My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 142 Meeting the eldest grandson Wuji

Chapter 142 Meeting the eldest grandson Wuji
Seeing the angry Changsun Wuji and the messy study room, Changsun Yan was stunned.

"Why is this so? Your Majesty bullied me too much, bullied me too much."

Changsun Wuji sat on the chair, panting heavily.

He is really upset.

Li Zhi was not yet born when he followed Emperor Taizong on the battlefield and killed the rebels.

If it weren't for his own support, Li Zhi would be able to ascend to the ninth five position?

Now that his wings are stiff, he is going to attack his uncle.

Let him compile the history of Tang Dynasty, he tolerated it.

He forbears to demote grandson Xiang.

Now even Gao Xingshi has been demoted to Yongzhou, so the next step is himself.

"Father, speak carefully, speak carefully."

Changsun Yan hurried to Changsun Wuji's side and covered his mouth with his hands.

Dad, even if you are the Prime Minister of the Tang Dynasty, even if you are dissatisfied with my big cousin, you can't say it so blatantly.

Otherwise, without anything else, a single despise of the emperor is enough to make the eldest grandson's family die.

Your old man is almost alive, but your son is still a flower bone.

It's just gone, I'm also upset.

"I can't be mad at my father."

Changsun Wuji also knew that what he said just now was a bit exaggerated, but he was really angry now.

"Father, the situation is critical now, do you have a plan to break the situation?"

Changsun Yan also understood the current situation. After all, his surname was also Changsun, so he couldn't stand by and watch the situation in front of him.

"Break the situation? Now Changsun Xiang and Gao Xing are all demoted by His Majesty, and temporarily put down the position of prime minister for the father, how to break the situation? How about you teach me?"

Changsun Wuji glared at Changsun Yan, if I had a way to break the situation, would I smash the study to pieces?
Why, you're asking that as if you could have any good ideas.

"I don't have the qualifications to teach my father, but I recommend someone to you. He must have some ideas."

Changsun Yan scratched his head. Although he couldn't teach his father, there was someone who would definitely have a way.


Changsun Wuji was taken aback, the current situation can be said to be difficult for gods to break through, does his son know some kind of expert?
"Father, I'm going to bring the man to you."

Changsun Yan didn't say anything, left Changsun Wuji and ran towards Lan Kwai Fong.

"Brother Li, Brother Li."

Changsun Yan rushed to the second floor in a hurry, opened the door and rushed to Li Yanran's side.

"What about the soul?"

Li Yanran just fell asleep, and was startled by Changsun Yan, wondering what medicine this guy had taken wrong again.

"Brother Li, it's urgent, come with me."

Changsun Yan didn't care about that, grabbed Li Yanran's arm and was about to take her away.

"What happened to you?"

Li Yanran was puzzled, she had never seen Changsun Yan like this before.

What happened?

"Brother Li, something serious happened."

Changsun Yan swallowed her saliva, and told about Gao Xing's demotion and the precarious situation of Changsun's family.

"Master Gao Xing was demoted?"

Hearing this, Li Yanran was completely dumbfounded.

I just asked A Niang to remind Gao to fulfill the self-inspection of the household department, so he was investigated?

Could it be that he opened his mouth all the time, saying that Changsun Wuji didn't want to compile Tang history, and the other party went there immediately.

I reminded Chang Sun Xiang to be careful about the problems of the Ministry of Punishment, and Chang Sun Xiang was demoted immediately.

Now that Gao Xing is gone, she really doubts life.

"That's right, Brother Li, you follow me to see my father right now, he is waiting for you."

Changsun Yan tugged on Li Yanran's arm, the only thing he can rely on now is Brother Li.

In his heart, only Li Yanran can save the grandson's family.

"Wait, you want to take me to see Prime Minister Elder Sun? Why?"

Li Yanran was depressed, why did Changsun Wuji want to see him?

"I recommended it, what's the problem?"

"You recommended it?"

Now Li Yanran just wants to fan Sun Yan with a big ear.

Even the old fox, who has been in charge of the court for decades, has no countermeasures against the current court situation. Why do you think I, a nine-year-old child, can do it?
I tried my best to hide behind you, in order to make money without showing off the mountain or leaking water.

When Changsun Wuji really fell, she could take her family away.

You are recommending me to Changsun Wuji now, isn't that pushing me to the bright side?

What, you want to take me to the end?

"Stop talking, let's go."

Changsun Yan didn't look at Li Yanran at all, he only had one thought now, to take Li Yanran to see Changsun Wuji.

Li Yanran glanced at Changsun Yan, now that things have come to an end, she can only go to see Changsun Wuji.

It's not that there is no chance to break the game, but I don't know if Changsun Wuji can understand the meaning of willingness.

The two got into the carriage, left Lan Kwai Fong and parked directly outside Changsun's Mansion.

After getting off the carriage, Li Yanran couldn't help admiring the imposing Changsun Mansion.

After all, it is the No. [-] wealthy family in the Tang Dynasty. Compared with my own house, this mansion is not a little bit worse.

"My lord, the master has prepared a banquet in the side hall, and said that you can just bring someone there when you come back."

The servant was taken aback when he saw Changsun Yan bringing a child over, but he still told Changsun Wuji's arrangement.


Changsun Yan nodded, grabbed Li Yanran and rushed towards the side hall like flying.

"Yan'er, whose child is this? Who are you going to show your father?"

Looking at the child behind Changsun Yan, Changsun Wuji couldn't help being taken aback.

"Father, this is the person I want to introduce to you, Brother Li."

Changsun Yan pushed Li Yanran out.


Now Changsun Wuji was really going to be pissed off, and he immediately threw the table in front of him flying.

I was really deceived by the lard, and I actually believed that you could find some kind of expert to solve the current predicament of the eldest grandson's family.

After all, the mud can't support the wall, how can I give birth to such a thing.

Li Yanran smiled slightly, she had already guessed this scene.

Taking a step forward, he said to Changsun Wuji: "Prime Minister Changsun, there was Gan Luo who was 12 years old in ancient times and took more than a dozen cities for Qin, why did you look down on me?"

"Gan Luo is a rare child prodigy throughout the ages, why do you think you can stand shoulder to shoulder with him?" Changsun Wuji also frowned slightly, and retorted.

"It's just Gan Luo, and the prime minister is not me, so why do you think I'm no better than Gan Luo?" Changsun Yan stepped forward again, refuting Changsun Wuji.

"It's a joke, you just help Yan'er earn some money and think you are so talented? Let me tell you, those are just small ways, and you can't stand in front of the old man at all."

Changsun Wuji also stood up, frowning involuntarily.

This kid is good, and he can be calm and composed when facing himself.

But so what?Not a child after all.

"I know the prime minister's current situation, why don't the prime minister listen to what I have to say, and then draw conclusions?"

Li Yanran knew that Changsun Wuji looked down on her, but she couldn't help it.

Age sucks.

"Okay, then the old man would like to hear what you, a curly boy, can say."

"Prime Minister Changsun, do you know why His Majesty is attacking you now?"

Li Yanran took another step forward and asked Changsun Wuji.

"It's nothing more than the empress making waves around His Majesty, otherwise, how could Your Majesty act against me, after all, I am his biological uncle."

Mentioning this eldest grandson Wuji made me angry. At the beginning, I strongly opposed Wu Zetian to be the queen, and Wu Zetian had long held a grudge against me, which is why today's incident happened.

Li Yanran shook her head depressed.

Changsun Wuji, you are the prime minister who has been in court for decades, and you can't even see this.

She really doubted how the other party survived to this day.

Is this called Guan Ji Ze Yong?

"Master Prime Minister, you are wrong."

"Wrong? What do you know, you bastard?"

Changsun Wuji looked at Li Yanran with disdain.

My husband is wrong?How can it be.

"Prime Minister, even if there is no queen, His Majesty will attack you, because you have already threatened His Majesty's status as the Ninth Five-Year Emperor of the Tang Dynasty."

"Perhaps in your heart, His Majesty is always the nephew whom you supported to the throne, but this nephew has grown up now, and no one wants to always live under the control of others."

Li Yanran took another step forward and continued: "So the conflict between you and His Majesty is not about the Queen, but about power."

"that power."

(End of this chapter)

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