My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 136 Do You Believe When I Said I Played the Wrong Person?

Chapter 136 Do You Believe When I Said I Played the Wrong Person?

Changsun Yan and the others turned into crazy knights after their first time, and all the farms they targeted were brutally murdered without exception.

As they ransacked wildly, the velvet pickers also became famous. All farmers outside Chang'an City knew that there was such a group of perverts who only took down and did not harm the lives of ducks and geese.

All farmers with poultry were on guard, but they gave up after a few days.

After all, the velvet pickers had perverted interests, so there was no need for me to waste my mind on them.

With the rich achievements of the velvet pickers, the manufacturing of sofas has also been greatly improved, and sets of sofas have continuously appeared in the warehouse.

"Brother Li, the sofa is almost ready, we won't be able to carry it if we don't start."

Changsun Yan stared at the big panda and looked at Li Yanran. Beside him were three Cheng Chubi with sallow complexion and black eyes.

After all, I have been a nocturnal animal for several days, and even a normal person can't stand it.

The servants who acted with them have changed several times, and they can persist until now, all relying on the will to make money.

Even so, a few people couldn't bear it anymore. If they persisted, they would die before the sofa was sold.

"Not yet, we need a chance."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, now is not the time to sell sofas.

"Opportunity? Brother Li, aren't you going to release a new perfume?"

Changsun Yan glanced at Li Yanran, why does this routine sound familiar to him?

It seems that the same thing was said when desserts and new teas were first sold.

"That's right. I've just researched a new perfume. It's time to hold another press conference. At that time, put some sofas there. Let the ladies of Tang Dynasty experience the benefits of sofas first."

Li Yanran nodded, after all, Changsun Yan is the Wolong who has been with him the longest, and he is already very familiar with this routine.

"Okay, Brother Li, I know what to do, everything depends on me."


The sofa was transported to Lan Kwai Fong by a donkey cart. After the VIP area in Lan Kwai Fong was replaced with a sofa, the new perfume launch conference also started to build momentum.

The ladies received the invitations one by one, and then began to stamp the ripe ones.

The focus of the ladies in Chang'an was instantly attracted to Lan Kwai Fong's perfume. Everyone was waiting for Lan Kwai Fong to have something good for them this time.

Ryan slowly came to Li Zhi and told him the news that Lan Kwai Fong was going to hold a perfume conference.

"A new perfume launch is about to be held again? Does this guy have something new?"

Hearing this, Li Zhi was also taken aback.

Ryan shook his head. He only knew that Lan Kwai Fong had new moves. As for the new tricks, it was beyond his ability to know.

After all, His Majesty, you have issued a strict order to prohibit anyone from investigating the situation of Li Yanran and Lan Kwai Fong.

"I haven't been out of the palace for several days, it's time to see those little guys."

Li Zhi smiled slightly, second brother, big brother is looking forward to what surprises you can bring me.

Three days later, Li Zhi went straight out of the palace and arrived in Lan Kwai Fong ahead of schedule.

Zhang Si glanced at Li Zhi who appeared in front of him, and couldn't help being stunned.

What's the situation with this grandpa?
Why are you free to come to Lan Kwai Fong today?

"Mr. Li, Mr. Grandson and Mr. Li haven't arrived yet."

Li Zhi squinted at the other party, why?

Can't I come until they arrive?

I also have a part here.

Abandoning Zhang Si, Li Zhi thumped up to the second floor, and when he opened the door, he was stunned.

There are always five or six single sofas in the private room. Seeing this, Li Zhi is a little bit puzzled even though he is well-informed.

Don't know what these are.

Sitting gently on the sofa, surrounded by a mass of softness, Li Zhi only felt that his tired body was greatly relaxed.

After a while, he was already slumped on the sofa and snoring.

Instructing Li Feng to tie up the donkey, he himself stepped on the stairs to the second floor.

Hearing the snoring in the private room, he couldn't help but be taken aback.

I'm afraid it wasn't the idiot Changsun Yan who came here to catch up on sleep.

"Lao Li, go and get my brain collapse assist device."

Li Yanran showed a devilish smile, and asked Li Feng to get his friend's artifact.

"Young master, use that with caution."

Li Feng glanced at Li Yanran, he seemed to have understood what his lady was going to do.

While talking, he went to hand over the friend's magical weapon, and handed over the brain collapse aid.

"Don't worry, I promise to handle it with care."

Li Yanran put the Youjin Artifact on her hand, and gently pushed open the door of the private room.

Looking at the figure stuck in the sofa, Li Yanran couldn't help moving her fingers, and walked over slowly.


There was a crisp sound, as if his head had been hit by a hammer, and Li Zhi felt stunned.

"Oh oh oh."

The ass seems to have a spring attached to it, and it took off on the spot. Li Zhi rubbed his forehead and howled, while staring at his eyes looking for the murderer who attacked him.

"Old Li?"

Seeing that person's appearance clearly, Li Yanran's whole body is not well.

Shouldn't it be Changsun Yan's idiot?How could he be his good brother.

Looking at Li Zhi's angry eyes, Li Yanran felt that the sky was about to fall.

It's over, the wrong player is playing, and this is a big deal.

"Boy Li, are you trying to murder Big Brother?"

Seeing that the culprit turned out to be Li Yanran, Li Zhi gritted his teeth and growled at him.

"Brother, do you believe me when I say I played the wrong player?"

Li Yanran lowered her head, clutching her own hands a little awkwardly.

"It's the wrong player, hehe, come here."

Li Zhi rubbed his forehead while waving at Li Yanran.

"Brother, I really played the wrong player, I thought it was Changsun Yan."

Li Yanran is about to cry, I really mistook you for Sun Yan.

If you want to be angry, you should go to Changsun Yan, not me.

"come over."

Li Zhi's eyes were about to pop out, and he still dared to argue.

Can the wrong person make up for the damage I have suffered?
If you don't clean up today, you really don't know who is the big and small king.

Sensing the aura of Li Zhi, Li Yanran suddenly had a feeling.

The elder brother in front of him seemed to be his mother, yes, there was nothing wrong with that feeling.

36 It is the best policy to plan, and the angry elder brother is irrational.

Li Yanran was about to run away with oil on the soles of his feet, but Li Zhi quickly grabbed Li Yanran's clothes and grabbed her in front of him.

"Ah, Lao Li, I was wrong, Li Feng, help me."

Hearing Li Yanran's exclamation, Li Feng who was outside the door rushed in, looking at the two people inside, he was instantly dumbfounded.

Isn't it Changsun Yan?How did he become Li Zhi.

"Let go, son."

Although Li Zhi is the eldest brother of the lady, he is the guard of the lady and cannot watch Li Yanran being bullied.

"Stay there and don't move."

Li Zhi glanced at Li Feng, the imperial aura erupted, and in an instant Li Feng felt that what he was facing was not a human, but an ancient beast.

Standing there did not dare to move.

"Boy Li, if I don't educate you today, maybe something big will happen next time."

(End of this chapter)

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