My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 190 Royal Charter

Chapter 190 Royal Charter
Li Yanran nodded, Li Siwen was really smart.

He took Li Feng into the carriage, left Lan Kwai Fong and headed towards the palace.

"Your Majesty, Princess Lishan is asking to see you."

Ryan came in three steps and reported directly to Li Zhi.

"Tell Princess Lishan that I have something to do and I'm not here."

Li Zhi put down the memorial in his hand, and glanced at Ryan.

Didn't Li Yanran leave the palace?

What are you going to do now, I'm afraid nothing good will happen.

"Father, where are you going?"

Li Yanran had already barged in, looking at Li Zhi who was about to leave, she couldn't help curling her lips.

"Where are you going? Father is going to welcome my good daughter."

Li Zhi smiled sheepishly, and gouged Ryan with his eyes.

Dog things, even a child can't stop them, what else can they do.

Ryan was also depressed for a while, do you think I don't want to stop?

Who knew she came in directly with me.

He has been in charge of the eunuch for so long, and he has never seen such a bold princess.

there has never been.

"Father, I have something to tell you."

Li Yanran directly hugged Li Zhi's arm, then glanced at Ryan who was standing on the side.

Seeing the look in Li Yanran's eyes, Ruian couldn't help crying and laughing.

I am Li Zhi's caring person and his absolute confidant.

Is it too much for you to drive me away now?

"Ruian, you go down first and guard the door. No one is allowed to come in without my permission."

Li Zhi glanced at Li Yanran, and said slowly to Rui'an.


Ryan curled his lips, saluted directly, and backed out slowly.

"Come on, there are no outsiders here now."

Li Zhi touched Li Yanran's small head with question marks on his face.

"Father, do you want to increase the tax of Datang by [-]%?"

Li Yanran smiled sweetly, and said something that shocked Li Zhi.

"Datang tax increased by [-]%? Are you talking nonsense?
Although the people of the Tang Dynasty were rich and prosperous, raising taxes rashly would be a disaster for the country. "

Li Zhi stared, and the tax of Datang increased by [-]%.

The only way he can think of is to increase taxes.

Now Datang is rich, but it is not possible to increase taxes at will.

And now I don't lack money in my hands, so I don't need to do this at all.

"Old Li, am I such a fool? Do you know what a lottery is?"

Li Yanran glanced at her father, are we such people who don't care about people's livelihood?
Hearing this long-lost address, Li Zhi knocked on Li Yanran's head.

"It's not big or small, it's called Father Emperor."

Li Zhi glared at Li Yanran, and asked, "What is a lottery ticket?"

"Father, the lottery is actually born out of Mengcai."

Li Yanran slowly spoke out all the ideas of the lottery.

When Li Yanran finished speaking, Li Zhi frowned.

He could see the benefits of the lottery right away. If it can be implemented, it is not impossible to increase taxes by [-]% or [-]%.

But the lottery also has its disadvantages. Such a high return will inevitably make the people flock to it.

Once this lottery is used by someone with a heart, it will do more harm than a mountain torrent.

Li Zhi shook his head, and said slowly: "This method is not appropriate."

"In this way, wouldn't the people be encouraged to gamble? When it is implemented, all the people will gamble. This is absolutely impossible."

Li Yanran shook her head.

Stepped out in three steps, glanced at Li Zhi, and said slowly: "Father, although gambling is banned in the country, even if you don't sell lottery tickets, won't people who like to gamble not gamble?"

"The so-called ten gambling and nine fraudulent gambling, how many gamblers have been ruined by the casino, compared with them, at least we will not deceive people.

And we can also use this incident to crack down on those private casinos, why not do it? "

After hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Zhi began to think again.

After a while, he still shook his head: "Yanran, your method may be good, but once the lottery is implemented, wouldn't the aristocratic family have another way to make money."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and continued: "Father, if you are worried about this, we can completely set up the lottery as an official lottery.

As long as the rest of the people dare to open it privately, regardless of the past, they will all be decisive, so that you can put an end to your worries. "

"Official lottery?"

This is something Li Zhi didn't expect. If the lottery is run by the official, it can really put an end to what he is worried about.

"No, those officials in the court will definitely oppose it, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to pass."

Thinking of those officials in the court, Li Zhi felt dizzy.

"Father, the government office I mentioned is actually undertaken by the royal family, as long as the money from selling lottery tickets is accumulated.

Once a disaster occurs in Datang, the revenue from the lottery can be used to treat the victims.

In this way, there is no need to bother the Ministry of Households for expenditures, and funds can be allocated as quickly as possible, and the people can also inherit the mighty grace of the emperor and understand the kindness of the heavenly family. "

Li Yanran had long thought of a good excuse, the government is useless, he must let his father see real profits, so he can settle down and start this lottery with him.

"The royal family undertakes?"

Li Zhi's eyes lit up in an instant, and after glancing at Li Yanran, he was already thinking about it.

"That's right, Tianwei cannot be violated. If anyone dares to touch the royal family's cake, he will be killed and no one will dare to say anything."

A cold light flashed in Li Yanran's eyes, if those aristocratic families dared to touch the royal family's mold, no one would be able to save them.

"I want to discuss this matter with your mother and see how to implement it."

Li Zhi glanced at his daughter, he could only discuss the current situation with Wu Zetian.

This is a big deal, and it's not something you can easily make a decision on.

"Then the daughter will wait for the good news from her father."

Li Yanran saluted Li Zhi and was about to leave immediately.

"If you want to go with me, I'm afraid I'll be clumsy and I won't be able to speak clearly."

Li Zhi directly grabbed Li Yanran's collar, wanted to run?

Let me face Wu Zetian alone, how can that be possible.

You, the instigator, must go together.

"I, I, I still won't go."

Li Yanran shrank her neck, her eyes were full of hesitation.

She is not afraid of heaven and earth, but she is afraid of her old mother.

After all, that is Wu Zetian, the queen who has never been unique.

"I have to go, Ryan, show me."

Li Yanran was slipped by Li Zhiti onto Long Huan, and headed towards Wu Zetian's bedroom.

"His Majesty."

Wu Zetian was reviewing the memorial, when he saw Li Zhi and Li Yanran coming together, he couldn't help being stunned.

"Meiniang, Yanran has a great thing to do, doesn't she?"

Li Zhi hugged Wu Zetian directly, and ruthlessly pushed Li Yanran out.


Li Yanran looked at his father and mother, feeling bad all over.

Shouldn't you say it, let me introduce it?
Why is it me now.

Dad, you are really cheating on your daughter.


Wu Zetian raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Yanran.

"Aniang, what I want is to let the imperial court organize a lottery bureau, operate the lottery, and collect all the income from the internal funds.

When a disaster occurs, the profits from the lottery will be used for disaster relief and appease the victims. "

Li Yanran sighed, and told Wu Zetian everything she had discussed with Li Zhi.

"This move may cause turmoil in the court."

Wu Zetian immediately thought of the key point.

"That's why I came to ask Mei Niang for your opinion. If you say it can be done, we will do it. If not, then we will shelve it."

Li Zhi smiled at Wu Zetian, unable to see the mighty majesty of the king of a country at all.

"It's not impossible. If His Majesty thinks it's possible, as long as there are strict laws to implement it, no one should take risks."

Wu Zetian glanced at Li Zhi, then at Li Yanran, and finally nodded.

"Then at the court meeting tomorrow, I will announce this resolution."

(End of this chapter)

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