My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 187 Fighting

Chapter 187 Fighting
Changsun Yangui had the most ideas, so he immediately thought of a way and whispered to the three of them.

They also sneered when they heard it, Yu Jiuzheng, let's see if you will die today.

"Yu Jiuzheng, why do I feel cold all over, what's going on?"

Dai Liangshao glanced at Yu Jiuzheng, and for some reason suddenly felt a little chilly.

"You must have caught a cold last night. Go to the doctor after class."

Yu Jiuzheng waved his hand, what the hell?

If you catch a cold, you will catch a cold, and you still say it so seriously, you are free.


Dai Liangshao shivered, but also shook his head.

"Let's go, it's time, let's go to class."

When the door of the Chongwen Hall opened, Li Hong stepped in directly, followed by Yu Jiuzheng.


Who knew that Cheng Chubi took the first step and bumped into Yu Jiuzheng directly.


Yu Jiuzheng was fine, but Cheng Chubi's big man fell directly to the ground.


Looking at Cheng Chubi, Yu Jiuzheng was dumbfounded.

What's so special about this?
Why did he fall down?

"Yu Jiuzheng, you dare to bump into my brother, quickly kneel down and apologize to him."

Changsun Yan rushed directly to Cheng Chubi's side, gave him a nice look, and roared with his eyes wide open.

Yu Jiuzheng was really depressed.

What happened to me, it was Cheng Chubi who bumped into me, but it was my fault instead.

He knelt down and apologized, why didn't you tell me to call me punish father?
"Changsun Yan, you are looking for something, right?"

Dai Liangshao rushed out and looked at Changsun Yan, it was so obvious that he was here to find fault.

"I'm talking to Yu Jiuzheng, it's none of your business, you're so low."

Changsun Yan slapped Dai Liangshao's face with one slap, his eyes were full of disdain.

"Damn, I'm fighting with you."

After being slapped in the face, if Dai Liangshao didn't respond, he really wouldn't be a man.

Clenching his right fist tightly, he punched Changsun Yan directly in the face, while Li Siwen on the other side flew up and kicked him in the head.

"Call me."

Seeing his younger brother being beaten, how could Yu Jiuzheng bear it, he threw Changsun Yan down, and was about to attack while riding on him, but Yu Chihuan punched him out.

"Kill you son of a bitch."

Changsun Yan turned over and rode on Yu Jiuzheng, and slapped him in the face with bows left and right.

"Save brother nine."

"Hit 'em."

A group of people killed the past directly, and began to surround and beat Changsun Yan and the other four.

But they are all the children of officials, so they can bully this dude, Changsun Yan. Facing Cheng Chubi and the other three, it is nothing.

After a fight, it quickly turned into a one-sided beating.

"What are you doing?"

Master Xu Yu came at the pace of dragons and tigers, watching the fight scene in front of him, his eyes popped out.

Fighting in the Chongwen Hall, you really are the first wave of people to eat crabs.

It is also the most desperate group of people.

"Master Xu, stop quickly."

"It's over."

"Hurry up, lie down on the ground and pretend to be dead."

When Yu Jiuzheng and the others saw Master Xu Yu coming, they simply lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.

Others followed suit.

"Whoever he is, hit him first."

As soon as Changsun Yan wiped the blood on his nose, he rushed over.

"Master Xu is here, why don't you come, I will fight with you."

Dai Liangshao was punched in the eye again, but he stopped pretending and jumped up to wrestle with Changsun Yan.

How could the others just sit back and watch Dai Liangshao get beaten, and fight with Changsun Yan and the others again.

"You guys, where are the Forbidden Army, take them down for me."

Seeing them wrestling together again, Master Xu Yu's beard flew off.

Soon Chongwenguan's army rushed over, pulled Changsun Yan and others away, and then the two of them grabbed them all.

"You've got your skills, hold on tight, I'm going to His Majesty Bingming, and I'll punish you for disrespecting the literary museum."

Master Xu Yu flicked his sleeves and left, leaving only a group of people pinned down by the imperial army and unable to move.

"Your Majesty, Master Xu Yu is asking to see you."


Hearing that Master Xu Yu was coming again, Li Zhi couldn't help but look up for a moment.

Didn't Li Yanran go out of the palace, why did Master Xu Yu come again?
Could it be asking Li Yanran to go back?
"Let him in."


Ryan hurried out and saluted Master Xu Yu to let him in.

"Master Xu Yu, what's wrong? Why are you so angry?"

Seeing Master Xu Yu blowing his beard and staring, Li Zhi was even more puzzled.

"Your Majesty, the Chongwen Museum has experienced a bad incident that has never happened since its establishment.

Those students actually fought and fought in the Chongwen Hall, it was simply too presumptuous, and I hope His Majesty will severely punish them. "

Master Xu Yu knelt down on the ground and told about Changsun Yan's fight.


Li Zhi jumped up directly, his eyes full of anger.

Fighting in Chongwenguan is no longer a simple matter of personal morality, but a matter of contempt for imperial power.

It's the other way around.

"Come here, drive Chongwen Museum."

Li Zhi was in front, Xu Yushi and Ruian followed closely, and the three came straight to the Chongwen Hall.


Li Hong, the only one who stayed out of the matter, saw Li Zhi coming, and hurried over to salute.

Li Zhi saw whether he was looking at Li Hong, and went straight to the students who were being escorted by the imperial guards.

"Let me loose them all."

Li Zhi snorted coldly, and ordered Sun Yan, the general of the imperial army, and others to let go.

"His Majesty."

"His Majesty."

"His Majesty."

A group of people knelt on the ground directly, especially Yu Jiuzheng and the others, the trembling people were all stupid.

The so-called fighting is fun for a while, and after the crematorium is the most true portrayal of them now.

"You've grown your skills. If you dare to fight in the Chongwen Hall, you are really the first wave of people since the founding of the Tang Dynasty."

With his hands behind his back, Li Zhi looked coldly at the people in front of him, especially Changsun Yan and the others.

Don't even think about it, this matter must have something to do with these few.

"Your Majesty, Yu Jiuzheng is all to blame for knocking down Cheng Chubi. Instead of apologizing and admitting his mistake, he even beat him up. You have to decide for us.

So many people surrounded the four of us and beat me up. "

Changsun Yangui is clever, everyone has preconceived genes, and a villain came to sue first, and put all the responsibility on Yu Jiuzheng and the others.

"You let go. The villain will file a complaint first. Your Majesty, it is clear that Changsun Yan and the others are deliberately finding fault. We have no choice but to fight back. I hope your Majesty will learn from you."

Yu Jiuzheng saluted Li Zhi with two black eyes.

You were beaten?Why don't you tell us how you beat us up.

If it wasn't for the palace, people like myself would have been beaten to death.

"I also hope that Your Majesty will learn from you and severely punish Yu Jiuzheng and others, so as to uphold the culture of the Wenguan."

Li Siwen also hurriedly opened his mouth, asking Li Zhiming to learn from him.

"I'm not blind, I've seen everything."

Li Zhi was really laughed at by Changsun Yan and the others, so Cheng Chubi was knocked down by Yu Jiuzheng?

Cheng Chubi is as strong as a calf, Yu Jiuzheng is like a bamboo pole, he can knock down Cheng Chubi, is it really my old eyesight?
It's clear that you are looking for something.

"Master Xu Yu, how do you think these people should be dealt with?"

Li Zhi turned his head and glanced at Master Xu Yu, whose lungs were exploding with rage, and wanted to hear how he wanted to deal with these bastards.

"Your Majesty, I believe that the prestige of the Chongwen Academy can only be demonstrated by evicting all these students from the Chongwen Academy and playing dozens of boards each."

Master Xu Yu was really angry this time. In his opinion, these students simply came to pollute the Chongwen Museum.

It's better to be short than to be indiscriminate, or not to.

(End of this chapter)

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