My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 185 The Great Sage Equaling Heaven Starved to Death

Chapter 185 The Great Sage Equaling Heaven Starved to Death

After eating, Li Yanran didn't bother Wu Zetian and Li Zhi, and went back to her palace without disturbing Wu Zetian and Li Zhi, but Li Hong followed behind with a limp.

"Emperor Brother, you still haven't returned to your East Palace, why are you following me?"

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, if you don't go back to the palace at night, let your parents know, maybe how to deal with yourself.

"Sister, I'm going to sleep in your palace."

Li Hong directly embraced Li Yanran's arm, his eyes full of pleading.

"Why are you going to my palace? Men and women are not intimate, even if we are brothers and sisters, we have to avoid suspicion, do you know?"

Li Yanran knocked Li Hong on the head once, and the other party immediately turned into a pitiful one.

"Sister, even if I was beaten like that by my father today, I never thought of confessing to my sister. Don't you think I look like a person?"

"It looks like a monkey."

Li Yanran poked Li Hong's armpit with her finger, and the tickled man giggled wildly.

"So sister, let me go to your palace, I still want to hear the story of Monkey King."

After playing for a while, Li Hong shook Li Yanran's arm again.

"Okay, but you have to send someone to the East Palace to report first, and say that you will rest in my bedroom today, and those maids in the province will not be able to sleep well all night."

Li Yanran is also helpless, after all, she is her younger brother, so what can she do?
He can't be beaten up like his father, he is his own younger brother.

Hearing that Li Hong was going to spend the night in Li Yanran's bedroom, Sun Xu quit on the spot and insisted on following him to serve her.

Back in the bedroom, Li Yanran continued to tell Li Hong the story of Monkey King until he was pressed under the Five Fingers Mountain by the Buddha, Li Hong's little eyes became moist instantly.

"Sister, why is the Monkey King being suppressed under Wuzhi Mountain, and who is the Tathagata Buddha? Why is he meddling in his own business?"

Li Hong looked at Li Yanran with a look of grievance,

In his opinion, Monkey King is a great hero, and a great hero should not be treated like this.

Which child does not have a heroic heart, which teenager does not want to fight the sword to the end of the world.

Now Monkey King is being suppressed, he feels as if he is being crushed under the Five Fingers Mountain, don't let it go, it's uncomfortable, and there are mixed feelings.

"Little Li Hong, if you were the Jade Emperor, would you wish someone like Monkey King to appear under your command?"

Li Yanran knocked on Li Hong and asked him directly.

"I don't want to be the Jade Emperor, I want to be the Monkey King."

Li Hong was stunned, why should I be the Jade Emperor? The Jade Emperor is not fun, but Monkey King is not as fun.

A somersault for hundreds of thousands of miles, the golden cudgel in his hand can sweep the sky and the world, how majestic and domineering.


Li Yanran gave Li Hong another slap, you will be Sun Wukong, then who will be the Jade Emperor, your own father?
Are you going to turn against your father?

"In other words, you are destined to become the emperor of the Tang Dynasty in the future. Do you hope that there will be someone like the Monkey King in the Tang Dynasty after you ascend the throne?"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Hong tilted his head, his brows were furrowed, and he looked extremely tangled.

"Personally, I would like Monkey King to appear, because it is fun, but for Datang, the appearance of such a person will affect the stability of the country, and it must not appear."

After all, Li Hong is a son of the royal family, the prince of the empire, and he still has some insight into this.

Monkey King can appear in the story, but he must not appear in the Tang Dynasty.

"Monkey King's fate is doomed, he must be suppressed.

Because what he affects is not only himself, but the safety of the entire world.

The Tathagata Buddha will come to help, so. "

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she looked at Li Hong with interest, wanting to hear what he had to say.

"So, if the Monkey King also has a powerful helper, he can take down the Tathagata Buddha."


"Sister, are you going to kill someone? Why did you hit me?"

Li Hong received another heavy blow from Li Yanran on the head, clutching his head and wondering why the other party hit him.

"Look for a helper, if I don't beat you to death today, I won't be your sister."

Li Yanran hit Li Hong a few more times, really wanted to kill herself, and even asked for help to take down the Tathagata Buddha.

Why don't you kill the old man, wouldn't it be easy.

"Sister, what do you want to say?"

Li Hong covered the top of his head with his hands, looking at his sister in fear.

He really didn't understand why sister got so angry all of a sudden.

"So if there is such a sign in the Tang Dynasty, you have to be straightforward and suppress it directly. You must not have the slightest mercy. Do you understand?"

Li Yanran hit Li Hong again, and said what she wanted to express.

"I see. As for beating me like this? Isn't it just that you can't have the kindness of a woman? It hurts to death."

Li Hong nodded, clutching his head, depressed for a while.

"It's good to understand, then sleep."

Li Yanran clapped her hands and directly announced that she was going to sleep.

"Sister, I don't want to sleep. What happened to Monkey King, if this story ends like this, then Monkey King will be too miserable."

However, Li Hong didn't feel sleepy at all, and directly pulled Li Yanran to ask him to continue telling the story.

"No, Monkey King died of starvation at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain."


Li Hong looked at Li Yanran, his whole body was stunned.

How could it be possible to starve to death?
That was the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, he just died so aggrieved, and he didn't accept this result.

"Sister, save Monkey King, how can he starve to death, he can't starve to death."

Li Hong burst into tears instantly, hugged Li Yanran's arm and begged Li Yanran to let Monkey King go.

"I want to save the Monkey King."

Li Yanran looked at Li Hong and couldn't help smiling.

"Well, sister, you must not kill Monkey King."

Li Hong nodded quickly.

"Then you sleep, how about I arrange for Monkey King to eat his favorite peach tomorrow?"

Li Yanran patted Li Hong's little head.

I can't cure you anymore, Xiao Mian, fight with this girl, you can grow up for another three years.

"Sister, are the peaches delicious? Are there any sweet peaches from the Pantao Garden?"

"It's not sweet, it's bitter. One bite can poison people to death. If you keep talking, Monkey King will not be able to save you."

Li Hong curled his lips, made a face for Li Yanran, rolled to the side, and started snoring after a while.

It's really the head of a little devil.

Li Yanran helped Li Hong cover her with a small quilt, and also rolled aside to sleep.

At dawn the next day, Li Hong woke up in a daze, and found himself on the ground, he couldn't help being depressed for a while.

"Sun Xu, Sun Xu, quickly help me change my clothes."

Li Hong rubbed his eyes and shouted outside.

"The slave is here."

Sun Xu was about to rush into the bedroom, but was stopped by Li Feng at the door.

"Why are you stopping me?"

Glancing at Li Feng, Sun Xu didn't take it seriously, he pulled his arm and was about to go in, but was kicked out by Li Feng.

"Why do you allow you to trespass in the princess bedroom? Do you want to die?"

(End of this chapter)

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