the money."

Changsun Yan also spoke disdainfully, and threw twenty sticks of bamboo sticks in.

Li Yanran glanced at Li Siwen who was on the side, and couldn't help being taken aback.

I saw the other party's eyes were red, and his hands were trembling slightly. I don't know if he was frightened or excited.

"I'm going to make a raise too, [-] times."

Li Yanran knew that Li Siwen was stingy, and just wanted to say that it's okay if you don't accept the raise, but the other party stood up directly, grabbed the [-]-pin bamboo stick and threw it in.

Wealth and wealth are sought in insurance, if you touch this one yourself, wouldn't it be hard 150 guan.

This one is more than the private money he has saved in the past few years, why not do it.

"Then let's play the cards."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Siwen, is this guy crazy?

"Open the cards, open the cards."

Li Siwen bared his white teeth, and urged Cheng Chubi to leave the ink marks and quickly open the cards.

As soon as the dice were thrown, the four of them started to draw cards. Looking at the cards in front of them, Li Yanran couldn't help but smile slightly.

Let's see if you're not dead this time.




Hearing this voice, all three of them were stunned, especially Cheng Chubi.

What the hell?

I just played a card, and you screwed up?
Li Siwen pushed away the mahjong in front of him, and the three couldn't help but looked at each other.

This is too fast, it's over before I even started.


Cheng Chubi was even more depressed, he had to go out 51 times every time he went in and out, he was really beeping the dog.

"Give money."

Li Siwen spread his hands to Cheng Chubi, and Cheng Chubi threw the bamboo stick at him with a displeased face.

"Again, I'll raise [-] consecutive times."

"Open the cards, open the cards."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Siwen, and also dropped the thirty bamboo sticks.

This guy is really lucky, Tianhu, but she believes that luck is temporary, and with her many years of mahjong skills, she can still lose to you.

After another round of discussions, Li Siwen started off with a foolish attitude and ate everything.

"Li Siwen, you are cheating."

Seeing this situation, Cheng Chubi jumped up and shouted angrily.

"Cheng Chubi, with which eye do you see Lao Tzu's tricks?"

Li Siwen also took the case, you can doubt that I'm not tall enough, but you can't doubt my character.

"That's enough, sit down for me, willing to admit defeat, Cheng Chubi, can you afford to lose?"

Li Yanran frowned and looked at the two of them. Although she didn't want to believe it was true, Li Siwen was indeed a lucky type.

As for cheating out of thousands?He believed that the other party would not bother to do so.

After all, he is also the noble son of the British Duke.

"Hmph, I still want to raise the bet, I don't believe you can beat the sky."

Cheng Chubi also quit, and this time he grabbed a fifty-gun bamboo stick and put it on the card.

"Afraid of you?"

Li Siwen also threw a fifty-string bamboo stick into it.

Seeing this, Changsun Yan and Li Yanran raised their bets one after another and placed them on the board.

Opening the cards again, this time I struggled for a long time, but in the end Li Yanran had the last laugh with her superb card skills, and she collected [-] guan with a self-defeating maniac.

At the bottom of the game, the three of them were all red-eyed. They were still at the bottom of [-], and they continued to draw.

Poor Li Yanran is no longer ready to release the water, and the three of them who have been fighting for themselves are retreating steadily.

Looking at the few bamboo sticks left in front of them, the three of them regrouped and started fighting again after paying the IOU.

The fight continued until sunset, Li Yanran was already grinning from ear to ear, while Changsun Yan and the other three were downcast.

Together, the three of them have already lost six or seven thousand guan. If they hadn't gained a lot in the past few days, they would have sold themselves to pay off their debts.

"It's getting dark, let's do it today."

Taking a look at the sky, Li Yanran blinked her eyes. The dozen would last two hours, which was too much of a burden for her.

Besides, she was already very satisfied after winning so much, and if she continued to win, the three of them might even have the desire to die.

"Brother Li, you don't want to run away, do you?"

Li Siwen's eyes were bloodshot, and he looked at Li Yanran with a cruel expression.

He has already lost the red eye, if he doesn't win back the money, = he may not be able to sleep tonight.

"That is, wanting to run away after winning money is not what a gentleman does."

Changsun Yan also punched the table with a threatening look in his eyes.

There is only one thought in his eyes now, and that is to win the money back.

He has worked so hard for such a long time to earn so much, if he loses all, he will go crazy.

Cheng Chubi didn't speak, but bared his teeth at the side, obviously he also agreed with the two of them.

Li Yanran was a little hesitant, after all, it's not good to walk away after winning, but she really couldn't bear it anymore.

Sitting on this damned chair was about to break my waist.

"You guys are too bad, Brother Li is still a child after all, how about letting me accompany you?"

When Li Yanran was depressed, Yu Chihuan, who squatted beside him and watched for a long time, also opened his mouth excitedly, wanting to take Li Yanran's place.

"You come? All right."

Changsun Yan showed a hint of sternness on his face, if he couldn't catch Brother Li, it would be fine if you, Yuchi Sanfool, came over to give the money.

"Hand the lamp, I will fight with you until dawn."

Yu Chihuan sat in Li Yanran's position and asked someone to hold the lamp.

"Fight until dawn."

"Come on, whoever leaves before dawn is a coward."

"That's right, hold the lamp, quickly hold the lamp."

The servants of the farm also took up a few oil lamps and started fighting again.

"My son, what shall we do?"

Li Feng also had a headache when he looked at the red-eyed people.

A bunch of lunatics.

"What should we do? Tell the kitchen to prepare meals for them, and then we'll go back to sleep."

Li Yanran glanced at the four people behind her, they were in high spirits, even if they were on fire, they might not be able to interrupt them, if she couldn't stand it anymore, let them go crazy.


After arranging the logistics work, Li Feng and Li Yanran drove the little donkey back to Chang'an City while the sun was setting.

At dawn the next day, Li Yanran went back and forth, and returned to the farm again.

Looking at the scene in front of them, Li Yanran and Li Feng were dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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