My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 184: Reading Thousands of Books is worse than Traveling Thousands of Miles

Chapter 184: Reading Thousands of Books is worse than Traveling Thousands of Miles
Li Zhi was dumbfounded in an instant, so many great Confucian scholars can't teach you a little devil, but a goose can teach you so many principles.

If this word gets out, those great Confucians who taught you will have to hit the wall and die.

Moreover, he didn't believe what Li Hong said at all. Goose can teach people, so why do you need a teacher?

"Father, really."

Li Hong quickly told everything that happened on the farm.

For fear that the old man would not believe it, he even lifted up his clothes and showed all the places where the big goose pecked red.

Li Zhi and Wu Zetian were dumbfounded seeing Li Hong's body was red and green.

As evidenced by the injury, could it be that his son has really learned so many principles from the big goose.

"Father, mother, don't you realize that Brother Hong is different from before?"

Li Yanran quickly helped him cover his clothes, and then glanced at Li Zhi and Wu Zetian.

"What's different? It does seem to be a little different."

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Zhi was taken aback for a second. After saying this, it seemed that his son was indeed a little different from before.

"Even in the face of his father's bamboo whip, he can stick to his heart and not confess me. He has more responsibility and more courage that a man should have."

Li Yanran nodded, she has seen Li Hong's growth.

Not to mention anything else, just now Li Hong looked like a little man to her.

When Wu Zetian came to Li Hong's side, her son could beat him by himself, but she was really distressed when he was beaten by others, especially by a goose.

"Father, as the saying goes, it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books.

Now is the time for Brother Hong to know the world. If you really limit him to books, then he will be able to inherit the Great Reign in the future. Do you want him to rely on books to govern the Tang Dynasty?

Father, I think he should be allowed to travel more, learn more, and understand what it means to suffer for the common people.

Only in this way can he be a good emperor who seeks the well-being of the people and earns a living for the common people. "

Li Yanran looked at Li Zhi, and said all the thoughts in her heart.


Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Zhi hesitated a little, no one knew better than him how difficult it is to be an emperor.

He also knows that only reading is not enough to rule the world.

But Li Hong was still so young, and it was the time when wildness was hard to find. If he learned something bad, the country of Tang Dynasty would be in trouble.

"Yan Ran, you don't understand your father's concerns."

Wu Zetian knew Li Zhi best and knew what he was worried about.

"I understand my father's concerns. Brother Hong is indeed still young, and there is a melting pot outside the palace. Some are positive and some are in distress.

But if we are afraid, we will not allow Hongdi to contact the world, is that really good?

You see, I grew up outside the palace, haven't I been infected with those unbearable things?
I can, and I believe Brother Hong can too. "

As soon as Li Yanran rolled her eyes, she understood what Li Zhi and Wu Zetian were worried about, but she didn't let him touch because of fear, is this really right?

"Of course you are fine, but he is the prince of my Great Tang.

If Hong'er turns bad, it's not just himself, but the entire Tang Dynasty, and no one can bear this responsibility. "

Li Zhi patted Li Yanran's small shoulder, not because he didn't want to, but because he couldn't.

"Your Majesty, in fact, what Yan Ran said has some truth, it's really not good to work behind closed doors, why not do it this way.

Hong'er was allowed to go out of the palace once every seven days, but he had to be followed by someone, so that he could not only prevent him from learning bad things, but also let him learn something, which was the best of both worlds. "

Wu Zetian looked at Li Hong, who was full of expectations, and felt a little distressed.


Li Zhi hesitated again, the method Wu Zetian said was also a solution, but he still couldn't make up his mind.

After all, this is the prince of the Tang Dynasty, not a cat or a dog, who knows what will go wrong.

"Father, my son promises that I won't go bad, and I will be obedient after I leave the palace, and I will never make trouble, so you agree."

Li Hong also leaned in front of Li Zhi, shaking his arm and begging.

"Well, seven days is too short, ten days, you can go out of the palace every ten days."

Glancing at Li Hong, Li Zhi didn't have anything to say. It's nothing to let the child go out to see and see. The big deal is to send more people to follow.

"Yeah, long live the father, whoops."

Li Hong jumped up directly, but as soon as his butt hurt, his little face immediately twisted together again.

"Father, brother Hong's matter has been settled satisfactorily, and it should be my business next."

Li Yanran had a small smile on her face, and looked at Li Zhi mischievously.

"Your business? Father has decided not to pursue the matter of you taking your brother out of the palace, so you don't have to be punished."

Li Zhi glanced at Li Yanran, before covering her mouth with words.

"Father, you are bad."

Li Yanran made a face for Li Zhi, and threw herself into Wu Zetian's arms.

"Aniang, look at Father."

Wu Zetian stroked Li Yanran's hair, her eyes were filled with affection.

She can be tough on anyone, but she feels guilty about this daughter, after all, she has been kept outside the palace for so many years.

"Little Yanran, what do you want to say?"

"Aniang, Yanran still means that, this palace is really not suitable for me, why don't you let me out of the palace.

It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books. This sentence is also applicable to Yanran. "

Li Yanran hugged Wu Zetian's small waist, her eyes were full of pleading.


Hearing this, Wu Zetian also hesitated a little.

She really didn't want Li Yanran to go out. In her opinion, the imperial palace was her home. If she went out, wouldn't she have to bear the pain of being separated again?
"Father must be able to understand Yanran's difficulties, right?"

Li Yanran glanced at Li Zhi, and rubbed her fingers together, as a signal to the other party.

Dad, you should hurry up and heat up, otherwise you don't know what's going on with your money.

"Meiniang, if it doesn't work, let her go out of the palace, this palace can't accommodate her.

It's only been a few days, first he contradicted Master Xu Yu, and then brought Hong'er out of the palace.

If she was allowed to stay any longer, the palace might be blown up by her. "

Li Zhibai glanced at Li Yanran, you will cheat me all day long, you are really drunk.

"Is this really good?"

Wu Zetian was taken aback for a moment, but still hesitated.

"Queen, although the imperial palace is well-clothed and well-fed, it is like a prison to Yu Yanran, if I stay in the imperial palace, I am afraid I will go crazy.

Besides, my father can give me a gold medal, as long as my mother misses me, I will run back immediately. "

Li Yanran looked at Wu Zetian, knew what she was thinking, and immediately began to act like a baby.

Wu Zetian touched Li Yanran, but still couldn't make up his mind.

"How about it, Yan Ran will go out of the palace during the day and return at night, so it's okay."

Li Zhi sighed and said his solution.

"Okay, then, as His Majesty said, you have to go out of the palace during the day and come back at night. Do you agree?"

Wu Zetian grabbed Li Yanran's small face and said with distressed expression.

"Okay, Yanran promises to leave early and return late, and never let Auntie worry."

She is already very satisfied to be able to win the current benefits, after all, being able to not stay in the palace is already considered a special kindness.

After all, apart from those unwelcome princes, there is no princess who left the palace before leaving the cabinet, and the prince is already a special case.

"Okay, our aunt's little Yanran must return to the palace on time, otherwise I will let your father whip your ass with a rattan whip."

Wu Zetian hugged Li Yanran tightly, she didn't have anything to say after the matter was over.

"Ryan, order someone to prepare a dinner, and I will eat here today."

"As ordered."

(End of this chapter)

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