My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 156 Prepare to Recognize

Chapter 156 Prepare to Recognize
With a soft cry, Li Yanran quickly turned her head, only to see Wu Zetian standing prettyly behind the swing.

Jumping off the swing, Li Yanran plunged directly into Wu Zetian's arms.

"Aniang, Aniang, Yanran misses you to death."

Holding Wu Zetian's waist, Li Yanran called out cordially.

"Aniang misses Xiao Yanran too."

Wu Zetian touched Li Yanran's small face, with a kind smile on his face.

"Aniang, do you know that Prime Minister Changsun Wuji has resigned?"

Li Yanran squinted her eyes very much, and told the news of Changsun Wuji's resignation.

"Even Xiao Yanran knows something, why do you think that A Niang doesn't know, is it that A Niang is unbearable in Yan Ran's heart?"

Wu Zetian nodded.

"Aniang, do you know that Yan Ran is overjoyed."

A tear flashed from the corner of Li Yanran's eyes, she had been terrified for so long, and today she was finally relieved.

Changsun Wuji's downfall, although his father's official career may come to an abrupt end, but it also saves his life, and he finally doesn't have to worry about the fate of the whole family.

Besides, being an official can earn a little money, and having yourself around is enough to guarantee the prosperity and wealth of your family.

"I know Xiao Yanran is happy, but A-Niang is also happy, because A-Niang finally has the opportunity to take you to see your father."

Holding Li Yanran in his arms, Wu Zetian's heart was also agitated.

My eldest grandson Wuji stepped down, and my little Yanran was finally able to restore her identity openly.

"See my father? Mother, is what you said true?"

Hearing that Wu Zetian wanted to take her to see her father, Li Yanran directly raised her head.

"Well, it's your father's birthday in two days, and I'm going to let you meet your father on the birthday."

Wu Zetian nodded, and gently kissed Li Yanran's forehead.

"Aniang, Yanran, Yanran, you're not ready yet."

Li Yanran felt nervous for no reason. To be honest, although she had been looking forward to Wu Zetian taking him to meet her father, but when it came to this point, she realized that she was not ready at all.

"What is there to prepare for? My little Yanran is so beautiful, your father will definitely like you."

Wu Zetian knew what Li Yanran was worried about, but now that Changsun Wuji had left the field, no one could threaten him anymore, and Li Zhi was your biological father.

No father would dislike his daughter.

"Mother, I. I."

"Don't think too much, Auntie will arrange a carriage to pick you up, don't worry."

Wu Zetian touched Li Yanran's little head again, her eyes were full of kindness.

"How about I give Dad a big cake on Dad's birthday?"

What should come will always come, since it is unavoidable, then I can only face it bravely, but after all, it is my father's birthday, as a daughter, she always has to give a gift, right?

"Cake? What?"

Hearing this outlandish noun, Wu Zetian couldn't help it either.

He had no idea what Li Yanran was talking about.

"Aniang will know when the time comes, and I promise to give Dad a big surprise."

However, Li Yanran revealed a mysterious smile, telling A Niang to wait and see.

"You are a big kid, even A Niang has to hide it."

Wu Zetian gave Li Yanran a supercilious look, and patted her on the forehead lightly.

"Mother, don't hit the child's head, or he will become stupid."

Li Yanran pouted her mouth, as if I was very angry.

"It's better to be stupid, so that you don't get mad at Auntie."

Although Wu Zetian said that, he rubbed her head with his hands.

"Hee hee, Yan Ran knows that A Niang is the best."

Li Yanran closed her big eyes, enjoying Wu Zetian's caress.

The moonlight shone on the mother and daughter, and this moment became forever.

Li Yanran fell asleep curled up in Wu Zetian's arms again, looking at her daughter's long eyelashes, Wu Zetian couldn't help shaking her head.

After all, it's a child, sleep as soon as it says, it's true.
Gently picked up Li Yanran, put her on the bed, then stepped into the carriage, and chased Mingyue towards the palace.

Li Yanran rubbed her eyes, woke up slowly, looked at the empty side, and couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"Li Feng."

Hearing Li Yanran's shout, Li Feng also responded outside the door.

"Get ready, let's go to the farm."

Li Yanran straightened her clothes, then got on the donkey and headed out of the city.

With the experience of making puffs and chiffon cakes, it is not difficult to make a big cake. The only problem is making the cake base.

After all, she wanted to surprise her father this time.

Under Li Yanran's command, the chefs also began busy experiments.

"Brother Li, Brother Li."

A shout came from outside, and then Changsun Yan was seen walking slowly in all directions.

"Did you take the wrong medicine?"

Li Yanran was also taken aback when she saw Changsun Yan walking in front of her.

"Brother Li, I'm afraid you don't know it yet. I'm also the county magistrate of [-] households in Shiyi. What, isn't it very powerful?"

Changsun Yan made a poss, with smiles in his eyes.

The father's resignation was considered a blessing in disguise, but he knew it was not a blessing. Not only did he get the county king's award, but he also became a county magistrate.

My big cousin is really awesome, it's not in vain for him to help the other party make money.

"Then do I want to give one to the county magistrate Changsun?"

With a single glance at Changsun Yan, a county magistrate will make you look like this. If your father inherits the county king for you after a hundred years, you still won't fly to the sky.

"That's not impossible."

"I knocked you on the elbow."

Li Yanran jumped up and knocked Changsun Yan directly on the head.

Say you are fat and you are still panting, so what about the county magistrate, why don't you call this girl Brother Li.

give you what you can.

"Brother Li, you can't be more refined, you've been so violent at such a young age, you'll have to deal with it in the future."

Changsun Yan was suddenly violently attacked, and his whole body was not well.

He couldn't figure it out, Brother Li's skill at such a young age really made him doubt his life.

"If you don't accept it, Li Feng will beat him up for me."

"I'm convinced, Brother Li, I'm convinced."

Glancing at Li Feng, who had a bad complexion, Changsun Yan instantly relented.

A hero doesn't take immediate losses, Li Feng, you wait for me, my lord.

"Brother Li, you are not staying in Lan Kwai Fong, what new things are you tinkering with?"

Looking at the busy chef, Chang Sun Yan's eyes were full of doubts.

"I'm making a birthday cake. It's my father's birthday in two days. I'm going to give him a big surprise."

Looking at the cake, Li Yanran's eyes flashed with excitement.

"Birthday cake? What?"

Hearing this term, Changsun Yan immediately became excited.

Although I don't know what it is, but it must be a great thing that can make Li Yanran spend so much time.

And wouldn't it be my big cousin's birthday in two days?

It seems that I guessed correctly, Brother Li, you really are the emperor's illegitimate son.

"Actually. I can't explain it to you. You will know when it is done."

Li Yanran wanted to explain, but after looking at Sun Yan, she also chose to give up.

Explain something to him, but he can't understand, isn't it a waste of effort.


Changsun Yan nodded, and said that he didn't understand, so it's better to wait for the food.

As time passed, the three of Li Siwen also came to report to the farm. After playing with Changsun Yan for a while, the chef came to Li Yanran and signaled that the cake had been baked.

Seeing the [-]-inch cake blank delivered in front of her, Li Yanran was also excited, and immediately ordered the chef to start framing it with cream according to her requirements.

After a while, a beautiful cake appeared in front of the three of them.

"Brother Li, is this the cake?"

(End of this chapter)

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