Chapter 174
Li Hong was weeping, Li Yanran couldn't help frowning and asking questions.

"What trouble did you cause? There is such a vicious dog in the palace. I really don't know what it means."

"Sister, this looks like the queen's spirit dog. Cheng Chubi, if you killed the queen's spirit dog, you are finished."

As soon as Li Hong's words came out, Cheng Chubi was in a bad mood.

Who would have thought that this was actually the spirit dog raised by the queen, isn't this meant to scare people to death?

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head again.

"Sister, why did you hit me?"

Li Hong rubbed his little head and looked at Li Yanran with a displeased face.

"This matter happened because of you, if it wasn't because of your parrot, how could it have attracted Aniang's spirit dog, and besides, Cheng Chubi killed the spirit dog not to protect you.

You actually want Cheng Chubi to take responsibility. As the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty, the most important thing is to be responsible. When you encounter problems, you try to shirk responsibility. How can you take on the great cause of governing the country in the future. "

Li Yanran curled her lips, and began to educate Li Hong on the principles and principles of how to behave.

"Sister, I'm just a child. I've already memorized the responsibility for killing my father's parrot. If I'm responsible for the queen's spirit dog, I'm afraid I won't be able to bear it."

Li Hong cried again, crying with snot and tears.

He felt that he couldn't afford a parrot anymore. If he added this spirit dog, he would really die.

Sister, please forgive my younger brother.

"Brother Hong, when the heavens will send a great mission to the people, you must first suffer from it, exhaust your muscles and bones, and starve your body and skin. This is what the sage Mencius said, and now is the time for you to experience it.

Besides, as everyone has seen, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was so brave that he killed the spirit dog with one punch. Not only would the mother not be angry when she found out, she might even praise Little Li Hong for being amazing. "

Li Yanran patted Li Hong's little shoulder, brother, it's not that sister doesn't want to help you.

It's really sister who wants to exercise and exercise you, so you don't have to thank me.

Li Hong glanced at the four of them, and they nodded in tacit understanding.

"Sister, sister, if you want to save me, you must not let the queen mother find out, otherwise I will die."

Li Hong hugged Li Yanran's thigh directly, any prestige of a prince, any nobles are all fake.

He just wanted to save his own life now, if Li Yanran didn't save him, he would have to be beaten to death by Wu Zetian.

"Want sister to save you?"

Li Yanran patted Li Hong's head, looking at his pitiful little appearance, she couldn't bear it.


Li Hong nodded quickly.

"Then you take Cheng Chubi and the others to the imperial dining room now."

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Hong was completely dumbfounded.

Sister, what do you want to do?

"What are you in a daze for, don't hurry up."

Li Yanran glared at Li Hong, and the other party stood up immediately, wiped away his tears and ran towards the imperial dining room with Cheng Chubi.

After a while, an iron pot was placed under the big tree, and something inside was still gurgling and rolling.


Smelling the fragrance in the pot, Li Hong's little eyes were full of impatience.

"Wait a minute, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, don't you know?"

Li Yanran glanced at her younger brother, her eyes were full of disdain.

Children are like this, they can't bear to wait at all, so what's wrong with you, look at your impatience.

"I can't wait."

Li Hong's saliva was about to flow out, he had never smelled such a smell before.

"If you can't wait, you have to wait, little Li Hong, aren't you afraid that A Niang will spank your ass if she finds out?"

Li Yanran touched Li Hong's little head and said to him.

"Things have come to this, even if I die, I will be a dead ghost."

Li Hong wiped the saliva from his mouth, and looked eagerly at the big iron pot in front of him.

Anyway, things have been done, so there is nothing to hesitate, let's talk when we are full.

Li Yanran looked at the iron pot, and said earnestly, "Then do you want to share the damage?"


"Sister, what do you mean?"

Li Hong was taken aback for a moment, seeing that Li Yanran didn't know what sharing the damage meant.

"Go to Emperor Father right away and tell him that there are delicious foods here, and Emperor Father will definitely come over. As long as Emperor Father has a bite, all problems will be solved."

After listening to Li Yanran's words, Li Hong was also taken aback.

Going to find the emperor now, isn't that a self-inflicted trap?
"Do as I say, and I promise you will pass safely."

Li Yanran slapped Li Hong again, little brat, I am not afraid of so many worries, what are you afraid of.

"Sister, don't lie to me, otherwise I will die without a place to bury myself."

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran with a mournful face, he really didn't dare to go to Li Zhi.

"Don't worry, it's not too late."

Li Yanran glared at Li Hong, but the latter didn't dare to say anything, and went directly to Li Zhi's palace in desperation.

"Brother Li, why don't we go first, I want to do my homework."

Changsun Yan also had a mournful face, and now he really felt the veins on his forehead were bulging. First he killed the big cousin's parrot, and now he killed Empress Wu's spirit dog.

He will be really scared.

Brother Li, you and Li Hong are both the biological children of the emperor, but I am not.

In case Li Zhi turned his anger on himself, wouldn't it be hard to eat and walk around.

"Yes, Brother Li, I have to go back to do my homework, or my father will beat me to death."

Li Siwen also had his eyes empty, not daring to look into Li Yanran's eyes.

"What's the rush? If you want to leave, you have to eat before you leave. When did you two care so much about your homework?"

Cheng Chubi glanced at the two of them, his eyes were still fixed on the iron pot in front of him, and his saliva dripped down inadvertently.


Changsun Yan kicked Cheng Chubi's ass.

You are a fool, you are still staying here, because you are afraid that you will not have enough to eat when you die or something.

"Why kick me?"

Cheng Chubi glared at Changsun Yan, not understanding what the other party meant.

"Come on."

Changsun Yan took Cheng Chubi's arm and walked away. Cheng Chubi tossed and grabbed a piece and stuffed it into his mouth, saying it was so hot and delicious.

Looking at the backs of the four, Li Yanran also shook her head, continued to hold a piece of grass in her mouth, and stared at the iron pot in front of her.


Li Hong fell headlong into Li Zhi's arms, and acted like a baby to him in a childish voice.

"What's the matter, why are you so good today?"

Li Zhi stroked Li Hong's head, wondering why his son was like this today.

"Father, Hong'er, no, sister just made something delicious, I want you to go over and try it."

Li Hong lowered his head and hugged Li Zhi's waist, not daring to look into his eyes.

"Yanran made something delicious? It's strange, let's go and have a look."

Hearing that Li Yanran made delicious food, Li Zhi also became interested.

My daughter can always make the impossible possible, and what she cooks must be unique and delicious.

"Okay, let's go."

Li Hong jumped out and led the way, while Li Zhi only brought Ryan to follow behind him.

After a long while, Li Hong shouted at Li Yanran from a distance; "Sister, sister, father is here."

Hearing the call, Li Yanran hurriedly saluted Li Zhi.

"Father, Yan Ran greets you."

"Okay, I heard from Hong'er that you made delicious food, is this the one?"

Li Zhi sniffed his nose, he really hadn't smelled this smell before.


Li Yanran was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at Li Hong who was hiding under Li Zhi's arm, her little brows wrinkled involuntarily.

Well, you little rascal, you haven't learned anything else, but you've learned [-]% by framing people.

"Father, you should try it first."

(End of this chapter)

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