My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 175 Exposure and Fear

Chapter 175 Exposure and Fear

Li Yanran picked up a piece of meat and blew it on, then sent it to Li Zhi's hand.

Li Zhi fanned the smell, and couldn't wait to take a bite.

"good to eat."

Li Zhi nodded to Li Yanran, it tastes really good.

"Brother Hong, try it too."

Li Yanran forked another piece out and stuffed it into Li Hong's mouth.

Looking at the meat in his hands, Li Hong honestly wanted to eat but didn't dare to eat it, but after glancing at Li Yanran, he opened his mouth to eat it.

"Yanran, you eat too."

After Li Zhi ate a few pieces in succession, he couldn't take it anymore. He glanced at Li Yanran, wondering why she just watched but didn't eat.

"I don't like to eat these, you can just eat them."

Li Yanran forked out another piece and handed it to Li Hong.

Li Hong is about to cry, Sister, the way you think, if you don’t eat it yourself, you really want to take it all out.

"Little brother, why didn't you eat it? I was drooling just looking at the pot."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong threateningly, and the other party bit him down very well.

After drinking and eating, Li Zhi, Li Hong and Li Yanran also sat side by side, enjoying a pleasant after-dinner time.

After a while, a servant hurried over and whispered something in Ryan's ear.

Ryan raised his brows, glanced at the three father and daughter on one side, hesitated for a while and walked over.

"What's the matter? Didn't you see that I was resting?"

Li Zhi glanced at Ryan who was approaching, with displeasure in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, your parrot is missing."


Hearing this, Li Zhi frowned.

My parrot is not an ordinary bird, and it is taken care of by a special person every day, so how could it be missing.

Glancing at the angry Li Zhi, Li Hong immediately shivered, and looked at Li Yanran beside him with a look of grievance.

Li Yanran smiled slightly, her face full of indifference.

"Check, if I can't find my parrot, all those responsible for raising the parrot will be executed."

Li Zhihu looked at Ruian with a stern face. It must be that those eunuchs were negligent in their duties, which led to such a situation. He didn't even look down on a parrot. Why did he raise those wastes?

"His Majesty."

Ruian glanced at Li Zhi, then at Li Hong, and hesitated for a while.

"Say something."

Looking at Ryan, who was hesitating, Li Zhi was also puzzled.
This old guy is not usually like this.

"Your Majesty, someone in the palace discovered that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was walking around the palace with your parrot not long ago."

After Ryan finished speaking, he knelt directly on the ground.

One is the current emperor, and the other may be the future emperor. He can't afford to provoke either of them.


Li Zhi looked at Li Hong next to him with a confused expression, wanting to prove the authenticity of Rui'an's words.

"Father, I have been wronged."

Sure enough, what should come is still coming, Li Hong threw himself directly into Li Zhi's arms.

"Are you wronged? Then isn't my parrot wronged? Nizi, why did my parrot offend you? You have to treat it like this."

Li Zhi directly pulled Li Hong out, and stared at his good son with wide eyes.

The murderer of his own parrot.

"Father, father, my son is really wronged."

Facing the furious Li Zhi, Li Hong cried immediately.

He was really wronged, it was all done by sister, but now he dare not say it.

The so-called catching thieves and filth, he was seen with the parrot corpse, even if he was covered in mouths, he couldn't tell.

"Father, what you can't hear is not true, and what you can't see is not true. Although some palace people saw the emperor's brother holding the parrot's body, the murderer is really not Hongdi."

Li Yanran looked at the trembling Li Hong, and hurried out to smooth things over.

"Don't plead for that rebellious son, how can I spare him after killing my parrot?"

Li Zhi's eyes widened after he finished speaking, and he slapped Li Hong's ass with a slap.

"Father, Brother Hong just wanted to bury your parrot and help it avenge its revenge."

Li Yanran tugged at the corner of Li Zhi's clothes, and spoke out her words.

"You mean this is the murderer who killed his own parrot?"

Li Zhi glanced at the boiling soup in the pot, his eyes full of disbelief.

This nonsense, if I can believe it, it will be strange.

"Father, do you know what this is?"

Li Yanran glanced at her father, pointed to the iron pot and asked.


Li Zhi was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what it was.

Li Yanran whispered a few words in Li Zhi's ear, and Li Zhi felt bad after hearing it.

"You said, this is the spirit dog of your mother's queen?"


Li Yanran nodded, and Li Zhi was so frightened that he took a few steps back.

"Boy Li, you hurt me."

Now Li Zhi finally understood why they were so kind to ask him to eat good food, and it turned out that they wanted to take the blame on him.

"Father, what are you talking about? You are avenging your parrot. How could it be harming you? Even if the queen mother finds out, she can only blame her spirit dog for being ignorant and killing your parrot."

Li Yanran patted Li Hong's shoulder, and the other party nodded frantically.

"You. You."

Li Zhi felt that the sky was about to fall, and he had really experienced how powerful Wu Zetian was.

His own parrot is certainly miraculous, but how is Wu Zetian's spirit dog commonplace? If Wu Zetian knew that he ate her spirit dog.

Then he's done.

But now that the meat has been eaten by himself, no matter what he says, it won't help. He will definitely take the blame for it, but he can't be angry.

Grabbing Li Hong directly by his side, raising his arm was a crazy output.

"It's all your fault, a rebellious son, for causing me to be hated by your mother."

"It's all your fault for asking me to eat this delicious food."

"It's all your fault. You killed your queen's spirit dog, and I will take the blame for causing it."

Li Hong was completely stunned, father, why did you beat me for the blame.

The parrot was killed by Aunt Sister, and the spirit dog was killed by Cheng Chubi. I am a real outsider.

If the culprit is not beaten, why should he beat me, an innocent passer-by.

"Father, father, if you hit Hongdi again, you will kill me."

Li Yanran quickly hugged Li Zhi's arm, she had counted everything, but the other party would turn into annoyed when she didn't count.

Brother Hong, I blame my sister for not counting and making a mistake.

"Hmph, it's not an exaggeration to kill him as a traitor."

Li Zhi was puzzled and slapped again, and then let Li Hong go.

"Yanran, what do you think we should do now? You must find a way to fool your mother, otherwise the world will really fall apart."

Glancing bitterly at Li Yanran, Li Zhi knew that she had the most tricky ideas, so he could only rely on the other party.

"Father, it's actually very simple. You can draw a gourd like a gourd. As long as A Niang eats this too, there will be nothing to pursue."

Li Yanran's eyes were like crescent moons, and she told Li Zhi the solution.

The most effective way to make a person shut up is to pull him into his camp, just like they did to Li Zhi.

"No, your aunt is the smartest, once she finds out, wouldn't I have thrown myself into a trap?"

Li Zhi shook his head, these pediatric things couldn't be hidden from Wu Zetian's eyes at all.

"Then you can only file a complaint with the evil person first, saying that the spirit dog killed your parrot and wanted to attack Hongdi, so you beat the evil dog to death as a last resort.

In order to appease Brother Hong and to avenge your parrot, you will stew the spirit dog. Presumably, A Niang can't say anything, after all, compared with Brother Hong, what is a spirit dog? . "

Li Yanran looked at Li Zhi, since you are afraid that you won't be able to hide it, then just be tough and put the truth on your side first, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Well, this is a way, Hong'er, why don't you come with me to see your mother."

Li Zhi nodded, then left as soon as he lifted Li Hong's collar.

"Father, I don't want to see the queen mother."

"Father, please let me go."

"Sister, save me, save me."

(End of this chapter)

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