My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 189 Lottery

Chapter 189 Lottery
Li Zhibai glanced at Yu Jiuzheng.

Gentlemen love money and get it in a proper way, and the money of Changsun Yan and others is earned by themselves.

It's not like you all ask for money from home, so you don't feel bad about paying for it.

It is you who I want to punish, not your father.

Li Zhi shook his hands and left, and the imperial guards also worked together, making Yu Jiuzheng and others howl.

"Shumu today, go back and reflect on yourself."

After the twenty big boards were played, everyone was almost useless, and Teacher Xu Yu was not in the mood to go to class, so he just left with his sleeves.

"Changsun Yan, where are we going to steal these eleven thousand pens?"

Li Siwen glanced at Changsun Yan, [-] strings really killed him.

"I don't know, now I can only ask Brother Li to come up with something to help us mend the hole."

Changsun Yan glanced at Li Siwen, now they can only look for Li Yanran.

Only she can help herself solve the problem in front of her.

"That's all it takes now."

The four carriages stopped outside Lan Kwai Fong, and when they looked at the carriages, the faces of the several people were overjoyed, and they rushed upstairs.


Changsun Yan directly pushed open the door of the private room, and Li Yanran, who was eating peaches, was terrified.

"Crazy? Scared me."

Li Yanran glanced at the four Zhangsun Yan who entered the door, and directly threw the peach in her hand.

"No, shouldn't you be in the Imperial Palace Chongwen Museum now? Why are you here?"

Li Yanran didn't realize it until she threw the peach, why did these idiots come back.

"Brother Li, it's too difficult for us."

Changsun Yan went straight to hug Li Yanran's leg, but was kicked away by the other party.

"If you have something to say, don't pretend to be pitiful here."

Li Yanran glared at Changsun Yan, when did she get so tired and crooked.

Changsun Yan wiped away tears, and directly told the truth about what happened in the palace.

"You wrote [-] IOUs to the emperor? You still have a deadline of one month to return them?"

Li Yanran was dumbfounded, did these idiots have no concept of money?
Eleven thousand pennies, not one hundred pennies.

The four of you are [-] guan, do you really think this girl is the reincarnation of the God of Wealth?

Just shake your body and the money will come out?
"So Li Ge, you must help us this time, otherwise we will die without a place to die."

Changsun Yan looked at Li Yanran with an aggrieved face, the savior was right in front of him, if they didn't hug their thighs tightly, they would really be doomed.

"Aren't you going to the Duke's Mansion to ask for money? Why come to me, I'm not your mother."

Li Yanran was depressed, with such a large amount of money, shouldn't you go to find your own father?
What are you begging me for?

Why should the sins I made be passed on to my nine-year-old child.

"No, if my father finds out, he must beat me to death."

Several people nodded together. If I ask Lao Tzu for money, why don't I be beaten into a disability?

"Brother Li, I'm still young, you don't want me to die young, do you?"

Changsun Yan seized the opportunity and hugged Li Yanran's leg, refusing to let go no matter what.

Seeing that Changsun Yan's snot was about to be wiped away, Li Yanran quickly said, "Let go of me first, I'll find a way."

"it is good."

Hearing this, Changsun Yan stopped his biochemical attack.

"It's not easy to earn [-] guan in a month."

"Brother Li, it's [-]."

Li Siwen quickly reminded Li Yanran that what she said was wrong.


Li Yanran hit Li Siwen directly and said, "I don't want to make money with you? Or does Lao Li not want to make money?"


Li Siwen covered his head and nodded.

"I want to make so much money, I think about it."

Li Yanran walked in the private room with small steps.

"Brother Li, why don't I get some more flower petals to expand the production capacity of perfume, so I can make some money."

Changsun Yan looked at Li Yanran, and directly brought up the old career of the flower picker.

"Now the flowers around Chang'an have basically been picked by you. Where can I get them?"

Li Yanran gave Changsun Yan a white look, these flowers need fresh flowers, it's useless for you to bring some dried flowers.

Now the flower base in Yunnan has not yet been set up, and it cannot be used to quench thirst in the far distance, so it is not applicable at all.

"Brother Bulu, if you invent something delicious, such as ice cream, let's hold another event?"

Li Siwen thought for a while, perfume is not advisable, so let's make something delicious.

Anyway, the raw materials are all there, so there will be no such problems as flowers.

"Do you think those things are there?"

Li Yanran shook her head, she wanted to do it herself, but she is not a professional pastry chef, she can only make a few simple ones, there are no new tricks.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, you can't just grab money."

Cheng Chubi rubbed his head, feeling depressed.

"It's not impossible to steal money."

Li Yanran patted Cheng Chubi's shoulder, this idiot can always wake up the dreamer.

"Stealing money? Isn't it a bit too much?"

Li Siwen glanced at Li Yanran, wondering what she meant.

"Nonsense, the money grabbing I'm talking about is different from what you're talking about, I mean selling lottery tickets."

"Lottery tickets?"

Several people were stunned, not understanding what Li Yanran meant.

Changsun Yan blinked and asked Li Yanran, "Brother Li, what is a lottery ticket?"

"What is a lottery? How should I explain it to you? To put it bluntly, a lottery is like gambling, and it pays attention to a small gain."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and said the most fundamental things about the lottery.

"Gambling is illegal, so it's not good."

When it came to gambling, Changsun Yan shuddered.

The experience of playing mahjong and being heavily in debt is still vivid in my mind, and my father also said that if he dared to get involved in gambling, he would give his legs a discount.

It's not worth it for eleven thousand.

"Nonsense, can I not know, let me tell you this, you give me two pennies, and I will give you a chance to earn five pennies, do you want to do it or not?"

Li Yanran curled her lips, I don't know that gambling is illegal?
wooden club.

"Of course we have to do it. After all, it's a great thing to use two pennies to fight five times."

Changsun Yan looked at Li Yanran, not knowing what she wanted to express.

"Then if we do this, wouldn't we have to pay for death?"

Li Siwen thought for a while, and seemed to understand Li Yanran's method, but is it really okay to do so?

"Naturally, we will not lose money, we are like this"

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and expressed all her thoughts.

"Isn't doing this the same as Mengcai's nature? If the court finds out, it may cause trouble."

Li Siwen shook his head.

Although Li Yanran's idea is very good, it can be implemented on a small scale. If it is promoted on a large scale, it will definitely make people think about it, especially those aristocratic families.

Seeing that the lottery can make money, people will inevitably follow suit, and it may cause turmoil at that time.

"Well, what you said is a problem."

Li Yanran frowned slightly, even the blind can see the profits of the lottery.

If this is regarded as a means of earning money, the world will inevitably be in turmoil, but the only means of making money now are these, [-] guan.

"If you want to implement it, you must pass through His Majesty to turn this into an official camp, so as to prevent the possible harm caused by the lottery."

A bright light flashed in Li Siwen's eyes. Since he wanted to do it, he had to stop the aristocratic families from using this as a means of earning money, and the only one who could suppress these aristocratic families was the current emperor.

Only by suppressing it with imperial power can it be stable.

"Well, what you said is quite right. You should first discuss what I have missed. I will go back to the palace immediately to see my father."

(End of this chapter)

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