Chapter 201

That person didn't want to go to the high platform to redeem the prize at all. His lottery ticket is still useful, so it can't be ruined like this.

Although he refused in his heart, he moved towards the high platform like a flat boat driven by the sea of ​​people.

Looking at the man who was pushed onto the high platform and the lottery ticket in his hand, Chang Sun Yan took the lottery ticket directly, and ordered someone to ring the gong.


As soon as the gong sounded, Changsun Yan immediately ordered someone to bring over twelve taels of gold.

"You are very lucky, these twelve taels of gold are yours."

The man took the gold with bitterness in his eyes.

"I'm so worried about you kid, the first prize is just one step away from you, keep working hard next time."

Seeing the man's displeased expression, Changsun Yan patted him on the shoulder directly.

This kid is really heartless and greedy. He even won the second prize, and it's like eating a dead fly.

You have vividly expressed the insufficiency of people's hearts.


Hearing Changsun Yan's words, the man became even more depressed.

Did I say I want to redeem the prize?

Can you give me back my lottery ticket, I'm going to finish the task.

"Okay, let's cheer for the lucky winner of the second prize."

The crowd in the audience also burst into cheers, and the family members were also taken aback after seeing the man's appearance clearly.

Isn't this Wang Haoze?He won the second prize?

Why didn't you take the lottery ticket and redeem the prize yourself?
When the winner came down, people immediately surrounded him.

"Wang Haoze, you owe the Patriarch an explanation for accepting the award."

"I can explain, I can explain."

Wang Haoze's eyes were full of bitterness, someone framed me, someone really framed me.

I don't want to.

"You leave it to the Patriarch to explain."

A tall and strong man directly twisted Wang Haoze's neck, and carried him to a distance.

Cui Xiuye ​​was also among the crowd, walking back and forth with a few lottery tickets in his hands.

His task is very difficult, to find the first prize lottery ticket in time, and then copy it from memory.


After wandering around aimlessly, Cui Xiuye ​​felt like he was going to collapse.

Everyone looked at him as if they were looking at a thief.

He is the heir of the dignified Cui family, so he likes you three melons and two dates?


Cui Xiuye ​​glanced at the lottery ticket in the woman's eyes, and wiped his own eyes involuntarily.

After taking another look, I was sure that the pattern on that person's lottery ticket was not the first prize unicorn, but what it was.

"Grandma, can you show me the lottery ticket in your hand?"

After Cui Xiuye ​​finished speaking, he reached out to get the lottery ticket. He wanted to copy it and memorize it. He was stunned to see the pattern of the unicorn.

"Young master, the old lady is a little dazed, just help me see what prizes are in this.

The idiot in my family is waiting for me to ask a doctor to treat his illness after I win the lottery. "

Holding the corner of the lottery ticket in one hand, the old woman handed it to Cui Shouye.

Hearing that the other party was waiting to treat his son, Cui Xiuye ​​had nothing to say, and began to carefully observe and memorize the pattern of the unicorn.

If you want to make a fake, you must memorize all the details clearly, and then copy them out.

"My lord, my lord, have you finished watching? How many prizes did the old lady win?"

"Grandma, put away the lottery tickets. You don't have to worry about the money for your son's medical treatment. This is the first prize, 100 million dollars."

Cui Xiuye ​​remembered almost everything, so he helped Grandma put the lottery ticket back in her arms.

"The old woman won a million dollars? Young master, you didn't lie to me?"

Hearing that she had won a prize of 100 million yuan, the old woman was stunned.

She thought that if she won two hundred dollars, she would be able to get some medicine for her son, but it turned out to be one million dollars.

"What 100 million yuan? Show me."

Hearing this, a muscular man turned around ferociously and reached out to snatch the lottery ticket away.

"What are you going to do?"

Cui Xiuye ​​stared, looking at the strong man, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Eat salty radishes and don't worry about it. What's the matter with you? Just stay and go."

The strong man pushed Cui Xiuye, his eyes were full of viciousness.

"Do you still dare to rob it in the street?"

Cui Xiuye ​​also took a step forward, and the aristocratic son of the aristocratic family was in full swing.

Seeing this, the people nearby also looked at the strong man angrily, this was related to themselves.

Grandma won the lottery this time, what if it was me?

If you don't suppress this unhealthy trend, you will encounter this situation when the time comes.

The strong man couldn't help hesitating when he saw this scene, the man in front of him looked magnificent, and the person next to him was also unfriendly.

He could only leave a harsh word, and left in despair.

"Thank you son, thank you son."

Grandma held the lottery ticket firmly in her hand, her cloudy eyes were full of gratitude.

"Guard, guard, this grandma won the lottery, the first prize."

Cui Xiuye ​​shook his head, and directly called out to the guards on the side.

The imperial guard frowned when he heard it, and came over to protect Grandma to the high platform to receive the award.

After doing this, Cui Xiuye ​​also hid himself in the crowd and walked outside the venue.

"Brother is here."

Cui Shouye was waiting in the nearby teahouse, and when he saw Cui Xiuye ​​approaching, he shouted at Cui Yuqing beside him.

"Well, order someone to prepare a pen, ink, paper and inkstone."

Cui Yuqing nodded. Cui Xiuye ​​must have gained something when he came back now.

It could be said that he found the lottery ticket for the first prize.

"Hurry up."

Cui Xiuye ​​walked into the teahouse, looked at the pens, inks, papers and inkstones that had already been laid out, and sat down directly, took a pen and began to draw the image of the unicorn in his mind.

"Kirin? Is this the first prize unicorn?"

Cui Shouye looked at the vivid unicorn on the paper, his eyes were full of surprises.

My elder brother is really a capable person, not only lucky to find the first prize, but also copy it lifelike.

"No, no, it's still two strokes short."

Cui Xiuye ​​took a look at the unicorn on the painting, no matter how he looked at it, something was wrong, and after two more licks, the final draft was finalized.

"Okay, hurry up and arrange someone to print it, time waits for no one."

When Cui Yuqing saw the final draft, he immediately waved and arranged for someone to print it.


Soon someone rode a fast horse towards their printing factory.

This time Li Yanran arranged for three first prizes, and now that one has been won, the people who bought the lottery tickets became even crazier.

Who doesn't want 100 million dollars.

The lottery tickets were sold one by one, but Li Yanran's heart was hanging.

So far there has been no problem, either because the caring people have not acted yet, or they are waiting, waiting to give themselves a big surprise.

"Master, you're back."

A servant rushed into the teahouse with a stack of newly made lottery tickets in his hand.

"let me see."

Cui Xiuye ​​took the lottery ticket directly and looked at it carefully.

"How about it?"

Cui Yuqing moved closer to Cui Xiuye, staring straight at the lottery ticket in his hand.

"It should be almost there, okay."

After checking the lottery ticket over and over again, Cui Xiuye ​​nodded.

"Uncle, this lottery ticket cannot be made by my family, it should be distributed to other families, and everyone can work together."

Cui Shouye looked at the lottery ticket in front of him and frowned involuntarily.

"Well, you're right, how can we enjoy such a big event exclusively, and immediately send someone to give the lottery tickets to several other companies."

Cui Yuqing nodded, and immediately ordered his cronies to deliver the lottery tickets.

"There will be a good show to watch next."

(End of this chapter)

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