My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 132 Crouching dragon and phoenix chicks get enlightened together?

Chapter 132 Crouching dragon and phoenix chick enlightened together?
Li Yanran was even more confused.

When did I give you such a point? I clearly want you to start with the Changsun family, make chairs a trend, and then distribute them to other dignitaries, so that you can make a fortune.

Who would have thought that you kid would grab Changsun Wuji, a sheep, and squeeze him to death.

Your eldest Sun Yan deserves the title of business genius.

"Brother Li, I have money, give me another chair."

Changsun Yan patted his purse, he wanted to seize the opportunity to become bigger and stronger, and create greater glories.


Li Yanran spread her hands, she doesn't even have a chair now, she has distributed all [-] chairs to you four idiots.

"No, how can this be."

Changsun Yan stared at Li Yanran, as a dealer, you can't sell out of stock for yourself.

How does this make him make a comeback with a chair?

"If you want a chair, you still have to wait a day. About [-] chairs can be made. If you can't wait, go to Cheng Chubi and the others. They probably won't be able to sell them that fast."

Looking at Changsun Yan, Li Yanran nodded, do you really think this girl is a fairy?
The ghost knows that you have a clear mind, where will I go to steal a chair for you now.

"Brother Li, I'm ordering [-] chairs, no, [-] chairs, I'm going to find Cheng Chubi and the others."

Changsun Yan was also a little panicked, after ordering another [-] chairs with Li Yanran, he turned around and went to find Cheng Chubi and the others to use the chairs to trick his elder brother.

"Brother Li, I'm back."


Looking at the strong Cheng Chubi, Li Yanran was dumbfounded again.

How come this thing came back.

"Cheng Chubi, you came just in time, your chair hasn't been sold yet."

Changsun Yan's eyes lit up, and he walked over directly.

"You open it for me, Brother Li, I want to buy."

Cheng Chubi pulled Changsun Yanpao away, and shouted at Li Yanran for the goods.

"You want to buy too?"

Did you hit a ghost today?
Changsun Yan sold 250 chairs to Changsun at one go, she can understand, after all, the other party's brain circuit is not ordinary, but who did you sell it to?

"Yes, all my chairs are sold out."

Cheng Chubi nodded in confirmation like a chicken pecking at rice.

"How did you sell it? Don't be like Changsun Yan, you sold everything to your father."

Li Yanran was in a hurry, could it be that all the crouching dragons and phoenix chicks that she despised had awakened?

Still like Changsun Yan, he played cheating to the extreme.

"Yes, my dad liked this chair very much when he saw it, and he also said that his old brothers must like it.

I wholesaled them to my father at the price of two guan, and asked my father to sell them to his old brothers at the price of three guan.

Now the 250 chairs are sold out and my dad is pushing me to ship them. "

After Cheng Chubi finished speaking, Li Yanran froze.

He really didn't expect Cheng Chubi to become a middleman.

From myself, at the price of one hundred yuan each, wholesale it to Cheng Yaojin at the price of two guan, and then Cheng Yaojin will use his contacts to retail it at the price of three guan.

Emotionally, I worked tirelessly to make chairs here, and Cheng Yaojin worked so hard to sell people there, all of which were earned by Cheng Chubi, an idiot.

But when did this idiot become enlightened.

"Why don't you go find it."

"Brother Li."

While Li Yanran was speaking, Yu Chihuan and Li Siwen also rushed over.

Seeing the two, Changsun Yan and Cheng Chubi's eyes lit up, rushing towards them.

"Yuchihuan, get a chair quickly."


Before the two could finish speaking, Yu Chihuan pulled them aside with brute force.

"Brother Li, we need to buy."

Li Siwen spoke, while Yuchihuan nodded desperately beside him.

Li Yanran only felt that her three views were about to split.

What day is today?
It's fine to bump into ghosts once or twice by yourself, but can you bump into ghosts repeatedly?

"How did you sell it?" Li Yanran asked with staring eyes.

"Li Siwen is still smart. He directly pulled the chairs to the open space in Dongshi, set up a battle, and named them the British Duke and my father, and then found some servants in the mansion to take the lead in buying them. The [-] chairs have been sold out. .”

Yu Chihuan glanced at Li Siwen, and directly stated their sales strategy.

Li Yanran felt that she was going to be depressed.

What kind of routine are these four.

There are cheaters, there are middlemen who earn the difference, and there are those who engage in false marketing.

What kind of smart people are under his hands.

Secretly reciting the Three Character Classic in her heart, Li Yanran also regained her composure.

Whatever their ruse, the chairs sold more than she had imagined.

It seems that I still underestimated Datang's purchasing power at the beginning, so if I can develop some other furniture, it may be a good way to make money.

"Brother Li, what are you thinking? Hurry up and greet people. Didn't you say that in five days, there will be imitations on the market after five days. We still have four days to make a lot of money."

Seeing Li Yanran in a daze, Li Siwen also urged her.

Time is money, and they can still make a fortune by seizing this window, otherwise they won't even be able to drink soup when other chairs are put on the shelves.

"Well, hurry up, but there are not enough craftsmen here, I'm afraid."

Before Li Yanran finished speaking, Zhang Sunyan immediately waved her hand.

"Isn't it a craftsman? I'll go and send the craftsmen from the grandson's family to help."

"I also have a craftsman in my family, so I will send someone to call here."

"The British government also has a group of people who can be sent over."

"Me too."

Hearing that there were not enough craftsmen, the four of them also quit.

The world makes the most money, isn't it a craftsman?

I don't have a few princes in the mansion, so I just call them over and make chairs together.

"Okay, let's do it."

Li Yanran glanced at the four people who had been beaten bloody, and nodded.

With Li Yanran's permission, the four left without stopping.

For their own money-making plans, they don't want to stop for a moment.

Looking at the backs of the four, Li Yanran couldn't help shaking her head, and then signaled Li Feng to bring the craftsmen of the farm.


The carpenter was rewarded by Li Yanran, seeing him now is closer than seeing his own father.

"I'll give you another blueprint, and you make me a sample."

Li Yanran glanced at the carpenter, and immediately began to draw the blueprint in front of his face.

Looking at the drawings drawn by Li Yanran, the carpenter Old Liu couldn't help being stunned.

The thing drawn on the blueprint had a backrest and armrests, but it was very different from a chair. He also didn't understand what the other party wanted to build.

In fact, Li Yanran's idea is very simple. A chair is much more comfortable than a stool, but how can it compare to a sofa? If I make a sofa myself, wouldn't I be able to harvest another wave of leeks.

Carpenters need to solve the problem of fillers to make the frame of the sofa. Sponge is not available now, but it is not impossible.

The high-end sofas of later generations have long abandoned cheap sponges and replaced them with more high-end down fillings.

Duck down, goose down, bird down, these down are not only soft and comfortable, with high fluffiness, but also have a good thermal insulation effect.

The sofa filled with down is soft, comfortable to sit on, and has the function of constant temperature and ventilation. If it can be released, it will definitely attract those dignitaries of the Tang Dynasty.

This girl said that if she wants to make money from the rich, she must do it.


"Plucking hair and wool?"

(End of this chapter)

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