Chapter 154
After Li Zhi finished speaking, Wu Zetian was also stunned on the spot.

What did I hear?Changsun Wuji wants to resign from office?
is it possible?

"Your Majesty, where did you hear it? You can't joke about this."

Wu Zetian also trembled a little when he spoke, and looked at Li Zhi with disbelief in his eyes.

"Really, it's more real than real gold. In just two days, Changsun Wuji will put up a petition and ask for his resignation."

Li Zhi directly hugged Wu Zetian, as happy as a child.

After turning around for a while, Li Zhi hugged Wu Zetian and collapsed on the sofa.

"Meiniang, do you know how long I have been waiting for this day?"

"Nine years, nine years."

Li Zhi leaned on the sofa, looked at the roof, and said to himself.

"Your Majesty, it's not Mei Niang who wants to pour cold water on you. If Changsun Wuji doesn't leave, we won't be able to relax our vigilance. Could it be Changsun Wuji's tricks?"

To be honest, Wu Zetian still doesn't believe that Changsun Wuji will go down so easily.

"No, no."

Li Zhi shook his head. He had also thought about Wu Zetian's worries, but now that he thought about it, what if it was a cover-up?
As long as he left the position of prime minister, Changsun Wuji would be a toothless tiger, and he would no longer be a threat to him.

"Your Majesty, since you are convinced, should we consider who will succeed the prime minister after Changsun Wuji resigns? After all, the Tang Dynasty cannot live without a prime minister.

Moreover, when Changsun Wuji stepped down, his forces would also have to be swept away. They couldn't keep their tails and let them revive. "

Although Wu Zetian didn't understand why Li Zhi was so determined, since he said so, there must be his reasons.

"I came to you just for this matter, we have to discuss it, we can't let Datang cause chaos because of my uncle's resignation, right?"

Li Zhi nodded, that's what he came for.

"Then who does His Majesty think is more suitable?"

Wu Zetian smiled slightly. If Changsun Wuji fell, her power would be too great.

After all, the emperor is the emperor, and will not allow others to share the profits.

Whether it is the eldest grandson Wuji or the queen himself, it is impossible.

Li Zhi had one heart with him before, just to support her in dealing with Changsun Wuji,

Now if I can't take this step well, maybe it will be my turn.

"Xu Jingzong, how do you feel? This person is talented and virtuous, and he is loyal to Datang."

Li Zhi glanced at Wu Zetian, and directly mentioned her number one confidant, Xu Jingzong.

"Your Majesty, Xu Jingzong is talented and loyal to the Tang Dynasty, but he is still a bit short of being the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty."

Wu Zetian shook her head, she would never let her power expand now.

It not only shows Li Zhi's absolute authority, but also shows his own attitude.

"If Xu Jingzong can't do it, how about Li Yifu? Although he had some conflicts with Du Zhenglun at the beginning, he is also considered a loyal person of the Tang Dynasty. If you think it's okay, then recall him to Chang'an and become the prime minister."

Li Zhi also mentioned Li Yifu who was demoted to Puzhou.

"This person in Li Yi's mansion is greedy for money and lustful. It's wrong for Prime Minister Kong. I hope His Majesty will find someone else."

Wu Zetian shook her head again, regardless of whether Li Zhi tried to test her, she would not change her strategy.

Anyone can be the prime minister, except Xu Jingzong and Li Yifu.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work, who should be the prime minister? How about Ren Yaxiang?"

Li Zhi smiled slightly and proposed the third candidate.

"Your Majesty is talking about Yan Ran who followed General Su Dingfang to conquer the Western Turks?"

Wu Zetian was also taken aback when she heard the name. She knew a little about the officials of the Tang Dynasty in recent years.

Benevolent and elegant, capable of writing and martial arts, he once followed Su Dingfang to defeat the Western Turks, he is indeed a capable person.

But can this person really?
"That's right, I am very optimistic about this person's literary and military skills."

Li Zhi nodded. He was actually thinking about the candidate for the prime minister on the way back to the palace, and the choice of Prime Minister Ren Ya also appeared in his mind.

"If His Majesty is optimistic, then so be it. I believe he will not disappoint His Majesty's high expectations."

Although I don't know how fine this Ren Yaxiang is, but since it is Li Zhi's choice, she naturally has no objection.

Anyway, the prime minister actually serves the emperor, and major decisions must be handed over to the emperor for judgment.

"You stop thinking about it?"

Li Zhi was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Wu Zetian to agree so easily, it was indeed beyond his imagination.

"What are the considerations? The person chosen by His Majesty must be the most suitable candidate. Besides, Mei Niang is just a girl, and it is not easy to intervene in the affairs of the court. It is fine for His Majesty to decide everything."

Wu Zetian smiled slightly, and expressed his thoughts again.

"Meiniang, you think too much, I have no other intentions."

Glancing at Wu Zetian, Li Zhi frowned involuntarily, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Your Majesty, you are thinking too much, and Mei Niang has no other intentions.

Now that Changsun Wuji has decided to go into seclusion, His Majesty's serious troubles are gone,
Then Mei Niang will be able to concentrate on serving His Majesty, without having to think about the affairs of the court. "

Wu Zetian leaned directly on Li Zhi's chest, and kept drawing circles on it with her fingers.

"Meiniang, it's really my blessing to have a wife like this, but I don't allow you to rest like this. Without you helping me with those government affairs, I would be bored to death."

Li Zhi hugged Wu Zetian in his arms, his eyes were full of smiles.

That night, a superstitious letter was quietly sent to Xu Jingzong's residence. After reading the contents of the secret letter, Xu Jingzong couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

I looked at the night sky above my head and didn't know what I was thinking.

"Father, I have already met with His Majesty, and I have told His Majesty all the news about your plan to retire. can submit your resignation to His Majesty."

Changsun Yan returned to Changsun Mansion and came straight to Changsun Wuji.

"Well, since everything that should be said has been said, the old man has nothing to miss."

One day, two days passed, and finally at the third court meeting, Changsun Wuji appeared in the Golden Luan Hall in the prime minister's mansion.

Looking at the figure of Changsun Wuji, Li Zhi's eyes were full of complexity.

"The officials will play early if they have something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do."

Ryan cleared his throat and shouted to the civil and military below.

"Your Majesty, the eldest minister, Sun Wuji, has something to play."

Changsun Wuji glanced at his colleagues around him, and knelt down in front of Li Zhi.

"Prime Minister, why is this so? Get up and talk."

Changsun Wuji's actions not only surprised all the officials, even Li Zhi was shocked.

"Your Majesty, the old minister has been conscientious since the first emperor, and he has never dared to neglect his duties. Now that the old minister is in his seventies, it is really difficult to sustain the position of prime minister."

"That's why the old minister came here not for other reasons but to ask His Majesty to resign. He also hopes to allow Changsun Wuji to resign from the position of prime minister and find another wise man to succeed him."

After Changsun Wuji finished speaking, he knocked his head on the ground.

His words were like a hurricane sweeping through the entire Golden Luan Palace, and all civil and military officials looked at Changsun Wuji in disbelief.

No one could have imagined that the most powerful minister of the Tang Dynasty, the eldest grandson Wuji who had been the prime minister for so long, would take the initiative to ask for his resignation.

"Prime Minister, have you really decided to do this?"

Li Zhi looked at Changsun Wuji and asked again.

"The health of the old minister really does not allow it. I hope that His Majesty will be sympathetic to the old minister and approve the old minister's resignation."

Changsun Wuji kowtowed his head to the ground again, hoping that Li Zhi could agree quickly and let his mind be cleared.

"Prime Minister, you."

Li Zhi shook his head, and finally heaved a long sigh: "Forget it, forget it, since Prime Minister Changsun is old, I agree."

"Changsun Wuji, thank you for your majesty's kindness."

Changsun Wuji knocked his head on the ground again, thanking Li Zhi.

"Passing down the decree, Changsun Wuji is conscientious, dedicated to the country, has made outstanding contributions, contributed to the community, and benefited all people.

I especially honor Changsun Wuji as the king of the county, add food to five thousand households, reward ten thousand taels of gold, and one thousand pieces of silk and satin,
Jiafeng made his son, grandson Yan, the Duke of Duyuan County, with [-] households in the food town, a thousand taels of gold, and a hundred silks and satins. "

Li Zhi had long thought of a reward for Changsun Wuji. The other party was the only remaining old man in the Tang Dynasty, his uncle, and the strongest pusher for him to become the throne.

Now that he has decided to withdraw from the court, his own rewards cannot be missed, and since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, there have also been precedents for kings with different surnames, and his uncle deserves it.

"Changsun Wuji thanks Lord Long En."

(End of this chapter)

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