My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 164 This King Has a Bottom Line

Chapter 164 This King Has a Bottom Line
Li Zhi directly pulled Li Hongpa aside, I don't think you are annoying enough, you will jump out to join in the fun, you haven't been beaten enough, right?

"Father, you are biased. Why are you so nice to a strange girl but so strict with me? I don't care. Hong'er must sleep with Father and Empress today."

Li Hong quit, why are you so kind to this strange woman, but so harsh on yourself.

You must know that his acting king is just a false title. Now Li Yanran not only has the title of Lishan Princess, but also has five thousand households in the city.

Forget about those, and he will have them in the future, but now his father and queen want to sleep with her, he doesn't accept it.

Li Yanran looked at Li Hong and was also a little speechless, where did the little brat come from, how could he be so annoying.

I talk to my parents, how can you meddle in it.


Wu Zetian slapped Li Hong on the head with one slap, and immediately slapped Li Hong until he cried.

"Queen, why did you hit me?"

Li Hong looked at Wu Zetian with tears in his eyes, wondering why A Niang beat him.

"What is a strange woman? This is your biological sister. I haven't seen your sister soon."

Wu Zetian glared at Li Hong with glaring eyes. She was so jealous at such a young age, how could she lead the Tang Dynasty in the future.

How could she not be angry.

"I don't, I don't want to."

Li Hong held his head and shook his head, rejecting the existence of this sister from the bottom of his heart.

"You are Li Hong?"

Seeing the tearful little boy, Li Yanran was also taken aback.

This is the legendary Li Hong, the first prince of the Tang Dynasty who was posthumously named emperor.

If Li Hong hadn't died of illness, Wu Zetian might not have ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a little crybaby, a crybaby, which really opened her eyes.

"You should call this king the prince, or His Royal Highness the acting king."

Glancing at Li Yanran, Li Hong put his hands in his pockets again, as if his father was the eldest, his mother was the second, and he was in the middle.


Wu Zetian rewarded Li Hong with a headshot again, and you are still in a fight with your own sister.

Really deserves a fight.

"Mother, you... you are unfair, woo woo woo."

Li Hong quit, is this still the queen mother who loves and loves him well?

No, it's not, it's the devil.

I blame that inexplicable Li Yanran for returning my loving mother to me.

"Aniang, let me teach my younger brother."

Li Yanran moved to Li Hong's side and hugged his small shoulders.


Wu Zetian looked at Li Yanran, wondering what she was going to do, but Li Zhi hugged Wu Zetian and motioned them to watch the show.

Li Hong is just a little kid, and if his daughter wants to control him, she can easily catch him.

"Let go of me, bad woman."

Li Hong shook his shoulders, he would feel disgusted with Li Yanran from the bottom of his heart, because she robbed Li Zhi and Wu Zetian of their love for him.

"Xiao Li Hong, my sister has plums here, do you want to eat them?"

Li Yanran pulled out a plum from her bosom by magic, and handed it to Li Hong.

"Whoever wants to eat your rotten plums, I will tell you, I am already six years old, and your methods of coaxing children are useless."

Li Hong doesn't even look at Li Zi, isn't he just a broken plum, as rare as anyone else.

"What about this?"

A panda-shaped object appeared in Li Yanran's hand.

This is the panda toffee that she asked the farm chef to make when she was free and bored. She originally saved it for her own teeth-making sacrifice, but now it just comes in handy.

"What is this?"

Looking at the cute panda toffee, Li Hong's heart was instantly attracted.

"This is called panda candy, it's delicious."

Li Yanran put the sugar in her mouth directly, and the cream and sucrose were really a perfect match.

Seeing Li Yanran enjoying himself, Li Hong was both envious and angry.

Shouldn't you give me that panda toffee?Why do you have to eat it yourself.

Sure enough, you are a bad sister.

"Hey, little Li Hong, do you want to eat?"

Li Yanran took out another panda candy from her pocket and waved it in front of Li Hong.

"I want to eat, give me a taste."

Li Hong couldn't hold back his saliva, so he reached out to grab it, but Li Yanran carried it to a place out of his reach.

"I want to eat candy, it's simple, call me sister and listen, otherwise I will eat it by myself."

With a panda toffee in her mouth, Li Yanran smiled like a little devil at Li Hong.

"Do you think this king cares about that candy? A joke."

Hearing that Li Yanran actually asked him to call her sister, how could Li Hong bear it.

So he could only hold back his saliva while turning his head to one side.

"What about those two?"

Another candy appeared in Li Yanran's hand.

No child can refuse the temptation of candy, if one is not enough, then have another one.

"Two or two."

Double the candy, double the temptation, Li Hong's little head has already begun to calculate the gains and losses.

Is it important to own dignity, or the two panda gummies?

"My king has a bottom line, but I can call you sister, I want three. Three candies."

After a calculation, Li Hong finally couldn't bear it anymore, and directly stretched out three fingers.

This king is a person with a bottom line, but if I want this king to admit that you are my sister, I have to add sugar, at least three.

"Little greedy ghost, here you are."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and handed all three panda candies to Li Hong.

"Thank you, Sister, Sister is the best, better than Queen Mother and Emperor Father."

Holding three panda candies in both hands, Li Hong was completely captured after licking them with his mouth. He called out to Li Yanran in a childish voice.

Li Yanran affectionately touched Li Hong's little head, little ghost head, you are still far from fighting with your sister.

"Look, I'll just say Li Xiaozi is fine."

Seeing that Li Hong was easily subdued by Li Yanran, Li Zhi also smiled slightly.

After all, it was Li Xiaozi who didn't let himself down.

Looking at Li Hong who was adding sugar, Li Zhi's face darkened instantly.

As the prince of the Tang Dynasty, you have only this little ability, and it seems that you need to strengthen his education.

"Father, let Xiao Li Hong go to the bedroom with us."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Zhi and Wu Zetian, and directly expressed that she would take Li Hong there with her.

Hearing this, Li Hong looked at his parents expectantly.

"Okay, let's go back to the bedroom."

Facing Li Yanran, Li Zhi couldn't resist, he just waved his hand and led Wu Zetian towards him.

"Sister is the best."

Li Hong jumped up and kissed Li Yanran on the face. At this moment, he felt that it was good to have Li Yanran as a sister.

Not only can he make sugar, but he can also convince his father.

His better days may be coming.


Li Yanran glared at Li Hong.

Doesn't the kid know that his mouth is full of candy?

Slimy, what a nuisance.

In this way, the group of four returned directly to Wu Zetian's bedroom, and after putting the two children to sleep, Wu Zetian also snuggled up with Li Zhi.

At dawn the next day, Li Yanran slowly opened her eyes, looked at Li Hong who was sleeping soundly on her belly, and scratched her head for a while.

"Are you up? Why don't you sleep more?"

Wu Zetian came in front of the two of them, looking at Li Yanran who was taking care of Li Hong, his face was full of smiles.

"Greetings from Yanran to Empress Auntie."

(End of this chapter)

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