Chapter 202

Cui Yuanjun glanced at the meeting place not far away, and a chill flashed in his eyes.

Your Majesty, in the face of such a situation, how would you face it?
The four of them also sat together on the second floor of the teahouse, silently.

Each family won the lottery ticket, and immediately sent someone to bring the lottery ticket into the venue.

Looking at the turbulent crowd, the people who were sent were also a little apprehensive. After all, there are so many people here. If something goes wrong with the lottery ticket, they might be beaten to death on the spot.

"Why haven't they acted yet?"

The person in charge of the Wang family, Wang Luoqiong, looked at the opposite venue, wondering why those people didn't do anything.

"Brother, maybe Xu is waiting for other aristocratic families to do it.

After all, this lottery ticket was sent by the Cui family, who knows if it is true or not, if there is a flaw, it may become a big deal. "

An old man in a fine attire beside Wang Luoqiong glanced at the situation across the way, and also expressed his worries.

"Then wait and see."


As time passed, the second winner of the first prize hadn't appeared yet, but the second and third prizes were bet several times in a row, which revived the enthusiasm of the people.

"It seems that everyone is quite calm."

Cui Yuanjun glanced at the venue, and he has not heard of the second first prize so far. It seems that everyone doesn't want to be the first prize.

"It's the best. No one wants to be the first bird, so we can only sit back and watch the lottery be issued."

Cui Shouye smiled slightly, the current result is what he most hopes to see.

Everyone coexists peacefully, even if the royal family's power expands, so what?
There is no dynasty with a thousand years, only a family with a thousand years. The aristocratic family only needs to guard their own one-acre three-point land. Blind resistance can only lead to being ruthlessly suppressed by the emperor.

"Look, there are always people here who want to do something."

Cui Yuanjun shook his head, the current situation is only temporary, as time goes by, someone will always jump out.

As for who will be the first bird, it depends on whose self-cultivation skills are poor.

"Brother Li, are you overthinking it? Half of the lottery tickets are sold, and no one has jumped out to find trouble."

Li Siwen frowned. So many lottery tickets have been sold, why is there no such thing as being an upright person?

"Instead of worrying about the appearance of those who interfere with it, you might as well worry about your IOUs. This lottery ticket is almost sold out."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Siwen, we still have a bet at first.

500 million lottery tickets are sold out, and your already poor family situation will be worsened.


Hearing this, Li Siwen was stunned. Looking at the turbulent people in front of him, he instantly had a bad premonition.

500 million lottery tickets may be sold out.

If you lose, you will have to bear more than 2 yuan in foreign debt.

If the money is not paid by then, he will have to jump into the sea.

"We can't wait any longer, let Wang Yuan redeem the prize immediately."

Wang Luoqiong glanced at the sky, it has been a long time, if there is any delay, the lottery will be over.


Soon a young servant left and sneaked into the crowd to find Wang Yuan to let him do something.

"Wang Yuan, the Patriarch told you to hurry up and act quickly."

Grabbing Wang Yuan's collar from the crowd, the man directly threatened.

"Third brother, it's not that I won't go, I'm really afraid. If the lottery ticket is fake, what will happen to it?"

Wang Yuan looked at the man with a distressed expression. It wasn't that he didn't want to go, but that he didn't dare to go at all.

The arms of the forbidden soldier above were as thick as his own thighs. If he was caught stealing a chicken, he would probably have received a lunch box on the spot.

"You trash, you don't dare to claim the lottery ticket yourself, why can't you give it to someone else?"

The three looked at Wang Yuan with stern faces, their eyes were full of disdain.

"Third Brother, do you think I don't want to? If the lottery ticket is really cashed, where can I go to give the 100 million to the Patriarch? You must save me."

Wang Yuan was depressed, I can't think of anything that even your big head can think of.

In the current situation, he is in a dilemma. He is afraid that the lottery ticket will not be redeemed, and he is afraid that the lottery ticket will be redeemed.

He really didn't know what to do.

"Save you? I can't save you."

The third brother shook his face and kicked Wang Yuan aside, then pointed at him and said, "First prize, this guy has won the first prize."


Wang Yuan glanced at the three, not knowing what the other party meant.

"First prize?"

"This guy won first prize."

"Amazing, awesome."

Hearing this voice, all the people around surrounded him and began to grope for Wang Yuan, hoping to get good luck.

Watching the movement here, the guards on the side hurried over.

The captain of the imperial guard glanced at Wang Yuan, who had already been groped, and asked directly, "You just won the first prize?"

Wang Yuan nodded first, then shook his head.

After all, this lottery ticket is now a hot potato. It doesn't matter whether he redeems the prize or not.

"General, that's him, he won the first prize, you see."

The third brother glanced at Wang Yuan, snatched the lottery ticket from him, and showed it to the team leader.

"Well, that's right, it's Qilin, get out of the way."

The captain's eyes were full of jealousy, but he still waved his hand to let the guards around him escort Wang Yuan to the high platform to receive the award.

"Third Brother."

Protected by the imperial army, Wang Yuan's eyes were already filled with tears.

In the eyes of others, this road may be a million dollar prize, but in his opinion it may be a road of no return.

"Brother, go all the way."

The third brother waved his hand at Wang Yuan, his eyes were full of complacency.

Brother, don't blame brother, if you are really dead, your old brother will definitely help you take care of it.

"Young master, we have brought another first prize."

After saying that, the captain pushed Wang Yuan out.

"You won the first prize?"

Changsun Yan looked at Wang Yuan with a miserable face, and already guessed how he was treated, so he hurriedly spoke to him with a smile on his face.

"The little man did win the first prize."

Wang Yuan was already crying, with tears in his eyes.

"Look, you are so excited that you are crying, give me the lottery ticket."

Changsun Yan patted Wang Yuan on the shoulder, Xiao Mian, I was so excited that I cried.

After receiving the lottery ticket from Wang Yuan, Zhang Sun Yan glanced at him, then glanced at him again.

"Yes, this lottery ticket is not bad, what's your name?"

"Little man, Wang Wang Yuan."

Seeing Changsun Yan's expression, Wang Yuan was also taken aback.

Could it be that the lottery ticket was imitated without any problem, and the other party didn't see it?
"Hehe, my surname is still Wang, that's right, just stand aside and wait for me to get you the bonus."

Changsun Yan gave the people next to him a look, signaling them to be optimistic about this kid, and then left with the forged lottery ticket.


"Has anyone else won the lottery? Come out, our lottery is run by the royal family, as long as you win, you will redeem it."

Changsun Yan stood on the high platform and shouted directly at the people below.

"Isn't that Wang Yuan? It seems that the lottery ticket is fine, let's go."

Several members of the Wang family with lottery tickets recognized Wang Yuan on the stage, and since his was fine, so their own was fine, and waved their lottery tickets onto the high stage one after another.

People from the Wang family came to power, and people from other aristocratic families came one after another, holding a lottery ticket and asking grandson Yan to redeem the prize.

"Okay, okay, take your time."

Looking at the high platform that was already crowded, the cold light in Changsun Yan's eyes almost overflowed.

"any left."

After shouting for a while, the members of the Cui family also looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

"Wait and see what happens, and wait until their prizes are redeemed."

Cui Shouye mixed in the crowd, looking at the high platform, he already had a bad feeling in his heart.


When the Cui family heard Cui Shouye's words, they held back their thoughts and waited for the reward from Gaotai.

"There's no one left, right? Where are the guards?"

Changsun Yan gave an order directly, and the surrounding guards screamed, and all stood up.

"Give them all to me."


(End of this chapter)

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