My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 143 Ending the affairs of the king and the world, winning the fame before and after his life

Chapter 143 Ending the affairs of the king and the world, winning the fame before and after his life

Hearing this, Changsun Wuji couldn't help but start to reflect.

Is a person who can sit firmly in two dynasties mediocre?Immediately understood what Li Yanran meant.

"That's right, Prime Minister, do you know Bo Zhao?"

Li Yanran glanced at Changsun Wuji, and then told about Bo Zhao she mentioned to Wu Zetian.

"Bo Zhao? Do you mean that the old man and His Majesty are like Emperor Hanwen and Bo Zhao?"

Changsun Wuji's eyes dimmed, and he asked himself that he had never had selfishness towards Li Zhi and Datang, but Li Yanran used Bo Zhao as a metaphor for himself.

It really made him a little unacceptable.

"No, the old man is absolutely loyal to Datang, how can he be compared to Bo Zhao."

"You think so, but what would His Majesty think?
Taking history as a mirror can tell rise and fall, and taking people as a mirror can tell gains and losses. Bo Zhao is a lesson from the past. I don't believe that the Prime Minister will not see it. "

Li Yanran shook her head, so what if you don't think you are Bo Zhao?
The emperor can't help thinking that you are Bo Zhao from the Tang Dynasty, so there will inevitably be a life-and-death struggle between the two of you because of power.

The result is obvious, your eldest grandson Wuji will definitely lose.

After all, you are facing two emperors, no matter how clever you are, it is useless.

"Taking History as a Mirror and People as a Mirror"

Li Yanran brought out Tang Taizong's famous sayings through the ages, and Sun Wuji fell into deep thought for a while.

Shaking her head, Li Yanran continued to take a step forward: "Master Prime Minister, this is the case in history, do you want to repeat the mistakes of Bo Zhao and lead the eldest grandson family to destruction?"

Li Yanran didn't want to give Changsun Wuji too much time to think, and wanted to defeat him in one fell swoop while he was in a state of confusion.


"No, I am Changsun Wuji, not Bo Zhao, Your Majesty is not Han Wendi, and the Changsun family is not Bo Zhao's family. If His Majesty really wants to take action against me, then His Majesty cannot bear the consequences."

Changsun Wuji was not influenced by Li Yanran, although he admitted that what the other party said was reasonable, but he was Changsun Wuji.

He believed that he would not end up with a ruined reputation like Bo Zhao did.

And he also has the strength to keep the eldest grandson's family.

"Prime Minister, if you insist on going your own way and insist on doing this, have you ever been worthy of the late Empress Changsun, how will you have the face to meet your sister after a hundred years.

You are the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, if you really do this, then the country you have worked so hard to win with Emperor Taizong will fall into chaos again.

Do you have the heart to make the Tang Dynasty that you have worked so hard become fragmented?

Do you have the heart to let the hundreds of millions of people in Datang fall into dire straits again?

Moreover, you have no chance at all to face the Ninth Five Lord. "

Li Yanran looked at Changsun Wuji, took a step forward again, and there was a sense of aura rising from her body.

Facing Changsun Wuji, she must go all out, otherwise if the other party goes astray, not only Changsun Wuji will suffer, but also her own parents will also suffer.

She absolutely will not allow this to happen.

"Da Tang."

Li Yanran's words also hit the heart of the elder Sun Wuji. The other party worked hard and assisted Li Shimin to create this prosperous Tang Dynasty. How could he have the heart to let such a great river and mountain disappear in smoke.

"The boy has the guts to send the prime minister a poem."

"Looking at the sword while drunk, I dreamed of blowing the corner of the company."

"Eight hundred miles of fire under the command, and the sound of fifty strings turning outside the fortress."

"Autumn soldiers on the battlefield."

"The horse made Lu Feifei, the bow is like a thunderbolt."

"Solve the affairs of the king and the world, and win the name of life and death."

"It happened for nothing!"

Li Yanran's Xin Qiji's "Breaking Time" directly brought Changsun Wuji back to his dream of riding horses with Emperor Taizong and surviving all battles when he was young.

"Fix the king's affairs in the world and win the posthumous name of his own relatives."

"It happened for nothing!"

Changsun Wuji kept chewing these two words.

Looking at the gray hair on his head, Changsun Wuji's heart was instantly torn.

I am already old, and I am no longer the eldest grandson Wuji who galloped on the battlefield with Emperor Taizong
Then what is the purpose of what he does, and it is not what the words say.

After the king's world affairs, he won the name after his life.

Now that I have done all these things, do I really want to continue?

"Prime Minister, you have enjoyed all the power in the world in your life, and retreating bravely now is a way out. Isn't it the original intention of you to promise to compile Tang history by leaving something for future generations?"

"Life has been in the world for a hundred years, so what if the power is overwhelming? In the end, it is nothing more than a handful of loess.

Look at the few princes who have walked with you, which one is not unrestrained and natural, and they are willing to give up, and there is something to be gained. "

After Li Yanran had finished speaking, she had already walked in front of Changsun Wuji, looking up at the powerful official of the Tang Dynasty, a glint of expectation flashed in her eyes.

If I can really persuade my eldest grandson Wuji to let him let go of his power and live his life like Cheng Yaojin's dukes, then my father and mother will not be at risk of being affected, and her life will be saved .

"Are you looking after your life?"

Changsun Wuji lowered his head and looked at Li Yanran. To be honest, sometimes he envied Cheng Yaojin and the others.

Walking birds and drinking all day, chic and happy, how about yourself?
All day long, he was devoting himself to planning for Datang.

"Father, Brother Li is right. If you are willing to give up, you will gain if you give up. Since the position of Prime Minister is so hot, why don't you give up? Anyway, my son can make money now, and I will support you and mother when the time comes."

After listening for a long time, Changsun Yan also understood Li Yanran's good intentions, and knelt down in front of Changsun Wuji.

Confronting his big cousin and the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, in his opinion, is tantamount to seeking his own death.

Isn't he a prime minister?
The son will become the richest man in the Tang Dynasty in the future. It is no problem to support his own parents.

"Yan'er, grow up, father is getting old."

Looking at the heroic Changsun Yan, Changsun Wuji also felt emotional.

I am old and my son has grown up.

"My lord prime minister, before His Majesty takes action against you, seize the opportunity to go back to the Tianyuan Changsun family to save you.

When His Majesty takes action, even if you want to do so, those who want to step on you will not stop. "

Now the timing is just right. Historically, the downfall of Changsun Wuji will be next year, and judging by the posture, there is already a tendency to advance.

After all, in history, Changsun Wuji was directly demoted by Li Zhi after the downfall of Gao Xing and Changsun Xiang, so she couldn't help being nervous.

"Step on my eldest grandson Wuji to take the throne, let me see who dares."

Changsun Wuji was not happy to hear this.

Why is it that he is still the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, the emperor's uncle, and the famous Zhao Guogong.

Unless you want to, who can, who dares to step on yourself to the top.

Li Yanran curled her lips.

Xu Jingzong can.

Highly intelligent and capable.

Yuan Gongyu can too.

"Father, so what on earth are you thinking?"

Changsun Yan looked at Changsun Wuji with desolation in his eyes.

Brother Li has said so much, if you still stick to your point of view, then the eldest grandson's family will really be over.

"This matter is of great importance. I... I still have to think about it."

Changsun Wuji felt depressed and looked at his son in a daze.

This decision is not easy to make, after all, he has been in charge of the court for half his life, and now he can let himself go if he wants to, he can't do it.

After all, I am not in a desperate situation yet.

"That's all I said, I'm leaving, I hope the Prime Minister will think twice before acting."

Li Yanran looked at Changsun Wuji, turned around and left.

"Brother Li, I'll see you off."

Changsun Yan also bid farewell to Changsun Wuji and sent Li Yanran out of the house.

"Changsun Yan, it's up to you whether Prime Minister Changsun can figure it out."

Li Yanran glanced at Changsun Yan who was beside her, and realized that what she could do had reached her limit.

"Look at me?"

Changsun Yan was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Li Yanran meant.

"You go to your elder brother's mansion immediately."

After Li Yanran whispered something to Sun Yan, the other party's eyes lit up.

Respectfully, he made a big gift to Li Yanran: "Brother Li, if the eldest grandson's family is really saved from suffering this time, the eldest grandson Yan will definitely remember the great kindness."

"Great grace? Let's forget it. If you don't bother me, I will burn incense."

Li Yanran curled her lips, and directly stepped into the carriage and headed towards Lan Kwai Fong.

"Zhang Si, prepare the carriage, I'm going to see my elder brother."

(End of this chapter)

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