Chapter 199 Five Surnames and Seven Hopes
Li Yanran glanced at Li Zhi.

She didn't expect that the other party, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, would be so easily satisfied?
Really strange.

"You are the same short-sighted person as the grandson Yan when you are the emperor?

What they are watching is this scene, and what I am watching is the entire Tang Dynasty. Calculated in this way, an incomparably rich country is just around the corner. "

Li Zhi was not happy, and directly knocked Li Yanran on the head.

If you compare me with Changsun Yan and the others, is there any comparison between a real dragon and a bad snake?

Really bold.

"Ah, yes, yes, yes, the father is an ordinary person like Changsun Yan."

Can the father be the enemy of the country?You are the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, isn't your father an enemy of the country?

"That's about the same. I have an idea. Would you like to listen to it?"

Li Zhi glanced at his daughter and said.

"Father has something to say."

"The sale of lottery tickets should not be too impatient. Making money from lottery tickets is just following the trend. The real use is welfare, so lottery sales should not be too frequent.

Otherwise, it will inevitably cause people's hearts to fluctuate and lead to instability of the country. "

Li Zhi stands tall and sees far away, not only can see the profits of the lottery, but also the possible harm of the lottery.

"What the father said is true, and so is what my daughter means, so my idea is to hold a lottery sale every seven days.

When the lottery is really introduced to the whole country, I suggest running it once or twice a month, what does the emperor think. "

Li Yanran nodded. After all, it was his father who could see farther. He deserved to be Tang Gaozong who opened up the territory of Tang Dynasty.

"Well, that's very good, it can not only guarantee the sales of lottery tickets, but also make people happy, so that they won't go crazy for lottery tickets.

After all, she is my good daughter, the good princess of Tang Dynasty. "

Li Zhi directly touched Li Yanran's small head.

This daughter is really smart, but she is not a man.

What a pity, what a pity.

Li Yanran pouted, why adults are like this, they like to touch people's heads, it's really depressing.

"Father, there may be disturbances in the lottery after seven days."

Glancing at Li Zhi, Li Yanran expressed her worries.

"You mean those aristocratic families won't sit back and watch such a means of making money be in the hands of the royal family. The stronger the royal family is, the weaker they will be?"

Li Zhi's ability to become the emperor of the Tang Dynasty was naturally not easy.

Hearing the waves, he immediately thought of many things.


Li Yanran was also taken aback when she looked at Li Zhi, she didn't think too much about it.

She was just worried that someone might counterfeit the lottery ticket to claim the prize. After all, such a large amount is enough for some people to take risks.

Moreover, the current anti-counterfeiting technology is not so advanced, and there will always be people who come out to make trouble.

As for the aristocratic family, it seems that it is not something that a child of oneself should consider.

"This matter really needs to be prevented. If the aristocratic family obstructs it and then claims that the royal family is incapable of running a lottery, it will still be a troublesome matter."

Li Zhi ignored the bewildered Li Yanran, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he started talking to himself.

"Father, in fact, there is no need to worry too much about this matter."

Li Yanran looked at Li Zhi who was frowning, and could not help but smile slightly.

Even if, as Li Zhi said, the aristocratic family interfered with it, at most it would use some tricks on the lottery, which she had already thought of.

"Why not worry, the lottery must be in the hands of the royal family.

If the royal family is strong, the family will be weak. On the contrary, if the family is strong, the royal family will be weak. I absolutely cannot let this happen. "

Li Zhi glared at Li Yanran, what do you know about children?

This is not a trivial matter, it is a major event that may affect the foundation of Datang, how can I not worry about it.

"Father, don't you feel relieved to hand over the lottery ticket to me? It's fine if nothing happens, but if something happens, then my daughter will make those people unable to eat."

Li Yanran is depressed, the aristocratic family is not something I am worried about for the time being, but anyone who dares to trouble the lottery.

Then don't blame her.

"What are you going to do?"

Seeing that Li Yanran was so confident, Li Zhi was also puzzled.

The five surnames and Qiwang are all giants, and they are scratching their heads, so what good strategy does their daughter have.

"The daughter of the lottery has put in a lot of effort."

Li Yanran directly mentioned the anti-counterfeiting technology of the lottery ticket, and Li Zhi was overjoyed when he heard it.

He never thought that Li Yanran could play so many tricks in such a small lottery, it was really amazing.

If he does it like this, the possibility of those people wanting to counterfeit lottery tickets is infinitely close to zero.

If someone really wants to jump out, he can take this opportunity to whip the aristocratic family.

"Okay, then father will wait and see, I want to see if someone will jump out."

Li Zhi got up directly, his eyes were full of chills.

He has suffered from a family for a long time, this is like the Queen Wang back then, if she wasn't a daughter of the Wang family, how could it be so difficult to abolish her by himself.

Aristocratic family, your hands are too long, it's time to let them know who the master of this Tang Dynasty is.

Seeing the back of Li Zhi leaving, Li Yanran couldn't help shaking her head.

After all, he is the emperor, he thinks more than himself.

At the same time, in Cui Yuqing's mansion in Chang'an, several Cui's children were impressively ranked.

For example, Cui Shouye, who was the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment at the time, Cui Xiuye, the prince Tongshi Sheren, and Cui Yuanyu, the lord of the Lord, and others.

"Uncle, I don't know why you asked us to come here?"

Cui Shouye glanced at Cui Yuqing, the uncle of Shangshu Zuocheng at that time.

"Shouye, you are very smart, you should be able to guess why I called you over."

Cui Yuqing smiled slightly, his nephew had the demeanor of his elder brother Cui Dunli.

At a young age, he became the Minister of the Ministry of Justice, a member of the third rank.

"Uncle is it for the lottery ticket?"

Cui Shouye looked at the elder brother beside him urging Xiuye, and said slowly.

"That's right, if the lottery becomes bigger, it will benefit the country and the people, but the premise is that the money will be spent.

It would be a disaster for us if the profits from the lottery were kept in the Nenu. "

A gleam flashed in Cui Yuqing's eyes.

"Yu Qing, you mean that if the emperor is strong, the family will be weak. If the emperor keeps the lottery in the hands of the royal family, he will be less dependent on our family. This is a disaster rather than a blessing for us."

Cui Yuanjun looked at his brother and frowned involuntarily.

"Brother, that's what I mean.

Now it is very difficult for us to win the lottery ticket, so what we can do now is to completely destroy the lottery ticket, and we can't just sit back and watch the emperor's strength grow again. "

Cui Yuqing nodded. His elder brother is a great talent, but he is a bit indifferent to fame and fortune, so he is just a lord.

Otherwise, with the reputation of the Cui family, it would not be an exaggeration for him to be a minister or even a prime minister.

"Uncle, it is the royal property. If you act rashly, once His Majesty finds out, I'm afraid the city will be full of storms."

(End of this chapter)

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