My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 176 Three people must have my teacher

Chapter 176 The Threesome Must Have My Teacher
Looking at Li Hong who was crying, Li Yanran couldn't help but silently recite Amitabha Buddha in her heart.

It seems that my father is not stupid, he knows how to pull a back.

Little Li Hong, I feel sorry for you.

After all, he used his young body to bear the burden that he couldn't bear.

Sister is actually doing it for your own good. The more you were beaten in childhood, the longer your memory will be.

"Mei Niang."

Li Zhi entered the door, glanced at Wu Zetian who was reviewing the memorial, and shivered involuntarily.

"His Majesty."

Wu Zetian glanced at Li Zhi and Li Hong beside him, feeling a little confused.

"Meiniang, what do you think I should do if Hong'er is threatened?"

Li Zhi held Wu Zetian in his arms and said softly.

"If anyone dares to threaten Hong'er, His Majesty, as a father, should naturally suppress the threat, what's the point?"

Wu Zetian was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what Li Zhi meant by this.

"With your words, I feel relieved."


Wu Zetian was even more confused now, what kind of medicine was sold in Li Zhi's gourd?

"Meiniang, this is how it happened."

Li Zhi directly told the lie Li Yanran made up.

"Your Majesty, you killed my spirit dog? And ate it?"

Hearing that his spirit dog had died and was eaten by Li Zhi, Wu Zetian quit on the spot.

The phoenix raised her eyebrows slightly, glaring at Li Zhi in front of her.

"Well, Meiniang, don't be angry, compared to Hong'er, that spirit dog is nothing, right?"

Li Zhi felt a little guilty and didn't dare to look at Wu Zetian.

"Ruian, just now you said that the Secretary of the Household Department had something to do with me, Mei Niang, let Hong'er stay here with you, I'm leaving first."

He shook his sleeves and left, leaving only Li Hong trembling in front of Wu Zetian.

"Hong'er, be good, let the queen mother see if you're okay."

When Li Zhi left, Wu Zetian set his sights on Li Hong and waved at him.

"Mother and mother, Hong'er, Hong'er still has homework, I'm going to study."

Li Hong wrinkled his face and was about to run away, but Wu Zetian said, "Close the door."

The servants outside directly closed the palace door. Seeing this scene, Li Hong was stunned.

Don't play like this, father, this will kill people.

"Hong'er, come here quickly."

Wu Zetian frowned, staring at Li Hong, the culprit, the anger in his eyes could be seen by anyone.

"Empress Mother, Hong'er has made a mistake, Royal Father, please don't abandon me."

"Hong'er is scared."


Wu Zetian grabbed Li Hong and immediately started outputting.

Li Hong, who was beating straight up, was crying and howling, and even the servants outside the door shrank their heads, some couldn't listen anymore.

After a while, Li Hong limped out, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Turning his head to look at the plaque in the bedroom, he wiped his nose and shook his sleeves and left.

Fleeing all the way to the imperial study, looking outside with lingering fear, Li Zhicai breathed a sigh of relief.

Hong'er, Hong'er, don't blame my father, if your elder sister didn't harm me, I wouldn't push you to blame.

Mother and child are united, for the sake of a spirit dog, I believe that your mother will not beat you to death.

"Your Majesty, Master Xu Yu is asking to see you."

"Master Xu Yu? Let him in."

Hearing the emperor's summons, Master Xu Yu directly stepped into the imperial study room: "Master Xu Yu, I pay my respects to Your Majesty."

"Be flat."

"Master Xu Yu, why are you looking for me?"

Li Zhi glanced at Master Xu Yu who looked depressed, not knowing why he came here.

"Your Majesty, the old minister is here to resign."

Master Xu Yu knelt down on the ground again.

"Master Xu Yu? Why did you say that? Did the prince make trouble in class again?"

Li Zhi was taken aback, he didn't understand what happened to Master Xu Yu, why did he resign when he was so well behaved?
It must be Li Hong's rebellious son who made trouble in class again and made the other party angry.

"Your Majesty, it's not His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, but Princess Lishan is really smart. Master Xu Yu is unable to teach her, and I hope His Majesty can find someone else."

Master Xu Yu had a gloomy expression on his face. Thinking of how Li Yanran belittled him during the day, he felt that the Chongwen Hall was really a must.

This is just the first day like this, if it is in a few days, I will lose my fame in my first life.

"Princess Lishan? Tell me carefully."

Hearing that the reason turned out to be Li Yanran, Li Zhi also became interested.

I don't know what the other party did to make Master Xu Yu so angry.

Teacher Xu Yu directly told all the things that happened in class.

"It's unreasonable, Master Xu Yu, you continue to study tomorrow, and Princess Lishan will teach her well."

Li Zhi walked up to Master Xu Yu and helped him up.

"Your Majesty, old minister."

After Li Zhi said that, Master Xu Yu had nothing to say, and he left after saluting to Li Zhi.

"Ruian, immediately call Princess Lishan over to see her."

After Master Xu Yu left, Li Zhi hurriedly sent someone to call Li Yanran.


This was the first time for Li Yanran to visit the imperial study, and after saluting to Li Zhi, she looked around with wide eyes.

"Look, stand up for me."

Li Zhi glanced at Li Yanran, and shouted at her with a straight face.

"Do you know who came to father's side just now?"

Li Zhihu looked at Li Yanran with a straight face.

"I'm afraid Master Xu Yu has come here."

Li Yanran curled her mouth, except for the parrot and spirit dog, only Master Xu Yu deserves Li Zhi's kindness.

"You still have the face to say it? Who gave you the courage to contradict Master Xu Yu in class?"

Li Zhi slapped the dragon case with a slap, his beard crooked with anger.

Who gave me the courage, can I say that the later sage Zhu Xi gave me the courage?

Besides, Master Xu Yu treats my younger brother so well, as the boss, I always want to help my younger brother get ahead, right?

"Speak, aren't you quite capable?"

Seeing Li Yanran remain silent, Li Zhi continued to speak reluctantly.

"Father, this is what you want me to say. Confucius said: three people must have my teacher. I am teaching Xu. Why do you say I am wrong?

The so-called learning has no priority, and those who have mastered are teachers. I didn't let Master Xu call me master, so he still has the face to sue?I'm not ashamed. "

As soon as Li Yanran opened his mouth, Li Zhi felt like his head was about to explode.

I let you speak to make you admit your mistakes, who made you say this.

There is no precedence in learning, and the master is the teacher. Where did you learn these wise sayings.

Xu Yu's teacher is highly respected, and you still want him to call you master, what about your face?
"You, you, you're going to piss me off, aren't you?"

Li Zhi pointed at Li Yanran with his finger, his eyes were full of indignation.

"Father, life is like a play, we get together because of destiny, lose our temper over trivial things, why bother thinking about it.

You say yes, besides you don't want A Niang to know the real cause of her spirit dog's death. "

Li Yanran grabbed Li Zhi's finger with her hand, and taught him the formula of not getting angry that was passed down from generation to generation.

"You dare to threaten me?"

(End of this chapter)

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