My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 163 Princess Lishan's dust settles

Chapter 163 Princess Lishan's dust settles
When they heard that Li Yanran was going to be named Princess Lishan, everyone was stunned, and Ren Yaxiang objected again.

"What do you object to?"

Li Zhi glared at Ren Yaxiang, don't think that you can always fight against me after being promoted to prime minister.

I can mention you, and I can also demote you, do you really think I'm someone?
"Your Majesty, the state owns the laws of the state, and the family has its own rules. The Princess Law of the Tang Dynasty cannot be conferred on all famous mountains, Dachuan and Ginei counties. Now Your Majesty wants to confer the title of Princess Lishan, which is against the precepts of the ancestors and against the laws of the country."

Ren Yaxiang is also a stubborn ass. Although he knows that saying so now may offend Li Zhi, as the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, he has the obligation to jump out and prevent the emperor from making mistakes.

"Father, Yanran doesn't need to be titled, as long as she can always be with Father, Aunt... and Queen Mother, don't make things difficult for Yanran."

Li Yanran was also taken aback when she heard Ren Yaxiang's words, originally she thought it was just a title.

Who knew there were so many sayings in it, and besides, she was not greedy for those things, so there was no need to embarrass the old man she had just met.

"Hmph, Ren Yaxiang, you said that there are indeed laws of the Tang Dynasty, but there are not exceptions.

I remember that my sister was conferred the title of Princess Hengshan by her father before, so I can't do what the previous emperor did?
Besides, Lishan is no match for the three mountains and five mountains. Why can't a princess of Lishan be named? "

Seeing that Li Yanran was so sensible, Li Zhi felt even more guilty.

One must know that Li Yanran deserved the first credit for persuading Changsun Wuji to go back to seclusion, but now he wants to seal his daughter in a place closer to Chang'an, what's wrong?
If I don't stand up for my daughter now, how can I have the face to hear her call father emperor in the future.

Li Yanran looked at her father, and for the first time felt a sense of security from someone other than Wu Zetian.

I have to say that my father is not only handsome, but also a powerful father.

It feels good to have such a dad.

"Your Majesty, benevolence and elegance don't mean that. It's just that the princess is young and has no achievements. Now she may be criticized as the princess of Lishan. I suggest to give a false title first, and then seal the city when there is a chance."

Hearing that Princess Ren Yaxiang of Hengshan really loses her temper, you also said that it is Princess Hengshan who was conferred by the former emperor.

Who was the first emperor? He defeated more than half of the entire Tang Dynasty, even if it was so, it was also opposed by the officials.

Why do you think you are equal to the late emperor?

"Your Majesty, Princess Hengshan was only eight years old when she was conferred the title. Why is Princess Lishan not conferred by Princess Hengshan? Is merit important to a princess?"

Changsun Wuji glanced at Ren Yaxiang, and came out to stand for Li Yanran again.

"I still think Lishan should not be sealed lightly."

Ren Yaxiang is depressed, what the hell is Changsun Wuji, what kind of ecstasy soup did this Li Yanran give you?

You should stand with me to refute now, not the dog leg of Empress Wu.

Wu Zetian smiled slightly, don't you want merit?Then this palace will give you a great achievement.

"Prime Minister, do you know about the great epidemic in Shaozhou not long ago?"

Ren Yaxiang nodded, no one knew about the great epidemic in Shaozhou, no one knew about it, Zhang Mengshan, the official censor, was dismissed because of this, and replaced by the current Gao Zhizhou, why did he mention this again.

Wu Zetian nodded and continued: "Then do you know who gave the panacea that can calm the great epidemic in Shaozhou?"

"Your Majesty said that there are sages offering treasures, but I don't know who these sages are."

Ren Ya looked at Wu Zetian suspiciously, what do you mean by that?
"Then I will tell you right now that this so-called virtuous person is Li Yanran, my daughter-in-law. How about such achievements?"

As soon as Wu Zetian finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

How could they never imagine that the person who helped put down the great epidemic in Shaozhou turned out to be a nine-year-old child?
In their eyes, this is simply a fantasy, especially Ren Yaxiang, he has only one thought in his mind now.

Empress Wu, you really dare to say anything in order to fight for your daughter this Lishan Princess, and you can tell such a fake thing.

"Yan Ran, that sage is you?"

Li Zhi was also taken aback. He asked Wu Zetian before, but the other party didn't say anything. He didn't expect that this person would be his daughter.

"What kind of sages are not sages? Originally, Yanran wanted to give her father a credit for saving her life, but she didn't expect it."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, the so-called planting trees intentionally will not live, but planting willows and willows unintentionally will make shade.

The credit for the fight against the epidemic went round and round and came back to me.

"Ren Yaxiang, what else do you have to say? My daughter saved the people from the fire and water, and saved Shaozhou from the embarrassment. This credit is enough."

Li Zhi smiled lovingly, then looked coldly at Ren Yaxiang below, with this credit, what else do you have to say.

"Your Majesty, this cure for the epidemic is tantamount to reinvention. Firstly, there is no certificate, and secondly, there is no certificate. If the empress just says that, I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince the public."

Ren Ya is honest and upright, and now she is the water that has been poured out, so she has to bear it to the end.

Anyway, it is said that a child can quell the epidemic situation in Shaozhou, and he would not believe it if he was killed.

"I am the witness. I once searched for the Artemisia annua together with Brother Li and Princess Lishan. All the members of my family have seen it with their own eyes. If the Prime Minister does not believe it, you can send someone to ask my servants to find out.

Moreover, there are people in exile from Shaozhou in Princess Lishan's mansion, all of which are witnesses. "

Seeing that Ren Yaxiang dared to question his brother Li's contribution, Zhang Sunyan couldn't bear it anymore, and directly took the case to help Li Yanran have a platform.

Changsun Wuji glanced at Changsun Yan and didn't say anything. Anyway, he had already decided to stand up for Li Yanran, so naturally he had to go to the end.


Although the eldest grandson Yan is only a small county magistrate, he represents the eldest grandson's family, so it is naturally impossible for him to talk nonsense because of this matter.

Is everything Wu Zetian said true?Has this woman really put down the Shaoshan epidemic?
"Okay, no need to say much, Princess Lishan is sealed. If you have any objections, then resign. Such a fool is not capable of leading the officials."

Li Zhi stared at Prime Minister Ren Ya with staring eyes. I didn't let you become Prime Minister to confront myself. If you are so disobedient, then don't blame me.

"Since Princess Lishan has made such achievements, the old minister has no objection."

Ren Yaxiang knelt down and saluted again depressed.

He messed up the banquet today, what the hell is going on.

"Okay, according to my will, pass the decree to designate Li Yanran as Princess Lishan, then play music, then dance."

Hearing Li Zhi's will, the musicians started playing music again, and the dancers who went down also came on stage again and began to dance for everyone.

After the banquet was over, the relatives of the emperor, the princes of the counties, and all the civil and military officials also left one after another.

"Father, Yan Ran has also resigned."

Seeing everyone leaving, Li Yanran also bowed to Li Zhi, and was about to return to her small house.

"Why are you retiring, where are you going? The palace is your home."

Li Zhi glared at Li Yanran, talking nonsense.

"My daughter can't accept it yet, so go back to my house."

Li Yanran shook her head, she wasn't ready yet, besides, there were too many rules in the palace, she couldn't stand the restraint, so she had better go back to her own nest to be safe.

"If you can't accept it, you can accept it. This is my imperial decree. I will rest in your mother's harem today. Father will arrange for someone to prepare a palace for you to live in."

After knocking on Li Yanran's little head, Li Zhi also ordered with a dark face.

"Little Yanran, didn't you always hope that Auntie would take you to sleep? Just stay in Auntie's bedroom."

Wu Zetian looked at the pair of live treasures and smiled Wan'er, persuading Li Yanran.

Seeing that Li Zhi and Wu Zetian doted on Li Yanran so much, Li Hong quit.

Jumping between Li Zhi and Li Yanran, with arms akimbo, she said in a childlike voice, "Father, Empress, Hong'er wants to hug me, and I want Aniang to take me to sleep."

"Go aside for me."

(End of this chapter)

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