Chapter 186
Li Feng looked at Sun Xu with a dark face, his eyes were full of coldness.

You can't control other people's palaces, but if you want to break into the lady's bedroom, there is no door.

"Hey, you scumbag, you know I'm the eunuch in charge of the East Palace, you don't want to hang out in the palace anymore, do you?"

Sun Xu clutched his stomach, looked at Li Feng, his eyes were full of viciousness.

He is the eunuch in charge of the East Palace, and Li Hong's caring person.

In the future, when Li Hong becomes the Great Treasure and succeeds Datong, he will be the same existence as Ruian, who dares to mess with himself?

You, a little guard, dare to kick yourself, you really don't want to live.

"I care who you are."

Li Feng pouted, not taking Sun Xu's threat seriously at all.

I am only responsible to my wife and miss, even if you are the eunuch in charge of the entire palace, what do you have to do with me.

As long as the lady doesn't tire of himself, he doesn't care about anything.

"You you, whoops."

Sun Xu has been educated, and he has no temper with Li Feng at all, so he can only hold his stomach and wail beside him.

"Where is the person? Sun Xu, are you dead?"

Seeing that Sun Xu hadn't come for so long, Li Hong roared again.

"What are you yelling for?"

Li Yanran rolled over from the bed and slapped Li Hong on the head.

You little ghost, what are you yelling in the morning, disturbing this girl's beauty sleep.

"Sister? Why are you in my East Palace?"

Li Hong was knocked out, and he couldn't help being stunned, why is his elder sister in my East Palace?


"Fuck you, this is my bedroom."

Li Yanran knocked Li Hong on the head again.

Are you sleepy? Did you forget that you put your arms around this girl and asked me to talk about Monkey King?

wooden club.

"Sister's bedroom? By the way, Sister, you said that you want to arrange peaches for Monkey King, where are the peaches?"

Now Li Hong was completely awake, and directly hugged Li Yanran's arm, asking her to fulfill her promise, to arrange peaches for Monkey King, so that Monkey King would not starve to death.

"Peach, right? I'll give it to you."

Li Yanran got out of bed, grabbed a peach from the table and threw it into Li Hong's hand.

"Why do you give me peaches, you want to give them to Monkey King."

Looking at Tao'er in his hand, Li Hong was also stunned.

Why do you give me peaches, I will still starve to death after eating Monkey King.

"Hurry up and get out, if you delay, I will make Monkey King unable to turn over for the rest of his life."

Li Yanran was also depressed, why are there so many things?
"Oh oh oh."

After saying that, Li Hong put on a coat, grabbed Tao Zi and rushed out.

"Sun Xu?"

When he went out and saw Sun Xu outside the door, Li Hong was also taken aback.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, you have to be the master of your servant. This unreasonable slave dares to kick your servant. You must chop him into pieces to make an example to others."

Sun Xu rushed to Li Hong's legs, his face full of viciousness.


Before Li Hong could speak, Li Yanran rushed out and kicked the opponent down, and then beat him violently.

"Diao Nu? Do you dare to say that the princess's personal guard is Diao Nu?"

Li Yanran stared at Sun Xu who complained, her eyes were full of anger.

Li Feng is his own man, you foolish slave dared to say that Li Feng was cut into pieces, and it turned against you.


"Princess, don't fight."

"Your Highness, help me."

Faced with Li Yanran's critical attack, Sun Xu didn't dare to resist at all.

Everyone knew that this Princess Lishan was favored by the emperor and empress, and no one could offend her if she was offended.

So he could only focus on Li Hong for help, hoping that his master could help stop him.

"My elder sister said you are a slave, then you are a slave and should be beaten."

Who knew that when Li Hong glanced at the beaten Sun Xu, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes, and he joined the beaten team.

Sun Xu was dumbfounded, shouldn't it be the love between master and servant?
Why would you treat yourself like this.

"Okay, Diao Nu, if you dare to offend Li Feng again, you will bear the consequences."

Li Yanran kicked Sun Xu again, seeing that this eunuch is not a good guy.

His eyes are full of viciousness, and he must keep Xiao Lihong away from him in the future.

Sun Xu was about to cry, when did I mess with Li Feng.

Obviously he was beaten by him, but he was provoking someone.

Where is the axiom?

"His Royal Highness, the servants will never dare again."

"Well, brother Hong, pack up and go to the Chongwen Museum, sister, I'm leaving the palace."

Li Yanran glanced at the sky, it was getting late, if she didn't go to the Chongwen Museum, little Li Hong would probably be scolded again.

"Sister, Brother Hong wants to leave the palace with you. The Chongwen Museum is too boring. I can catch geese for you."

Li Hong's little face immediately twisted, why should he have to go to class, and sister can go out of the palace alone.

This is not fair.

The emperor father and the queen mother are eccentric, too eccentric.

"Catch the goose, forget it, you'd better go to class quickly."

Li Yanran twisted Li Hong's little head, and then told Li Feng to prepare, she was going out of the palace.


Li Hong left immediately and arranged for a carriage to take Li Yanran to the outside of the palace.

Li Yanran came to Lan Kwai Fong, looking at the long-lost swing and sofa, she also felt like she was alive after a catastrophe.

Changsun Yan and the others came to the Chongwen Museum, and seeing Li Hong but not Li Yanran, they couldn't help being stunned.

Bite the bullet and came to Li Hong's side, and asked, "Your Highness, where is Princess Lishan?"

Li Hongzheng was not happy, glanced at Sun Yan and replied coldly: "Sister will not come to Chongwen Museum in the future."

Hearing this, Changsun Yan and the others were all dumbfounded.

I was tricked by Li Yanran, now Li Yanran doesn't come here, but what about me?

Isn't this bullying the honest person?

"What shall we do?"

Li Siwen glanced at Changsun Yan, his eyes were full of bitterness.

"What should we do? If Brother Li isn't here, we won't be beaten to death by Yu Jiuzheng and those sinister men."

Changsun Yan also had a headache when he looked at Yu Jiuzheng and the others.

"If not, I have a way."

Cheng Chubi glanced at the distressed two people, and immediately sneered.

"You said."

Changsun Yan and Li Siwen glanced at Cheng Chubi, not knowing what he wanted to say.

"Why did we come to the Chongwen Hall to suffer? It's not because Brother Li is bored and wants to accompany him to school.

Now that Brother Li is gone, there is no use for us here. "

Cheng Chubi glanced at the three of them, and continued: "Don't we think Yu Jiuzheng and them don't like it?
Find an excuse to beat them up directly, and bring the matter to His Majesty.

His Majesty knew that we were not suitable to be in Chongwen Museum, so he would definitely let us out. "

"But if that's the case, I'm afraid His Majesty won't let us go? It's a must, is it appropriate?"

Hearing that he was going to make trouble with the emperor, Li Siwen couldn't help shivering.

"I'm thick-skinned, I'll be punished when I'm beaten, as long as I'm not in the Chongwen Museum, I'll admit it."

On the other hand, Yu Chihuan nodded. After these few days of class, his head is getting bigger.

He didn't care much compared to being tortured in the Chongwen Museum and being beaten with a board.

"I also think that Cheng Chubi's opinion is good. Although he may be punished, he can still express his anger before he is punished."

Changsun Yan glanced at Yu Jiuzheng who was facing him, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"That's it, let's talk first."

Now that the three of them agreed, Li Siwen had nothing to say, so he could only nod in agreement.

Who told them to be brothers who lived and died together, advanced and retreated together.

"Wait for us to do this."

(End of this chapter)

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