Chapter 128

When they came to the back hall, Changsun Shi and Changsun Chong were all taken aback when they heard that they were going to play mahjong, but they also became interested after hearing how to play mahjong.

Always have the courage to try new things.

He ordered people to bring the table, and the four of them sat down in the southeast, northwest, and began to build the city wall.

At the beginning, the three of them were not proficient, but Changsun Yan could be said to have killed all directions. After playing for a while, the three of them were all good at it, and they began to lose and win.

"Father, just playing like this is always a bit boring, why don't we bring some bets?"

After eight laps, Changsun Yan also felt itchy, and said to Changsun Wuji.

"Bet? That's fine. A small gamble is fun and a big gamble hurts the body. How about a big one? What do you think?"

Changsun Wuji glanced at Changsun Yan, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

I have known for a long time that you must be so attentive, and now the fox's tail has finally leaked.

See how Dad taught you how to be a man today.

Dare to bet money, it really should be played.

Both Changsun Chong and Changsun's family are smart people. When they heard Changsun Wuji's words, they knew that he must have other meanings.

The two also nodded.

The three of them agreed, and Changsun Yan was taken aback, what the hell is this?

"Why, Yan'er, don't you want to play?"

Changsun Wuji glanced at Changsun Yan, boy, are you confused now?
There are more ignorant things waiting for you later.

"Open the cards."

Since you want to lose, father, then the son will grant your wish.

After re-opening the cards, the three of them looked at each other, and their playing was not as aggressive as before, and they became much more cautious.

After playing for a while, Changsun Yan played the card, and the old lady Changsun directly pushed the card.

"Nonsense, give me money."

"Nonsense, second brother, give me the money."

"Touch yourself, give me money."

After a few laps, Changsun Yan didn't bother, but lost more than 300 rounds.

"No, I want to raise."

Changsun Yan took a bamboo stick symbolizing fifty strings and threw it into the card table.


Changsun Wuji stared at him, boy, you haven't seen the situation clearly yet.

None of the players who play cards with you are more knowledgeable than you. Although luck is very important in mahjong, sometimes it pays more attention to methods.

And these are what they are good at and what you lack the most.

Raising will only make you lose more.

"Yes, raise."

Changsun Yan's eyes were bloodshot, and he did not allow himself to fail.

A true brave man should face difficulties head on, and the more the current situation, the more he has to fight hard.

"Okay, then I'll raise too."

Changsun Wuji casually threw a fifty-gun bamboo stick into it.

"I raise too."


The Changsun family and Changsun Chong also made the same choice, and put fifty bamboo sticks in it.

"Open the cards."

The four of them drew their cards, this time everyone played very cautiously, but after playing for a while, Changsun Wuji showed a sneer.

Started to frequently feed cards to Changsun Chong and Changsun Shi, the two got the support of Changsun Wuji and looked at Changsun Yan with understanding.

"Thirty thousand."


"I'm crazy too."

The Changsun family and Changsun Chong pushed the cards at the same time, and Changsun Yan fired a double shot.

"It's impossible, come again."

Changsun Yan violently pushed down the cards, and played the cards again in disbelief.

As a result, it was the Changsun family who played the assist this time, and Changsun Wuji finished it on his own.

After a few laps, Changsun Yan already had some doubts about life, and he lost a full [-] guan in this session.

With red eyes, Changsun Yan was a little dazed.

He didn't understand why this was the case.

"Yan'er, the word "gambling" is harmful to people. According to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, those who gamble on property in games should be given a staff of one hundred, and their family status and floating wealth will be confiscated."

"My eldest grandson's family also has a strict order, prohibiting all family members from gambling. If you really get addicted to gambling, you will lose your family and property, and you will lose your family if it is serious."

"Now I know why my father is like this."

Changsun Wuji came to Changsun Yan and looked at his son with dull eyes, his eyes were full of sternness.

"Father, the child is wrong."

Changsun Yan looked at Changsun Wuji, he knew that his father was doing it for his own good.

He also saw that his brain is not suitable for gambling, he can't even beat his own father, if he really meets a gambler, he will only lose and lose his fortune.

"It's good to know that you're wrong, it's good to know that you're wrong."

Changsun Wuji nodded, as long as his son could wake up, he would be satisfied.

"Father, don't those who lost this time count?"

Changsun Yan raised his head and looked at Changsun Wuji, his eyes full of expectation.

"You are also a man of seven feet. If you lose, you have to admit it, and you still have to give the money."

Changsun Wuji shook his head, I will teach you to reform yourself and you will have to charge some tuition fees, right?

Besides, you can make money now, and these thousands of pens will be treated as your tribute to us.

"Okay, I get it now."

Changsun Yan's eyes were gloomy.

He lost a sum at Brother Li, and lost another sum when he returned home. He lost more than 7000 pens inside and out, and he really wanted to cry without tears.

The next day, Changsun Yan left the Changsun Mansion dejectedly, and rode a donkey towards the farm.

Entering the farm, Changsun Yan was completely dumbfounded.

What I saw was a bunch of chairs that had been made, and some servants were carefully painting the chairs.

Just when Changsun Yan was puzzled, Li Yanran's voice came from behind: "How is it?"

Li Yanran walked up to Changsun Yan, looked at the busy scene in front of her, and nodded involuntarily.

Money can make ghosts turn millstones. It seems that this carpenter has also worked hard.

"Brother Li, what is this object?"

Changsun Yan foolishly touched the painted chair, not knowing what it was?

"This is called a chair. The current stool is not suitable for sitting for a long time, so I improved it."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and explained the function of the chair.

Changsun Yan sat directly on the chair, leaned against the back of the chair, and rested his hands on the armrests.

"Yes, this chair is indeed much more comfortable than the Hu stool."

Feeling the relaxation of the body, Changsun Yan nodded involuntarily.

"Brother Li, what price do you plan to sell this chair for?"

Since the chairs were much more comfortable than the bearded stools, Changsun Yan also thought of his old mother and decided to buy some chairs and send them to the house.

"The cost of this chair is only a few tens of dollars. How much do you think it can be sold for? Yiguan?"

Li Yanran did not understand the market of chairs, and did not know whether the price could always be sold.

"It's too cheap. This chair is so comfortable. It only sells for a regular price, which is against Brother Li's original intention. Didn't you say that you only make money from the rich?"

Looking at the chair in front of him, Changsun Yan was also taken aback.

You must know that Haagen-Dazs sells an ice cream for [-] renminbi, and your chair only sells consistently, isn't it a bit silly.

"As long as you feel cheap, that's fine, don't worry about the rest."

Li Yanran was depressed, do you think this chair is the same as perfume and dessert?

This chair does not have any high-tech technology, just find a carpenter to make it out of gourds and ladles.

Do you think everyone in the world is as stupid as you?How can there be so many fools.

"Brother Li."

The two were talking, but the three of Cheng Chubi rushed over dejectedly.

"what happened?"

Seeing the appearance of the three of them, Li Yanran was also taken aback.

what happened?
When I went back, I was still full of energy, but when I came back, I became an eggplant beaten by Shuang.

"It's nothing, it's just that I lost two thousand coins to my father, and I feel a little frustrated."

"You lost too?"

"I lost three thousand guan."

The three of them looked at each other, each expressing the distress in their hearts.

"You guys, are you going to ignore Brother Li's teachings and continue playing mahjong when you go back?"

Changsun Yan stood up abruptly from the chair, glaring at the three of them with wide eyes.

"You know that the laws of the Tang Dynasty prohibit participation in gambling. Those who are found will have a hundred sticks and their family fortune will be confiscated. The word gambling will cause a lot of harm to people, ranging from ruining the family to ruining the family. If it is serious, people will lose their lives. You really let me down. .”


(End of this chapter)

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