My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 188 IOUs, Tuition Fees

Chapter 188 IOUs, Tuition Fees

"It's too late to get out of the Chongwen Museum, but it's okay to play the board. In addition, each person is punished to copy the teacher's instruction a thousand times."

Li Zhi frowned, it was indeed wrong to fight, and it was indeed detrimental to the atmosphere of Chongwenguan.

But these are all the teams I selected for my son, and everyone's father is in his prime.

If you really throw them out, what will your son do in the future.

"Your Majesty, this."

Master Xu Yu frowned. In his opinion, these punishments were too light.

"Just do it."

Li Zhi glared at Master Xu Yu, his eyes were full of displeasure.

"Old minister, obey the order."

Master Xu Yu quickly saluted Li Zhi.

"Your Majesty, you can play with the board. I have a request."

Originally, Changsun Yan and the others were happy to hear that they were going to be kicked out of the Chongwen Museum, but they didn't expect to be rejected by their eldest cousin.

How can this work.

If the board gets hit, the Chongwen Museum will continue to stay, and the fight will be for nothing.


Li Zhi squinted at Changsun Yan, wondering what this guy was up to.

"Your Majesty, I know that I have little talent and little learning, and I can't digest the essence of Chongwenguan's teachings.

I also hope that His Majesty can adopt Master Xu's suggestion and kick me out of the Chongwen Museum to correct the atmosphere. "

While Changsun Yan was talking, he showed his big cousin a begging look.

"I also hope that Your Majesty can kick me out of Chongwen Hall."

"It's the same with the minister."

"I am the same."

The three of them also expressed their opinion to Li Zhi through the words of Changsun Yan.

Yu Jiuzheng and the others were stunned when they saw this scene.

Are these people stupid? This is the Chongwen Museum.

Your Majesty has already issued an order not to let anyone go out, and you still resign yourself?
I really don't know what to say.

"You are the black sheep. Without you, the Chongwen Museum wouldn't have these things. If you want to leave, it's not impossible."

It's okay not to say it, but when Li Zhi said it, he exploded in anger, and kicked Changsun Yan away.

The black sheep is an understatement.

I didn't expect you to be successful, if it wasn't for you to accompany my precious daughter.

Can your two green onions enter the Chongwen Museum?
It's really noble to ask for resignation.

"Thank you Your Majesty for your grace."

"Thank you Your Majesty for your grace."

"Thank you Your Majesty for your grace."

The four of them were instantly excited when they heard this, and finally, finally, they were killed by the emperor.

"Grace? I know what you think, but the Chongwen Museum is not just for you to come and go. Each person will be fined [-] guan, which should be used as the tuition fees for these few days.

Pay the money and leave, otherwise I will honestly attend classes in the Chongwen Museum.

If you dare to make trouble again, do you really think that my sword is not good? "

After Li Zhi finished speaking, the corner of his mouth twitched.

I still don’t understand just how careful you are?
Want to go out and find Li Yanran to make money together?
I will give you a chance, pay the money and leave, everyone will be safe, otherwise don't blame me for resorting to tricks.


Changsun Yan and the others looked at Li Zhi, and they were all dumbfounded.

There is no need to pay to enter the Chongwen Museum, but you have to pay [-] guan to leave the Chongwen Museum.

I have only been here for a few days, so there is nothing in three days.

The tuition fee for co-authoring is more than 3000 per day, which is too expensive.

This is not a tuition fee, but a redemption bond.

And where did Ten Thousand Tong let himself go to steal it?The foreign debt has not yet been paid off.

"Don't tell me that you have no money, I have a clean family background."

Li Zhi looked at the four people in a daze. Others don't know how much money you have, but I know everything about it.

Because I am a partner with you, I have made a lot of money recently. If you can't even pay out [-] yuan, you won't believe it if you kill him.

Changsun Yan and the others couldn't help curling their lips, you make money and spend it yourself, we are different.

Brother Li withdrew a little more, and spent more on himself, and the family got a big head again.

They are now heavily in debt, how can they have money to pay the tuition for their eldest cousin.

"Big Biao. Your Majesty, I really have no money. Why don't you wait for a while, or I'll give you a ten thousand IOU."

Chang Sunyan pleaded directly to Li Zhi with a bitter face.


Li Zhi was completely dumbfounded, how dare you say IOU?
Do you really think I'm a fool?
What is the reputation of your grandson Yan?Isn't the IOU you issued the same as a blank piece of paper?

"Your Majesty, you know our situation. It won't take long to pay it back. Anyway, you want me to take out [-] guan, but I don't have it."

Seeing Li Zhi's doubts, Zhang Sun Yan also spread his hands in a very lonely manner.

Asking for money is not a life-threatening thing, big cousin, you don't want to lose both money and money, right?

"Your Majesty, although there are risks in issuing IOUs, it also depends on who it is for.

You are the Nine-Five Supreme, who dares not to pay you the money, it is just a matter of two days sooner or later. "

Li Siwen hurried over to talk to Li Zhi.

Your own IOU may become a blank sheet of paper with others, but you are the emperor.

Who owes you money, isn't that courting death?

"That's true, but this IOU cannot be written in vain. The IOU of [-] has a deadline of one month to repay. Sign it and leave."

Li Zhi glanced at a few people, are these guys really poor?
Can't take out ten thousand pens?

"It's dead anyway, I'll sign it."

Cheng Chubi couldn't take it anymore, so he nodded in agreement.

"I sign too."

Yuchihuan also agreed.

"Sign it."

Changsun Yan glanced at Li Siwen. Now that he has a knife on his neck, there is nothing he can do if he doesn't sign.

If his father finds out, he might be beaten like that.

A hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses, so he signs the redemption contract first.


Li Siwen also had no choice but to salute Li Zhi and express his agreement.

"I knew you were good young men from my Tang Dynasty, Ryan, prepare your pen and ink, and sign the redemption deed for them, no, IOU."


Ryan glanced at Li Zhi, and couldn't help smiling.

After all, His Majesty is His Majesty, and with just a few words, Zhang Sunyan, these dudes, can be manipulated.

Each person has [-] guan, four people is [-] guan.

The money earned is called flying like lightning, and I can't keep up with my own flattery.

He took pen and ink and put it in front of Changsun Yan and the others. They also wrote their own IOUs, and finally signed and marked.

"Well, the writing is good, but it's not enough, Ryan, go get my private seal."

Li Zhi held the four IOUs in his hands, and glanced at Zhang Sunyan and the others.

"Private printing?"

Hearing this, Ryan was dumbfounded, and immediately went to get Li Zhi's private seal.

"This is perfect. My private seal is sealed. If you dare to owe me money, I will kill you all."

Li Zhi took four copies of the IOUs stamped with the private seal of the Emperor Daxing and waved them in front of several people.

Changsun Yan and the others have completely collapsed, isn't it just an IOU.

Are you using the emperor's private seal?

This is not leaving any room for myself.

"Why are you still standing there? Get lost."

After glancing at the four of them, Li Zhi kicked Changsun Yan again, signaling him to get out of here.

"The minister will go away immediately."

Changsun Yan curled his mouth, flipped one on the ground, and got out of here.

"Why are you still standing there, don't you need to go to class?"

Glancing at the backs of the four people, Li Zhi glanced at Yu Jiuzheng and the others who were watching the excitement, and couldn't help turning his face away.

"Your Majesty, they haven't hit the board yet."

Master Xu Yu was stunned and spoke directly to Li Zhi.

"Those bastards, fined money is more uncomfortable than killing them, so I won't beat them, but they, where are the guards, will give me twenty big boards each."

Only then did Li Zhi remember that he hadn't hit the board yet, but the matter has come to this point, so there is no joke.

They paid a fine, and they have received the punishment they deserved.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me, I...we can also pay."

Hearing that there was going to be a board, Yu Jiuzheng and the others were also depressed, and hurriedly asked for money to be exonerated.

"Pay the money, I don't want it, call me."

(End of this chapter)

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