Chapter 131
Changsun Wuji stared at Changsun Yan with staring eyes.

750 guan for these broken pieces of wood?
And you shipped 250?

The entire Changsun Mansion wouldn't need that much.

He finally understands now that his son is not buying furniture for himself, but is here to blackmail him.

Which normal person buys 250 chairs at a time.

Are you really taking your father for a fool?
Changsun Yan also smiled embarrassingly. After all, buying a chair for 750 yuan sounds a little scary.

"How about wiping out a small change, seven hundred guan?"

"It turns out that it can be erased."

Changsun Wuji smiled brightly, but Changsun Yan felt a chill hit him.

He yelled inwardly that it was not good, and was about to run away, but was grabbed by Changsun Wuji.

"My dear son, where are you going?"

Changsun Wuji still smiled, but Changsun Yan was so frightened that he was about to cry: "Father, there is no righteousness in business, you just don't want me to pull it away, there is no need to hurt our father-son relationship, right?"

"Buying and selling is not a matter of benevolence and righteousness. You are right. After all, my son has grown up. I bought these seven hundred chairs."

When Changsun Wuji said a word, Changsun Yan was stunned.

All 250 chairs are collected, and the price of [-] guan is not high.

Is my father stupid?

"Father, are you alright?"

Changsun Yan reached out and wiped Changsun Wuji's forehead.

It doesn't burn, does it?
Changsun Wuji knocked off Changsun Yan's claw, but showed a sinister smile.

"Father, don't laugh like that. I'm timid and can't stand being scared."

It's still that familiar feeling, it's still that familiar taste.

Fortunately, my father is not sick.

"The sale of the chairs is over. Now it's time to talk about family affairs. As a son, you have made your decision on your father. How do you say your father should educate you?"

After finishing speaking, he stood up, grabbed Changsun Yan with one hand and walked towards the main hall.

In Changsun Wuji's hands, Changsun Yan is like a little chicken, with no room for resistance.

"Father, I was wrong."

"Clap clap clap."

"My son never dares again."

"Clap clap clap."


In the main hall, the wailing and beating of Sun Yan, the eldest son, came one after another. It can be said that those who heard it wept, and those who saw it were shocked.

Suddenly the door opened, Changsun Yan had tears in the corners of his eyes, and his expression was miserable. Behind him was Changsun Wuji with a flushed face.

"Father, the beating has been done, and the chair has been confiscated. What about my seven hundred coins?"

Glancing at his father beside him, Changsun Yan timidly asked for money.

"It's easy to talk about money."

Changsun Wuji smiled slightly, and called the butler to whisper, and after a while, the butler sent a piece of letter paper.

"Give you."

Changsun Wuji grabbed the letterhead and handed it to Changsun Yan.

Looking at the letter in his hand, Changsun Yan was also taken aback for a moment, and his blood pressure soared to the highest level immediately after opening it.

What was contained in the letterhead was the IOU he gave to Zhangsun Wuji last time he played mahjong.

At this moment, he only felt that he already had the urge to kill.

I was also beaten, the chair was gone, and I got an IOU before I got the last penny.

No one can accept this matter on anyone.

Just as Changsun Yan was about to speak, Changsun Wuji's words broke his defense again.

"This is a thousand IOUs. If you bring me another hundred chairs, it will be settled."

Even if he was facing the powerful prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, his father, Changsun Yan, couldn't restrain his prehistoric power.

"Father, the rabbit bites even when it's in a hurry. Are you really going to force your son to death?"

Looking at the grinning Changsun Yan, Changsun Wuji slapped him directly.

"Little brat, who did you mess with?"

Looking at the cane on Changsun Wuji's left hand, the anger just now flew directly to the sky.

He is a hero, a hardcore hero, and the principle he pursues is not to suffer immediate losses.

Now the advantage lies with the old man, and he can't fight hard.

I can't fight hard, my lord, can't I be soft?

As soon as he said what to do, Changsun Yan hugged Changsun Wuji's thigh, and cried to Changsun Yan with tears in his nose.

"Father, you should take pity on your son."

"The sons of these chairs borrowed usurious loans."

"If there is no money to take back, my son will be finished."

In an instant, Changsun Wuji was in a bad mood.

You are the noble son of the eldest grandson's family, and you actually played the trick of a shrew, which really made him feel so embarrassed.

It's not embarrassing Changsun Yan, but embarrassing his Changsun Wuji.

Changsun Wuji grimaced and growled, "Get up quickly."

"Father, if you don't give me money, I won't be able to kneel."

While talking, Changsun Yan wiped his nose, and wiped it on Changsun Wuji's pants in disgust.

"I'll give it, I'll give it, get up quickly."

Seeing this scene, Changsun Wuji was really caught by Changsun Yan, you feel disgusted by this snot, how dare you rub it on my pants.

It's really going to kill people.

Having such a son is really a disgrace to the eldest grandson's family.

"Father, you are the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty. Once you say something, it is hard to follow. Don't lie to your son again."

Changsun Yan looked up at Changsun Wuji, with tears in his eyes.

"Housekeeper, prepare seven hundred guan immediately."


Seeing this scene, the butler was also dizzy. It is hard to describe how the eldest grandson's family has such a noble son.

Soon the housekeeper went back and forth, seven hundred pennies was too much money, so all of them were exchanged for gold cakes of the same value.

Looking at the golden pancakes, Changsun Yan immediately gave up Changsun Wuji, there were no tears in his eyes.

"Father, if you want a chair again, you can still find me, and my son will give you a discount."

He gave Changsun Wuji a smile, and directly greeted Zhang Si to carry the box, step on his donkey, and leave.

"It's really unfortunate for the family."

Looking at Changsun Yan's back, Changsun Wuji felt his blood pressure rise again.

Kicking away the chair beside him, he turned around and walked towards the backyard.

"Immediately place these chairs in various halls of the mansion."

The housekeeper saluted the eldest grandson Wuji's back, and then ordered the servants to start working.

"Young master, is your butt okay?"

Looking at the grandson Yan who was tumbling on the donkey, Zhang Si couldn't help being puzzled.

Could it be that the son's ass has been beaten out of the cocoon?Otherwise, there would be nothing wrong with this fight.

"Stupid, how can I not take precautions after suffering so many beatings?"

Changsun Yan finished speaking and took a cloth ball out of his clothes.


Zhang Si was completely dumbfounded.

The son is the son after all, when he came back, he guessed that he would be beaten up by the prime minister, and he was prepared in advance.

If only I was half as smart as my son.

"Hurry up, go to Brother Li, I want to buy."


Now Zhang Sizheng can't do it anymore. I don't understand why the other party wants to buy the chair.

Is it still going to be sold to Zhangsun Wuji?
"Fool, my father has already bought a chair, how can my elder brother and my cousin not follow, hurry up."

Changsun Yan's eyes were full of golden light, the chair is really a good thing.

This change of hands has earned hundreds of guan, so don't come in too fast.


Changsun Yan went all the way and rushed to the farm.

"Brother Li, Brother Li."

After getting off the donkey, Changsun Yan shouted directly at Li Yanran.


Li Yanran and Li Feng were dumbfounded when they saw Changsun Yan rushing towards him.

How long has it been since this product went out, and it's back?
Could it be that the chairs are all sold out?

"Brother Li, I want a chair, quick, give me a chair."

Changsun Yan looked at Li Yanran excitedly, his eyes were full of golden light.

"More? Are all your chairs sold?" Li Yanran asked in a daze.

"According to your suggestion, I sold all the chairs to the Changsun Mansion."

Changsun Yan held his head high, his eyes full of pride.

How about Brother Li, I didn’t embarrass you, the 250 chairs were sold out in no time.

Praise me quickly, praise me quickly.

"All sold to the Changsun Mansion?"

(End of this chapter)

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