Chapter 129
Hearing Changsun Yan's words, all three of them lowered their heads, not daring to speak.

Li Yanran was a little surprised, Changsun Yan had a sex change?

Playing mahjong yesterday seemed to be the most blatant of yours, why did you suddenly stop talking.

There's definitely something tricky in here.

"Changsun Yan, how much did you lose yesterday, you must have [-] guan."

"No way, I only lost five thousand guan."

As soon as Changsun Yan spoke, he immediately felt something was wrong.

"Hehe, Brother Li, I'm just expressing my feelings. Gambling is harmful."

He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Actually, that's what I mean by teaching you how to play mahjong. You are all wealthy sons of the Tang Dynasty, and you may experience more temptations in one day than ordinary people in a lifetime."

"Only if you can control your own desires, can you keep your heart."

"If you want to make money, you have to be a person. I don't want you to become people who are scolded by thousands of people, understand?"

Li Yanran looked at the four of them, and said a lot of truth.

Hearing what Li Yanran said, several people nodded together.

"Brother Li, we have learned our lesson, so can you return the money you won from us?"

"That's right, I'm at a huge deficit right now. If I don't have the money to pay it back, my father might not break my leg."

"Me too, poor."

Several people looked at Li Yanran expectantly, losing two games in a row really made them unbearable.

"A manly man, if you do what you do, sit upright. If you lose, you have to admit it. Do you understand?"

Li Yanran glanced at the four of them.

You are really the sixth, do you want to admit it if you lose?

The IOU is written with your name in black and white.

Besides, you are poor?This girl is also cash-strapped, but you don't know it.

"Don't say I won't give you a chance. There will be a thousand of these chairs at that time, and the cost will only be a few tens of dollars. Let each of you share two hundred and five chairs, and all the profits will be given to you, how about it?"

Li Yanran glanced at the decadent four people, and decided to hand over the sale of the chairs to them.

As for how much you can sell, it depends on your own.

"Okay, Brother Li is the best for us."

"That's right, give me this chair."


Several people glanced at the well-carved grand master's chair, and couldn't help being surprised.

According to them, the cost of this chair is at least a few hundred dollars, and they didn't expect it to be so cheap.

"Pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand. If you take the money, I will give you the chair. That's reasonable."

"Brother Li, can this be credited first, or can I advance the income of Haagen-Dazs in advance?"

Chang Sun Yan's face collapsed instantly when he heard that he had to pay the money first.

How can he still have any money now? He made a lot of money before but also spent a lot of money. There is not much left at all. In addition, he lost almost [-] yuan playing mahjong. He will be clean and penniless. arts.

"I have no money anymore. I even took out my own money and paid off a lot of foreign debts."

"Yes, I have no money."

"Me too."

The same goes for the other three, saying that they are playboys, and they don't even have a hundred coins in total.

If Li Yanran didn't allow credit, they wouldn't be able to get the chair.

"Don't even think about the income from Haagen-Dazs. We agreed on a yearly dividend. It's not yet time. As for credit, it's not impossible."

Li Yanran shook her head, the six losers were left with this attire, and she felt somewhat sorry for embarrassing them.

"I didn't put the price at [-] yuan, which is very reasonable."

Li Yanran stretched out two fingers and directly gave the price of two hundred Wen.

"Brother Li? You even earn our money?"

Hearing that the chair cost dozens of dollars, Li Yanran asked for two hundred dollars to give it to herself, and Zhang Sunyan immediately quit.

"You are for yourselves, and I am for our group. If you want to have a long-term business, your brothers must also settle accounts clearly."

In fact, Li Yanran can give chairs to a few people, but they will definitely not take it seriously, and they have to make them feel a little bit of crisis.

These people are her team, and she doesn't want her subordinates to be full of riches and riches.

"I sign."

"I'll sign too."

"Isn't it just two hundred dollars? It doesn't matter."

The four of them looked at each other, knowing that Li Yanran was right.

There must always be a charter for several people to do business in partnership. If everyone can get what they want and there is no limit, it really won't last long.

They are not fools, and it is still clear what is right and what is wrong.

"Okay, just to remind you, the best time to sell these chairs is five days.

Five days from now there will be knockoffs and I want you to sell out the chairs, I don't want to drop them. "

It seems that the four of them still have brains, and if they were naive, they would have broken up with themselves earlier.


The four nodded together.

"In a few days, all the chairs will be finished, and then it will depend on your own creation."

Li Yanran sat down on the chair, a pair of calves kicked lightly in the air: "Do you want to do eight laps?"


A few people were engrossed in listening, when they suddenly heard that Li Yanran was going to play eight rounds, and the show started instantly.

Brother Li, we just said we were going to quit gambling, and you let us play eight laps again?

"Don't be afraid, let's gamble for daily entertainment, and our brains will collapse."

Seeing the four people dumbfounded, Li Yanran smiled slightly.

I am not short of money for the time being, so there is no need to get stuck with you, and now you have to be able to get the money for gambling, right?

"Brain collapse? Brother Li, are you sure you've suffered?"

Cheng Chubi glanced at the carrot-thick fingers, and his eyes were full of smiles.

If my brain is broken, you may be hospitalized.

"It's okay, let's bet on this."

Li Yanran is not worried at all, what you should consider now is how to face your own thunderbolt after you lose.

I am from a later life, and even though I am small, it doesn't mean that you can bear the blows of my brain.

"Come on, who is afraid of whom?"

"That's right, come on."

Since Li Yanran is uncomfortable on her own, and they have nothing to say, let's play.

"it is good."

Li Yanran called Li Feng over, drew a blueprint and handed it to him.

Li Feng was taken aback, and immediately left with the blueprint.

The mahjong table was moved, and the four chairs were arranged in east, west, north, south, and then the sound of playing cards was heard.

After eight rounds, Li Yanran dominated the world again, relying on her superb card skills to win three against one. During this period, Yu Chihuan also replaced Cheng Chubi, and lost a lot in two rounds.

"You lose."

Li Yanran looked at the bamboo stick in her hand, her eyes were full of smiles.

"If you want to bet and admit defeat, isn't it just a few dozen brains? I can bear it."

Li Siwen directly parted his hair and exposed his forehead, indicating that Li Yanran could come.

"Hold on."

Li Yanran glanced behind her and shook her head involuntarily.

The blueprint she gave to Li Feng just now is actually a later-generation device called the Brain Gua Collapsing Aid, which is a masterpiece of a hand-made Internet celebrity.

This masterpiece is hailed as a magic tool of friendship, and its only function is to maximize the power of brain collapse.

It is said that one finger is all friends, the second finger is cracked, and the third finger will report to the underworld.

"Hold on?"

Everyone was taken aback, especially Li Siwen.

I'm ready to move, you ask me to wait?
Don't just flick your brains, isn't that something you can do with your hands?

"Sir, I'm back."

Just when everyone was puzzled, Li Feng ran up to Li Yanran holding a small cloth in a wooden box.

"it is done?"

Li Yanran looked at the wooden box in Li Feng's hand, with excitement in her eyes.

"All right."

Li Feng slowly opened the wooden box, and the items inside were exactly made according to Li Yanran's drawings.


Smiling slightly, Li Yanran immediately started to assemble.

"Brother Li, what is this?"

Looking at the objects assembled by Li Yanran, Zhang Sunyan was full of doubts.

"It's called the Brain-Bouncing Artifact."

(End of this chapter)

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