My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 137 Going Around and Another Chapter Comes

Chapter 137
Shocking Li Feng, Li Zhi raised his hand to let Li Yanran taste what is evil in the world.

"Don't hit the head. My mother said that if the head is hit, the child will be stupid. If I am stupid, no one will help you make money."

Li Yanran yelled, covering her head and begging for mercy.

Hearing this, Li Zhi also hesitated for a while.

But feeling the pain coming from the scalp, he still couldn't bear it.

I'm the emperor, and I've been beaten to death. If I don't fight back, I won't have any face.

Besides, if you can't hit the head, can't you hit other places?

He did what he said, and directly slapped Li Yanran on the ass.

"Ah, brother, it hurts."

Li Yanran let out a miserable cry, then squeezed her eyes, and a few tears burst out in an instant.


Seeing Li Yanran's tearful face, Li Zhi couldn't help being dumbfounded.

I didn't seem to use much effort, so why did I cry.

"It hurts, big brother, I really know I was wrong, I really dare not next time."

Seeing Li Zhi's hesitation, Li Yanran's eyes flashed with complacency, and she immediately pleaded again.

Li Zhi is depressed, you will make me feel like a heinous villain.

"Brother, please."

Li Yanran squeezed out a few tears again, and she was about to cry again as soon as she turned her small mouth.

"That's it, that's it."

Li Zhi also accepted it, and lowered his arms hanging in the sky again.

It's strange to say that he has never been merciful to his own son. For some reason, seeing Li Yanran cry, he can't do anything.

Could it be that Li Yanran was born to be incompatible with him?

"Thank you, brother, for your mercy."

Li Yanran broke free from Li Zhi's grasp, big brother, forgive me for being so smart, you have to follow this girl's way.

Wipe away Li Feng who had gouged out his eyes with tears.

You are really my good guard.

When you are useful, you are really useless.

Make this girl's ass suffer.

wooden club.

Li Feng also smiled embarrassingly, and scratched his head with his hands.

"Tell me, what is this?"

Li Zhi rubbed the big bag on his head, and sat on the sofa again.

"This is called a sofa, is it comfortable?"

Li Yanran also sat opposite to Li Zhi, her eyes were full of complacency.

"It must be comfortable. It would be great if my brother had such a sofa."

Li Zhi nodded, and had to say, this sofa really makes people linger.

"Hehe, brother, just sit comfortably."

Feeling the comfort of being surrounded by down feathers, Li Yanran couldn't help closing her eyes, full of satisfaction.

"It's enough to be comfortable? You little stingy, why don't you say you're giving your brother two?"

Li Zhi glared at Li Yanran, and directly hit her on the head with a hammer.

How come you don't have any eyesight at such a young age?
Do you have to ask for it?I'm the emperor, don't you want to lose face?
"How can I miss my elder brother? I will arrange for someone to bring two sofas to my elder brother."

Li Yanran covered her head with a depressed expression.

You are such a grown-up person, do you want to speak directly?

Do I have to say to give you two?

"Is that right? By the way, how could you have so much strength at such a young age? You bounced me and almost sent me away." Li Zhi nodded, feeling the pain on the top of his head, and asked involuntarily.

"Because I have this, brain collapse aid."

Hearing what Li Zhi said, Li Yanran was no longer sleepy, and hurriedly took off the brain collapse aid in her hand and handed it over.

"Rare, it's a good thing."

Li Zhi played with the object in his hand, and a hint of liking flashed in his eyes.

He had never seen such a gadget before, it was strange, strange.

"If the eldest brother likes it, I will give it to you."

"Then what a shame, how to use this thing."

Li Yanran was already scolding her in her heart.

Brother, are you embarrassed?I didn't see it anyway.

After teaching Li Zhiyou how to use the magic weapon, Li Zhi also had a great time playing it, making the table thump.

"Brother Li."

Changsun Yan pushed open the door and just called Brother Li when he saw his eldest cousin Li Zhi.

"Mr. Li, when did you come?"

Li Zhi showed a meaningful smile, just in time for someone to try his hand, Changsun Yan came.

This is not a good match from heaven, so whatever you say, let Changsun Yan experience the power of Youjin's magical weapon.

He waved his hand and said to Changsun Yan, "Yanzi, come here."

The smile on Li Zhi's face made Zhang Sunyan shiver involuntarily.

What's wrong, big cousin?
Something is wrong today.

Although he knew that something might be wrong, his body still involuntarily leaned over.


Li Zhi grabbed Changsun Yan's shoulders and pushed him onto the sofa.

Changsun Yan was really flattered, the emperor helped him to the seat, even his own father didn't seem to be treated like this.

"Mr. Li, what are you doing?"

"Just sit down, I have a surprise for you."

Li Zhi smiled slightly, and turned behind Changsun Yan, the expression on his face was exactly the same as that of Li Yanran.

That is the smile of the devil.


With a crisp sound, Changsun Yan only felt that his soul was about to go out of his body.

That kind of sourness, even if he will never forget it in his life.

That's right, it's definitely the feeling of exhausting your friendship.

Changsun Yan catapulted away and flew up from the sofa, wailing and rubbing his head with his hands, his eyes filled with tears.

"Mr. Li, you are going to murder."

Changsun Yan squatted on the ground, looked at Li Zhi, and scolded him 180 times in his heart.

"It's fun, Li boy, this thing is really crisp when it bounces."

Seeing Changsun Yan's pained expression, Li Zhi laughed out loud.

Just now Li Yanran mistakenly thought that she was the eldest grandson Yan, but now she can be regarded as reincarnated in heaven.

"That is required."

Li Yanran also had a smile in his eyes, his friendship was a waste of his reputation.

"Okay, tell me, what is the purpose of your perfume launch this time? It can't be this sofa."

Li Zhi also gave up the idea of ​​making persistent efforts. After all, it is enough to play this thing once. If you play too much, I am afraid that Changsun Yan will really become a fool.

Played his son stupidly, afraid that his eldest grandson Wuji would jump up and fight himself desperately.

"Lao Li is Lao Li after all. I can't hide anything from you. I held this press conference just to sell sofas."

Li Yanran nodded, if the crouching dragon and phoenix chick beside her were half as smart as her elder brother, she wouldn't have to worry so much.

"According to your kid's temper, I'm afraid this sofa is not cheap."

Li Zhi touched the sofa outsourced with cooked cowhide, a trace of thought flashed in his eyes.

"Ordinary sofas start at [-] guan. I also made a customized version co-branded with Lan Kwai Fong. The price starts at [-] guan. How about it?"

Li Yanran's eyes turned into crescent moons, what she wants to earn is the money of high-ranking officials, if the sofa is cheap, how can she flaunt the identity of the other party.

Rich people always buy expensive things and not the right ones when they buy things.


"Boy Li, you really dare to ask for it."

Even if Li Zhi is rich in the world, he couldn't help but gasp, but then she thought that she would dare to sell a bottle of perfume for a sky-high price. At least this sofa is many times bigger than the perfume.

"Don't worry, they can't run out of my palm."

"Then I look forward to your performance next."

Li Zhi smiled slightly, as long as Li Yanran had confidence, there would be no problem.

Anyway, the rich family of Tang Dynasty is so rich, it is not unreasonable to give some of it to me.

"By the way, Changsun Yan, please let me know that those smart people don't come to Lan Kwai Fong. Let them get ready. Once someone places an order, the sofa will be delivered to their homes within an hour."

Li Yanran glanced at Changsun Yan who was dazed by the side, and asked him to arrange the delivery.

I want a Datang flash gift, as long as I place an order, I won't even give them a chance to go back on my word.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

(End of this chapter)

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