My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 200 Conspiracy

Chapter 200 Conspiracy
Cui Xiuye ​​glanced at the two people who were talking, and couldn't help but frowned.

The emperor is always the emperor, the Ninth Five-Year King of the Tang Empire, so confronting each other like this, at least in his opinion, is inappropriate.

"Do you think uncle thinks so? I can hold my breath, but some people can't hold their breath and insist on forcing my Cui family to win the lottery with them."

Cui Yuqing shook his head slightly, do you think you can see what your uncle can't?

It was because some people were afraid that they united and wanted to curb the imperial power, so they had to do it themselves.

"Uncle, the lottery ticket has just been issued. We haven't found the flaw in it yet. If we act rashly, not only will it not solve the problem, but it will also scare the enemy. I don't agree."

Cui Shouye, as the servant of the Ministry of Punishment, has his own prestige. Looking at the three of them, his eyes are full of rejection.

The reason why the aristocratic family can survive for a long time is not to rely on fighting for power, but to rely on investment and coexistence.

Although the imperial examinations currently implemented in the Tang Dynasty may have an impact on the status of the aristocratic family, it is the children of the aristocratic family who really benefit. After all, they have more books and more knowledge.

Compared with the poor family, there are inherent advantages, but some people are afraid of being impacted by the poor family, so they want to curb the imperial power and obliterate the imperial examination.

It seemed unwise to him.

When the Tang Dynasty was established, the aristocratic families suppressed by Emperor Taizong's Wen Tao and Wu Lue could not hold their heads up. Now the emperor is wise and wise, and he also adopts a posture of suppressing the aristocratic families.

Therefore, he believes that what the family should do now is not confrontation, but obedience. Only when the emperor knows the usefulness of the family will he reuse it for himself.

If you really want to fight against the imperial power, if you want to rely on the gentry to fight against the imperial power, the final result will be that the fish will die and the net will be broken, and no one will be able to please.

"They already have a countermeasure, they just need to do something when the second lottery is issued.

The prize money for the first prize is 100 million yuan, and suddenly there are dozens more tickets when redeeming the prize, and I am afraid that the lottery will not be able to end by then. "

The first prize is 100 million yuan, although it is not much in their opinion, if there are dozens more, it will be hundreds of millions of yuan.

At that time, let alone the royal family's profit, I'm afraid they will lose everything.

Better yet, the royal and the lottery's reputation will be ruined and no one will buy it again.

No matter what happens, the lottery ticket will never be sold again.

"It's not that easy, Your Majesty is such a sloppy person, and how can you guarantee that the first prize will definitely go to us.

Moreover, lottery tickets will inevitably have anti-counterfeiting, and it may be difficult to be effective in an instant. "

Cui Yuanjun glanced at his brother and shook his head slightly.

After all, the lottery ticket only appears once, and every time the prize is redeemed, the lottery ticket will be destroyed immediately, and there is no way to copy it. If you insist on doing this, there will be some flaws.

"No way, I have thought about this situation, but they insist on this, so what can I do?"

Cui Yuqing frowned, why didn't he know about this situation.

But hey.

"I'm afraid that this will be a trap set up by His Majesty. If the members of the family really want to be impersonated and arrested, will His Majesty use this as an excuse to suppress the family? That would be like picking sesame seeds and throwing watermelons."

Cui Shouye looked at the uncle in the first seat and disapproved.

"Okay, this is everyone's decision, our family advances and retreats together, one prospers and one loses.

Uncle Xiuye ​​knows that you have a photographic memory and are good at copying, so he may rely on you. "

Cui Yuqing shook his head, no matter who you agree with or who opposes, this matter must go on.

This concerns the world.

"Xuye understands."

Cui Xiuye ​​stood up and saluted Cui Yuqing.

"Okay, then let's go."

When the Cui family was discussing, the other aristocratic families with five surnames and Qiwang were also discussing, arranging wise men to wait for the sale of the second lottery.

Time passed day by day, and the wind of lottery tickets became more and more fierce in Chang'an. Not only the common people, but also the people of the family were waiting for the moment to hunt.

At the same time, Li Zhi and Wu Zetian also set their sights on the lottery.

After all, this may be another collision between the imperial power and the aristocratic family, so they can't help but treat it with caution.

Seven days later, the second lottery sale was also released as scheduled. With the first practice, the Imperial Guards and Jinwu Guards are also ready for battle this time.

Three thousand imperial guards and three thousand Jinwu guards, together with various classes of yamen guards, are enough to handle tens of thousands of people attending the rally at the same time.

Moreover, the venue has also been re-adjusted, and the number of sales points has been directly increased to 500, which is enough to meet the sales of [-] million lottery tickets.

"Are you all ready?"

Li Yanran glanced at the crowds of people outside the venue, her eyes were full of coldness.

It is best not to have any problems today, otherwise, she is not sure whether her father will kill many people.

"It's all ready to start anytime."

Li Siwen nodded and replied.

"Then sound the gong and let's begin."

"Sing the gong, and the lottery ticket sales begin."


With the sound of a gong, the imperial guards outside the venue let them go, and the common people rushed into the venue like crucian carp crossing the river.

After a while, the huge meeting place was full of people, but even so, there were still countless people outside who did not enter the venue.

"Brother Li, there are a lot of people here."

Now Chang'an can be said to be filled with tens of thousands of people fighting for lottery tickets, this number is already somewhat beyond Li Yanran's imagination.

"Block the meeting place, activate the second meeting place, and divert traffic."

Li Yanran had already prepared a plan, and there was a second venue and a third venue next to the main venue, just to prevent situations where there were too many people here.

It's just that she didn't expect it to start at the very beginning.

"The second venue is open, drainage."

Li Siwen directly conveyed Li Yanran's order, and Li Deshan also took the order directly, leading the people to the second venue with the guards.

After the second venue, the third venue was launched immediately, so that all the people who were going to buy lottery tickets were satisfied.

"I won the lottery, you won the lottery, the second prize."

A man in disguise from a family had just lifted the cover of the lottery ticket when he heard the exclamation from the person beside him.

For a moment, all the people around turned their gazes over, and then saw countless hands start to fumble around him.

Just like Changsun Wuji, everyone wants to get a little of each other's good luck.


Looking at the golden snake pattern in his hand, the disguised person was stunned.

What's the situation, my clothes are all torn, what are you guys doing?

robbery?then what.

"Send him to the high platform."

I don't know who yelled again, and the people around surrounded him and walked towards the high platform.

"I don't want it, I don't want to redeem the prize."

"What are you doing? What are you doing?"

"Still touched, the pants are torn."

(End of this chapter)

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