My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 153 Irritable Li Siwen

Chapter 153 Irritable Li Siwen
Li Siwen's eyes were red, like a gassed puffer fish, which might explode at any moment.

"Li Erlang, what are you crazy about? Yesterday we were chatting and drinking together, how happy it is, today it's like this?"

Changsun Yan looked curious, this was the first time he saw Li Siwen like this.

Could it be that I was drunk yesterday and missed something good?
"Have a good time with wine, do you know how those two thieves harmed me? I"

Li Siwen directly told what Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan reported to their father after they were drunk.

When I went back at night, Li Ji was really furious. Several canes were broken off. If it wasn't for his mother to protect him, he would have been beaten to death.

He had never been wronged so much since his debut, and he couldn't swallow it if he didn't beat the two of them to death.

"Ha ha ha ha."

After hearing Li Siwen's dark history, Zhang Sunyan couldn't help laughing.

In vain, you, Li Siwen, were a wise man, but you were criticized by those two idiots.

This hearty laughter really stimulated Li Siwen, and he couldn't help but quickly rushed to his side.

With a hard tug, Changsun Yan was pushed to the ground.

"Second Li, what are you doing? I didn't sue."

Changsun Yan was dumbfounded, is Li Siwen crazy?

"If it wasn't for helping you, would I steal my father's wine? Would I be beaten if I didn't steal the wine? You can't get rid of it."

Li Siwen's eyes were red, just like a crackling beating.

Only Changsun Yan, who was beaten, had tears in his eyes and stopped begging for mercy.

For some reason, Li Yanran felt an inexplicable sense of refreshment watching her eldest grandson being beaten.

Glancing at Li Feng beside him, he said slowly: "Li Feng, remember this is called misfortune from the mouth, think about it when you speak in the future, otherwise you will be beaten violently."


Changsun Yan was immediately depressed when he heard this.

How can this be said to Li Feng, it is clearly aimed at himself.

He provoked whoever he provoked, and he kindly treated him like a donkey.

Brother Li, you really don't know good people.

Just as Li Yanran was speaking, the voices of Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan came from outside the door.

Hearing this, Li Siwen jumped up, grabbed the stick and hid behind the door.

Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan walked in with a slight limp.

Cheng Chubi looked at the embarrassed Changsun Yan, and asked involuntarily, "Changsun Yan, what's wrong? Who beat you?"

"I beat you."

Li Siwen closed the door gently, and stood behind the two of them with a cold expression on his face.

The two turned their heads together, looking at Li Siwen's panda eyes and the wooden stick in his hand, they couldn't help shivering.

"Li Li Siwen."

Cheng Chubi pushed Yuchihuan, and took another step back.

Yu Chihuan glanced at Cheng Chubi, he was not feeling well, so he asked bravely, "Li Siwen, are you okay?"

"Thanks to you, I'm fine."

Li Siwen stared at Yuchihuan with fire in his eyes, and forced him over while gnashing his teeth to reply.

"I surrender, but the mastermind is Cheng Chubi, so if you want to fight, you should hit him first, right?"

Seeing such a thick stick, Yu Chihuan shuddered.

A dead fellow Taoist would not die a poor fellow, he directly put Cheng Chubi under his body.

"Yuchihuan, are you going to die?"

Cheng Chubi was dumbfounded, Yuchihuan, you're a traitor, it's not a thing.

"Li Erlang, I will hold you down for you, hit him first."

Yuchihuan doesn't care so much, he hits you first, and then he can hit himself a little lighter after venting his anger.

"The dog thief Cheng Chubi, take your life."

Li Siwen picked up his stick and hit Cheng Chubi's ass directly.


With a stick, Cheng Chubi almost doubted his life, which was harder than his father's.

"Li Siwen, isn't it just reporting you for stealing alcohol?"

"Dog thief, dare to mention the matter of stealing wine?"

Hearing this, Li Siwen's stick hit him again, and Cheng Chubi burst into tears.

"Kill someone, Li Siwen is going to kill someone."

"Ah, I was wrong, stop hitting."

"Li Siwen, Li Siwen, please forgive me."

After fighting for a while, Li Siwen also fixed his eyes on Yuchihuan.

"Li Li Siwen, I know I was wrong, so admit it."

Yu Chihuan trembled, got up from Cheng Chubi, lay down on the sofa, lifted the hem of his clothes to expose his buttocks.

"Okay, it's a man."

With Yu Chihuan like this, it's really hard for Li Siwen to do anything.

After all, it's not a deep hatred for his brother who has been with him for so long.

Besides, when he beat Cheng Chubi just now, he was almost out of breath, and now he doesn't have that kind of thought anymore.

"It's okay, brother. It was my fault first. As long as you can vent your anger, it's worth killing me."

Feeling the disappearance of the murderous aura behind him, Yuchihuan couldn't help but continued to speak.


Li Siwen shook his head, really no longer thinking about revenge.

Seeing Li Siwen's expression, Cheng Chubi quit.

You Yuchi Sanfool who sells friends and begs for glory, even if Li Siwen can let you go, I won't let you go.

"What is this, Yuchi dog thief, take your life."

He snatched the stick from Li Siwen's hand, raised his arm and hit Yuchihuan's ass.


After this stick, Yu Chihuan really doubted life.

If it weren't for his rough skin and thick flesh, his legs might have been knocked off.

"Cheng Chubi, I'm fighting with you."

After all, he flew over and wrestled with Cheng Chubi.


Li Yanran couldn't bear it any longer, she yelled loudly, telling them to stop.

Although she is a child, she still holds a lot of weight in the hearts of the four of them. With her roar, Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan hurriedly separated.

"If you have energy and have no place to use it, go to the farm to pull the mill. Don't embarrass me here."

Hearing Li Yanran's reprimand, Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan looked like children who made a mistake, they lowered their heads and dared not speak.


"You are the most rascal, and you still have a smile?"

Li Yanran glared at Changsun Yan, what right do you have to laugh at him.

They didn't fight because of you idiot.

Li Yanran's face was cold, and the four of them were afraid to speak.

"If you have that kind of effort, why don't you go and see our farm. The sofa is in urgent need of down. If there is a problem there, I'll screw your heads off."

After finishing speaking, he took Li Feng and left, leaving the four of them staring at each other.

"What shall we do next?"

Changsun Yan glanced at the three of them, a little at a loss.

"Why? Go to the farm to watch. Didn't you hear what Brother Li said? If there is something wrong with the farm, we'll screw our heads off."

Li Siwen kicked Changsun Yan, would he still have the face to ask?

"Then let's compete, whoever goes to the farm first, the loser will be treated to a drink."

Changsun Yan rushed out directly, and the remaining three followed suit, not to be outdone.

A group of four people and four donkeys rushed out of the city on the yellow smoke.

Li Zhi returned to the palace in a hurry, and went straight to Wu Zetian's bedroom.

"Meiniang, Meiniang."

When I entered the door, Wu Zetian was sitting on the sofa watching the memorial and didn't know what he was thinking.

"His Majesty."

Seeing Li Zhi's figure, Wu Zetian also recovered from his contemplation.

"Meiniang, don't read these memorials."

Li Zhi pulled away the memorial from Wu Zetian's hand.

"Your Majesty, this is a memorial, and it is a major event of the country. How can it be so?"

Wu Zetian frowned slightly, somewhat displeased with Li Zhi's actions.

"Meiniang, listen to me, I have some great news to tell you."

Li Zhi grabbed Wu Zetian's shoulder, his eyes were full of excitement.

"Your Majesty, you said."

Wu Zetian was stunned. The last time I saw Li Zhi with such an expression was when he was named queen.

"Eldest grandson Wuji, my uncle has decided to resign from office and return home."

(End of this chapter)

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