Chapter 127

The four people around the mahjong table were all pale, their eyes were blood red, and their well-manicured hair was haggard. They didn't even look like the sons of noble families. They were even worse than beggars on the street.

After ordering someone to remove the oil lamp that had already been extinguished, Li Yanran couldn't help shaking her head as she took a look at the untouched cold rice.

These four guys really have perseverance, they didn't eat or drink all night, she couldn't help but admire them.

"I touched myself, I finally touched myself."

Yuchihuan smashed the mahjong on the table, a dazzling red light radiated from his eyes.

Ever since he came to replace Li Yanran, he realized that watching and playing hand-to-hand are two different concepts. After he figured out how to play, he had already lost almost [-] guan. This night, he had already given away [-] Passed.

It's so easy to win this one now, how can I not be excited.

"Come again."

Numbly, Cheng Chubi handed over the bamboo sticks, and then mechanically started counting the cards.

"Still playing? Look at your appearance, if you play again, you will be useless."

Li Yanran walked up to the four of them and threw the table away.

Still playing, people are not like people and ghosts are not like ghosts, what a fart.

I came out to make mahjong to find fun for you, and I will get some money from you by the way, not to let you lose your mind.

One by one, they don't even have any human appearance.

"Brother Li, how about playing again?"

"Play again, I'll leave right away, and you don't want to look for me in the future."

Li Yanran stared at Changsun Yan with staring eyes.

Xiao Mian, I gave you a face, right?

Do you really think you are a gambler?

"Hehe, what did Brother Li say, stop playing, stop playing."

Seeing that Li Yanran's face turned black with anger, Li Siwen hurried over to apologize.

Playing mahjong is just a pastime, and making money with Li Yanran is the main business.

He can still figure out which is more important.

Changsun Yan and the other three also lowered their heads and stopped talking.

"If you know you're wrong, hurry up and go back to sleep."

Li Yanran pointed with her hand, directly signaling the four of them to rest quickly.



"I just happened to be sleepy too."

The four of them didn't dare to speak, they just got on their donkeys and headed towards Chang'an City.

Seeing the backs of several people leaving, Li Yanran also shook her head.

She thought that mahjong would be very popular, but she didn't expect it to be so fascinating. She was really depressed.

Looking back at the stool next to the table, Li Yanran kicked it flying.

"Where is the carpenter, call him over."

Li Feng was taken aback, why call him a carpenter now?

After a while, the carpenter trotted over again.

"I'll draw a sketch for you, and you can type a few for me."

Li Yanran ordered someone to bring a blank piece of paper, and with a flick of a brush, drew the chair of the future generations.

Looking at the object in front of him, the carpenter was also taken aback. He has worked with wood for half his life, and he has never seen such a weird thing.

Li Feng glanced at the dazed carpenter, and motioned him to hurry up and follow Li Yanran's drawings.

The carpenter was very efficient, and it didn't take long for a grand master's chair made of willow to appear in front of Li Yanran.

In order to make the chair a little more luxurious, the carpenter also carved some patterns of flowers, birds, fish and insects on the chair.

Li Yanran sat down on the chair, but the chair was a bit high, so her feet could only hang in the air.

Anyway, with the backrest and armrests, it is much more comfortable than sitting dryly on the stool.

"Young master, that cool."

Li Feng took a blanket and handed it over.


Li Yanran jumped off the chair, and Li Feng spread the blanket on it.

After everything was done, he also made a gesture of invitation, so that Li Yanran could feel it.

"You sit."

Li Yanran shook her head, another thought came to her mind, Tang Chao's stools were too uncomfortable, if she made some chairs and sold them, wouldn't she be able to make a fortune.

Although the chair has no technical content, any carpenter can imitate it after getting it, but it can make a fortune. No matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat. Anyway, these people just leave them.

"Li Feng can't sit, he can only stand."

Li Feng shook his head, his mission is to protect Li Yanran, there is no reason for him to be greedy.

"Maul, hurry up."

Li Yanran pushed Li Feng's waist, motioning him not to grind.


Li Feng sat down on the chair, leaning against the back of the chair, leaning on the armrests, feeling a sense of relaxation.

Li Yanran asked expectantly, "How is it?"

"The lumbar spine can be leaned back, and the hands can be supported. Compared with the Hu stool, it is much more comfortable."

Although Li Feng didn't talk much, he said the key points in every sentence, and he said all the advantages of the chair in one go.

"Then you said that if I sell this chair, will I have a chance to make money?" Hearing Li Feng's evaluation, Li Yanran asked again.

"This chair. The chair is just a trick, it may not last long."

Li Feng shook his head, this thing is not difficult to make, but it is not qualified to be a cash cow.

"It's okay, just make some money, carpenter."

Li Yanran nodded, and looked at the carpenter in front of her.


The carpenter hurriedly saluted.

"How many of these chairs can be built in a day if the carpenters of the farm are called together?"

Hearing Li Yanran's question, the carpenter pondered in his mind for a while and then replied, "Up to a hundred."

This number is due to the fact that there are many carpenters in the farm, otherwise, it would be considered good to build dozens of them a day.
"Okay, first you can bring the carpenters on the farm to make the chairs with all your strength, and you can also send people out to recruit new carpenters, and the wages will be higher. In short, I want a thousand within five days, and you will be rewarded after you finish it."

One hundred is still a bit small, and at least one thousand is enough. It is better to have more than less.

If you can't sell it all, you can sell it elsewhere. If you don't sell enough, you will miss the first wave of bonuses, and there will be no more after that.


Hearing that there was a reward, the carpenter accepted the job without hesitation.

When Changsun Yan and the others returned to the Chang'an mansion, the first thing they did was not to sleep, but to find the carpenters in the mansion and ask them to make mahjong.

Touching the mahjong in his hand, Changsun Yan's mind has already started to fly.


Changsun Wuji Xiumu was reading at home today, and Changsun Yan went straight to the father's main hall after washing up.

"Yan'er, you are strange today. Instead of fixing your property, you are resting at home?"

Seeing Changsun Yan, Changsun Wuji also put down the ancient book in his hand, picked up the teacup and took a sip of the fragrant tea.

"Father, my son found something interesting recently, would you like to take a look?" Changsun Yan approached Changsun Wuji and said with a smile.

"Fun things? Father always taught you not to play with things and lose your mind. Where do you remember?"

Changsun Wuji stared, raised the book in his hand and knocked it directly on Changsun Yan's head.

something fun?
What fun things can you have, I'm afraid they are still those things that are not elegant.

You follow Li Yanran to make money, I won't say you, but if you want to have fun, it's inevitable that the old man will let you taste the taste of seven wolves.

"Father, is your son so unbearable in your heart? I know I'm no better than your elder brother, but it shouldn't be that way."

Changsun Yan was aggrieved for a while, what the hell, I just want to win you some money, as for saying that I am playing with things and losing my mind?

After all, it was his own son, looking at Changsun Yan's aggrieved appearance, Changsun Wuji's heart softened for a while.

Touched the other person's head and asked him to take out the fun things.

"It's called mahjong, it was invented by Brother Li, it's really fun."

Changsun Yan quickly taught Changsun Wuji all the playing methods of mahjong, and after listening clearly, Changsun Wuji felt very fresh.

He also has a lot of knowledge, go, chess can be said to be omniscient, but this is the first time he has heard of mahjong.

"Then let's play around?"

Now that he is interested, Changsun Wuji is also a little itchy, wanting to learn from Changsun Yan.

"It takes four people to play together."

Changsun Yan was depressed for a while, how could he forget this, the most people in his house who can play cards with them plus a mother, after all, there is only one more.

"It's okay, it just so happens that your elder brother came to visit your mother, let's go to the back hall to play."

Changsun Wuji closed the mahjong as soon as he grabbed it and went to the back hall.

Changsun Yan couldn't help being overjoyed when he looked at his father who was walking like flying.

Father, father, don't blame your son, I teach you how to play mahjong, you always have to pay me some tuition, don't you?

I don't want too much, if I win [-] guan, I will stop.

(End of this chapter)

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