My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 138 Routine Li Zhi

Chapter 138 Routine Li Zhi
Glancing at the magic weapon in Li Zhi's hands, Li Yanran quickly cupped her fists and fled away as if she had been pardoned.

As the red sun rose, noble ladies came one after another. After getting off the car, the servants consciously drove the carriage to the dedicated parking lot.

Everyone entered the arena, looking at the brand-new Lan Kwai Fong, all the rich women of the Tang Dynasty were also stunned for a while.

Chairs are a recent fad, so they are no strangers to them, but they have never seen what the hell is the sofa in the VIP area.

The maid stepped forward and invited the ladies with VIP qualifications to the VIP area, and they immediately exclaimed after sitting on the sofa.

The feeling of collapse really startled them, but the softness that followed made everyone squint their eyes.

Without him.

so comfy.

Just when everyone became interested in the sofa, the big gong in the center rang instantly.

Zhou Qing dressed up and came in style. He smiled at the women and announced the official start of the perfume launch.

The perfume was still as popular as ever, and when it was almost sold out, someone finally couldn't help asking about the condition of the sofa.

"Ma'am, this is a sofa, and it's the latest item."

Facing the lady's question, Zhou Qing also slowly said the name of the sofa.

"What is the price of this sofa? Where can I buy it?"

Mrs. Changsun smiled slightly, this must be another good thing made by her kid, how could she not support her as a mother.

"Ma'am, this sofa is high-end furniture, priced at [-] guan. The co-branded model you are sitting on is Lan Kwai Fong, priced at [-] guan. If anyone needs it, you can register and buy it here. We will arrange personnel to deliver it immediately." .”

Zhou Qing saluted politely and told the price of the sofa.

"One hundred guan? Then I'll order ten sofas and send them to my house."

For his son, Changsun has always supported him.

Money is just a number, the grandson's family has plenty, but there is only one son, if the mother doesn't support her, who will join her?

"I'll order five too."

"I'll order three too."

"I want two."

With Changsun's good start, the ladies who enjoyed the fun of the sofa followed suit one after another, and began to place orders with the maids around them.

Seeing that those VIPs are so crazy, the ladies who are not VIPs can't suppress their prehistoric power.

"There's an order, my lord."

Zhang Si took the addresses one by one and sent them to Zhang Sunyan.

"Distribute it immediately, and ask Cheng Chubi and the others to arrange delivery. According to Li Ge's intention, the sofa will be delivered to their homes in an hour."


The carriages started one after another, centered on the warehouse, and began to spread to the entire Chang'an City.

Those noble ladies returned to the mansion contentedly after shopping. Who knew that after entering, their masters had already slumped on the sofa, not wanting to get up.

Seeing this scene, those ladies also raised their heads.

Sir, this sofa is so comfortable, it must be reasonable for us to spend a little money to dress ourselves up.

"Brother Li, it's sold out, it's all sold out."

Changsun Yan rushed into the private room excitedly, and reported today's record to Li Yanran and Li Zhi.

Hearing this, Li Zhi and Li Yanran also looked at each other and smiled.

"But we seem to have received a lot of orders, and all the goods have been delivered, and we found that there are still more than 20 sets of sofas."

Changsun Yan scratched his head, his eyes were full of money.

He didn't expect that sofas were so expensive that they could be out of stock. After all, he still underestimated the purchasing power of those wealthy families.

When Li Yanran heard this, she also rolled her eyes, and said to Sun Yan with a tiger face, "How did I tell you at the beginning, one radish and one hole, and now this situation will damage Lan Kwai Fong? reputation."


Changsun Yan was a little stunned, not knowing why Li Yanran was so angry.

Isn't it just super single, why are you so angry?

This is gunpowder.

"You immediately send someone to the home of those super-ordered customers, and refund them the money according to the triple compensation."

"three times?"

"Isn't it?"

Changsun Yan and Li Zhi all grew their mouths. You must know that the cheapest sofa has a hundred guan.

"Isn't it? We don't have any raw materials to continue producing sofas. If we can't deliver, Lan Kwai Fong's reputation will be ruined."

Li Yanran knocked Changsun Yan directly on the head, and then began to wink at him.

Changsun Yan clutched his head in doubt, didn't there still be some raw materials?

What kind of medicine does Li Yanran sell in this gourd?

But after glancing at Li Zhi beside him, Changsun Yan instantly understood.

Brother Li, you are really a big cousin of your big cousin, this is a chance to seize every opportunity and not let go of cheating on your father.

Compared with you, I still have a long way to go.

"I know, our raw materials are really not enough. If we can't deliver the goods, it will really affect the reputation of Lan Kwai Fong. I will arrange for a three-fold refund."

Changsun Yan lowered his head and pursed his lips, but when he looked up, his face was full of regret.

"Wait, isn't it the raw material? Just say what you need."

The two of them sang and harmonized, which completely brought Li Zhi in. The money was in their own pockets, so there was no reason to take it out.

Even if you two are willing, I don't agree.

Li Yanran shook her head pretending to regret, "Old Li, I'm afraid you can't help us with what we want."

"Then I'm rare. I can't find the raw materials you can find. Tell me, what do you want? I will definitely satisfy you."

Li Zhi curled his lips unwillingly.

Xiao Mian, who do you look down on?

The raw materials that you guys can make, you are the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, can't you find them?

A joke, isn't this the biggest joke in the world?
"You need down to make a sofa, a lot of down, Lao Li, can you get it?"

Li Zhi took the bait, and Li Yanran also wanted to see it, and directly reached out to ask him for the down.


Hearing this, Li Zhi was also stupid.

He really didn't expect this sofa to be filled with such a thing.

But what should we do with down?He has heard of killing a chicken to get its eggs, but what a waste it would be to kill a chicken to get its down.

"Mr. Li, you don't know that in order to get the feathers needed for these sofas, we searched all the farms outside Chang'an City.

I can assure you that there is not a farm with poultry wearing clothes within a radius of ten miles. "

Changsun Yan held his head high, looking at Li Zhi opposite him with a proud face.

Our velvet picker is not famous for nothing, but he has broken his heart in order to install these sofas.

You can't do all the hard work by yourself, big cousin, you can sit here and enjoy the success.

Even the emperor did not order people like this.



(End of this chapter)

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