Chapter 157
Looking at the artwork in front of him, Changsun Yan couldn't help himself.

Brother Li is Brother Li after all, what he thinks and thinks is far beyond the reach of human beings, one cream can make so many flowers.


"Well, this is the cake, but this is only the most basic, let's try it."

Li Yanran took a small knife, directly divided the cake and distributed it to several people.

The soft cake base is served with smooth cream and cherries. One bite is no longer for filling the stomach, but a yearning and enjoyment for delicious food.

"Oh, oh, delicious, delicious."

Changsun Yan bit off a small half of the cake in one bite, and was already in a daze.

This was too delicious. The thick cream and soft cake really made him doubt life.

"Brother Li, you...why didn't you take out the cake earlier."

Li Siwen gave Li Yanran a blank look, he really doesn't know how many good things you still have in your mind.

"You can't keep your mouth shut while eating cake."

Li Yanran picked up a cherry with her hand and put it in her mouth, her eyes instantly turned into crescents.


"I want more."

Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan didn't have much to say. After wolfing down their food, they handed over the porcelain plate again, demanding refills.

"I also want."

"One more piece."

Changsun Yan and Li Siwen were not to be outdone, they wiped out the cake in two bites and pushed the plate out.

"All of them, enough for today."

Looking at the four people in front of her, Li Yanran also had the feeling of returning to her previous life.

Whenever someone in the family celebrates a birthday, I always wait eagerly to share the cake.

A twelve-inch cake is nothing in front of a few big eaters. After eating it, they can only look forward to it, hoping that Li Yanran can make one again, so as to satisfy their taste buds that have not been touched for a long time.

"hold on."

Li Yanran was depressed for a while, and then told the chef her idea for the second cake.

With the successful experience of the first cake, the second cake was also made smoothly.

Compared with the first one, this cake has also been changed. The cake base uses the stacking process, one layer of cake base and one layer of cream, and then some fruits are added.

After making it, the taste has become more diverse and refreshing, and it has won unanimous praise from the Wolongfeng chicks.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Li Yanran also proposed the ultimate solution.

Her purpose is to make a huge cake, and hollow out the middle so that she can hide in the cake, so that when her father comes over, she can give him a big surprise.

It is really difficult to bake the big cake that Li Yanran wanted, but fortunately, the chefs here already have experience, and finally made a huge cake base according to the method of Anhao stacking.

Looking at the Big Mac in front of them, Changsun Yan and the others were dumbfounded.

Such a big cake is enough for dozens of people to eat.

"How do I get in?"

Li Yanran frowned as she looked at the big cake.

"My lord, the middle of this cake is empty. You can get into the cake by ordering someone to lift the cake before delivering it."

Chef He Jiuzhang saluted Li Yanran and explained how to make the cake.

"So that's the case, but how will I get out after I go in?"

It is easy to enter, but how to get out when the time comes is another problem.

"My lord, there are wooden sticks inside the cake, and you need to move the mechanism, and the cake will spread out from the middle, and you can come out."

Lao He smiled slightly, he also wasted a lot of effort to make the cake that Li Yanran wanted.

"Okay, old He, you really have a fantastic idea, Changsun Yan, you just became the county magistrate, why don't you give me a reward?"

Hearing this, Li Yanran was completely relieved, and looked at Zhang Sunyan and asked him directly for money.


Changsun Yan's eyes widened, why do you want me to give you money when you make cakes for your father.

Besides, I'm a county magistrate, and you haven't given me a congratulatory gift yet, so that counts as my money?

Is this reasonable?

"What's the matter, Changsun Yan, you're still so stingy now that you're the magistrate?"

Li Siwen looked at Changsun Yan, almost crying out.

His family does have the title of duke, but it is hereditary, and he has to wait until his father and elder brother die before he is eligible to inherit it.

At this time, the other party actually resigned because of the eldest grandson Wuji and became a county magistrate. He really wanted to envy the dead.

Cheng Chubi on the side also said enviously: "That is, if we win the county magistrate, we will definitely reward those servants."

Compared to Li Siwen, Cheng Chubi was even more aggrieved. His father, Cheng Yaojin, was the Duke of Lu, and his elder brother, Cheng Chumo, was the eldest son. It was certain that he would inherit the title of Duke.

The second elder brother, Cheng Chuliang, was granted the title of Duke of Dong'e County because of his father's military exploits as early as the seventh year of Zhenguan. He was born the latest, and now he can only hang out with the eldest grandson Yan.

Now that the eldest grandson Yan among the four has won the county magistrate, how can we not make him jealous.

"Me too."

Yuchi interjected angrily, looking at Changsun Yan with jealousy in his eyes.

The three of them sang together next to each other, and Changsun Yan also looked back with his eyes.

What's the matter, is this envy, jealousy and hatred?

Why do you not have a good father?

No way, reincarnation is also a technical job. Although I am not as good as Brother Li, I joined the royal family.

But it's enough to be more stupid than you.

"Why, I can't do it myself, Li Feng."

Seeing Changsun Yan's villainous look, Li Yanran quit and asked Li Feng to do it.

"and many more."

Changsun Yan is completely convinced by Li Yanran, the sixth child, and calls Li Feng whenever he disagrees.

Can you make some progress.

With a wrinkled face, Changsun Yan took out a one-two-weight gold pancake from his bosom, and reluctantly threw it to He Jiuzhang.

Looking at the golden gold, He Jiuzhang was dumbfounded.

Ordinary people use copper coins the most. Have you ever seen such a gold cake? This is really something you can own?
"Why are you standing there, put it away, or the county magistrate Changsun will be unhappy."

Changsun Yan is depressed, which eye of yours sees me unhappy, I hope he won't accept me, young master.

"He Jiuzhang thanked Changsun county magistrate."

Hearing this, He Jiuzhang held up the gold cake with both hands, and kowtowed to Changsun Yan to thank him.

"Go, work hard in the future, and don't let down the cultivation of Mr. Changsun County."

Li Yanran waved his hand, He Jiuzhang kowtowed again, and slowly retreated.

Changsun Yan looked at He Jiuzhang who was going away, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Why am I the one paying the money, and you are the one pretending to be a good person.

Good or bad, I paid for it, so let me say a few words.

Brother Li, you are too unkind.

"Okay, why are you staring blankly, let's start."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, such a big cake, she wants to see how much you big eaters can eat.


"I want to hit ten."

"I won't lose you either."

(End of this chapter)

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