My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 177 Plan to Escape

Chapter 177 Plan to Escape

Li Zhi was dumbfounded, Li Yanran is really a big pit and a small pit, and there are pits within pits.

He really regretted it now, why did he compromise and lie to Wu Zetian in the first place.

It's all right now, and the little braid was caught by the opponent again.

"Father, I will threaten you. What can you do with me? It's a big deal. Let's see if Auntie will spare you."

Li Yanran doesn't even look at Li Zhi, you want to get off my thief ship after getting on it?
which is so easy.

"You, I don't need to pursue this matter, but can you stop contradicting the teacher in class in the future, otherwise it will be very difficult for the emperor to do so."

As the saying goes, the son is a hero, Li Hong is a hero, and so is Li Zhi.

Since he couldn't afford to offend his daughter, Li Zhi also expressed his surrender in a bachelor's way.

"Father, please be kind, don't let me go to the Chongwen Museum, let me go out of the palace to help you make money."

Li Yanran came to Li Zhi's side with a distressed expression, took his arm, and begged bitterly.

"It's not that the father doesn't want to help you, but it's your mother, and there's nothing I can do."

Li Zhi was depressed for a while, do you think I don't want you to go out?It's just that I really don't have that ability.

"Then father, don't blame me, you just wait, there will be times when you regret it."

Li Yanran kicked her little feet on the ground, turned around and ran out.


Li Zhi also shook his head, he really had nothing to do with this daughter.

Hitting and not wanting to hit, scolding but not willing to scold, it's really difficult.

"Xiao Lihong, sister is here to see you."

Li Yanran led Li Feng through pavilions and pavilions, and finally arrived at Li Hong's bedroom.

"I don't want to see you, sister is a bad sister."

Li Hong lifted the quilt and buried his head in it.

He really doesn't want to, and dare not see Li Yanran now.

At such a young age, he has already endured too many mistakes that he shouldn't have to bear.

"Sister is indeed bad, but I wonder if anyone wants to eat sister's candy?"

Li Yanran pulled out two more toffees like a magic trick, these were brought by the grandson Yan when she came, enough to help Li Hong, a little devil.

"Where is the sugar?"

Li Hong immediately got out of the quilt, saw the toffee in her hand, and snatched it away.

"Are you still a bad sister now?"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and patted Li Hong's little head.

"One sugar sister is still a bad sister, but if there are three more, no, five, sister is the best sister in the world."

While licking the toffee in his hand, Li Hong glanced at Li Yanran's small pocket, his eyes full of anticipation.

"Here you are, brat."

Li Yanran took out another handful of toffee and put it in front of Li Hong.

"Ouye, Sister, you are the best, Brother Hong likes Sister the most."

Seeing so much candy, Li Hong's eyes were full of stars, and he was already a little bit overwhelmed with the toffee in his hand.

"Li Hong, does Auntie hurt from the beating?"

Li Yanran sat on the couch, looking at Li Hong felt a little distressed.

"It hurts, but with Sister's candy to eat, Brother Hong will be much better."

Li Hong smiled slightly at Li Yanran. Being beaten is a gradual process. If you get beaten a lot, you will get used to it.

"Hey, then do you remember my sister for causing you to bear this disaster?"

Li Yanran patted Li Hong's little head, what she did today was more or less unkind.

"Of course I held grudges at first, but after thinking about it later, what sister said was actually quite right, and I learned a lot from this incident."

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran with a smile in his eyes.

"Oh? Tell me, what have you learned?"

Li Yanran was taken aback for a moment, could it be that her younger brother really got the hang of it?

"If you listen to it, you will be clear, and if you believe in it, you will be dark. You should not only listen to everything, but also see more, otherwise you will be blinded, just like my sister framed me.

If I hadn't experienced it myself, I'm afraid I would think that the murderer was me, not Ajie.

If I really become the monarch of the Tang Dynasty in the future, I must not listen to the minister's one-sided words. I have to go through various researches before I can draw a conclusion. "

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran with his little head tilted, touched his buttocks and said, "I can think of these reasons after being beaten, it's still profitable for me."

"As long as you know."

Li Yanran nodded, it was his blessing that Li Hong could understand this.

If you can really comprehend these things from inside, the beating is really worth it.

"Sister, the queen mother's spirit dog is really delicious. I know Concubine Lin also has a big dog. Do you have the guts to stew that one too?"

A demonic smile appeared on the corner of Li Hong's mouth, and said to Li Yanran.

Hearing this, Li Yanran was in a bad mood.

I thought you boy Mao Sai suddenly opened up, but I didn't expect you to be a foodie.

"Eat, eat, eat, let you eat."

Li Yanran directly punched the old punch, which made Li Hong howl continuously.

"Sister, why are you hitting me?"

"Stop beating, sister, your butt hurts."


After fighting for a while, Li Yanran flicked her sleeves angrily and left.

"Miss, your hands are a bit heavy."

Li Feng glanced at Li Yanran, he had heard it just now, Li Hong's screams really brought tears to those who heard it.

"I'm afraid that if my hands are not heavy, I won't be able to wake up my brother."


"Stuffy gourd."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Feng.

Lao Li is like this, rice is not as boring as him.

The next day in the Chongwen Hall, Master Xu Yu came again, glanced at Li Yanran and the others, couldn't help but snorted coldly, and started the class.

After two classes, the others left. Li Yanran sat there with her eyes empty, staring at the sky.

Now she just feels dizzy, her little head is about to explode.

Glancing at Changsun Yan and the others, they were all covered with brushes, and they were all sluggish.

"Brother Li, it's not a problem to go on like this."

Li Siwen also looked at Li Yanran with a sad face. He felt that if he stayed in Chongwen Hall for a few more days, he would be useless.

"Then what can I do? In the current situation, this princess is like a bird in a cage. She wants to spread her wings and fly into the sky, but she can't do anything."

Li Yanran curled her lips, if I had the means, would I still listen to these twists and turns here?
"Even Brother Li can't think of a good way, then we are going to be doomed, we can't escape."

Cheng Chubi pulled his face, looking hopeless.


Li Yanran was taken aback for a moment, but immediately became excited.

"It's not impossible."


When they heard Li Yanran's words, they were all stunned.

Brother Li, you don't really want to do this, do you?

This is the Chongwen Museum, the imperial palace, so you can escape if you say you can escape?

"Brother Li Li, think twice."

Li Siwen glanced at Li Yanran, his eyes were full of concerns.

"Think twice? You don't want our property outside to be so abandoned, do you?"

Li Yanran glanced at the four of them, if you don't help me escape, then don't even think about making money.


Li Siwen was also depressed when he heard this, and was in a dilemma.

"No but, that's it."

Li Yanran made a final decision and directly settled the matter.

"Sister, I heard everything, you want to run away."

Li Hong approached Li Yanran ghostly, his eyes were full of excitement.


(End of this chapter)

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