Chapter 204

Changsun Yan came to Li Yanran excitedly, his eyes were full of color.

Today he was really imposing. He not only insulted that idiot Wang Ping, but also took down a group of bastards.

"Well, Changsun Yan will make the first contribution today, and the emperor will be very happy when the time comes, and it may not be possible to let you marry a princess."

Li Yanran patted grandson Yan, her eyes were full of joy.

Looking at the eldest grandson Yan who has grown a little, for some reason, she always has the desire to see her son grow up.

"Forget it, our ambition is not that, I want to be the first richest man in Datang, the second, no, the third richest man."

Changsun Yan shook his head, how free and happy he is now, if he wants money and has money, there are people and people, why bother to marry a man and come back to make himself uncomfortable.

His only thought now is to make money, make money, make money.

If he can't be the first or second richest man, he wants to be the third richest man.

"By the way, where's Li Siwen?"

Changsun Yan glanced at him, but there was no sign of Li Erlang at all, so he couldn't help being stunned.

"He has an upset stomach, and I asked him to return home early."

"Oops, I fell for it."

Changsun Yan slapped his thigh, his eyes were full of depression.

"what happened?"

"Who will clean up after he leaves? This time there are three venues, 500 million lottery tickets."

Changsun Yan's eyes were full of depression, and Li Siwen was not there, one of the two idiots would only pretend to be stupid, and the other would only act dumbfounded.

It's hard to say that this job will fall on his own head in the end.

"If you don't tell me, I'll forget about it. Today's hygiene will be left to the three of you."

Hearing what Li Yanran said, Changsun Yan was glad, while Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan looked depressed.

He kept scolding Li Siwen in his heart for not being enough friends.

"In addition, Changsun Yan performed outstandingly today, and the sanitation of the main venue will be entrusted to him, a capable person.

Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan were in charge of the second and third venues respectively, so it was decided. "

After Li Yanran finished speaking, Changsun Yan froze.

Why did you hand over the main venue to me for your outstanding performance today?

Is this a reward or a punishment?

Brother Li, we are cousins, you can't turn your elbows out.

"Brother Li, this is against fairness."

Changsun Yan blushed and objected to Li Yanran.

"Is it fair, I'll give it to you, let's vote with a show of hands, and agree with the eldest grandson's show of hands to clean up the main venue."

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she raised her little hand, and Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan naturally were not to be outdone, and quickly raised their hands to Changsun Yan's face like lightning.

"Okay, it's fair now, we must do good hygiene, Li Feng, let's go."

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she twisted her waist and walked towards Lan Kwai Fong.

The officials of the household department also left with Li Yanran with sealed cash boxes and accounts one by one.

"Young master grandson, it's time to work."

"I'm tired too."

The two laughed together after talking, and led the people towards the second and third venues, leaving only Zhang Sunyan looking at the huge main venue, his mind was about to collapse.

After some calculations, the officials of the household department also had the final answer, which was 300 million yuan.

Compared with the first profit of 820 million yuan, it has more than quintupled.

This is because Li Yanran adheres to the principle of honesty. If someone really has a bad heart, get him a 1000 million lottery ticket and arrange for his own people to take all the first, second and third prizes.

At that time, wouldn't it be possible to earn over [-] million in one game?

Without even daring to think about it, he arranged for the officials of the household department to seal the account, while he himself got into the carriage and ran towards the palace.

"Your Majesty, Li Deshan has come to report that dozens of counterfeit lottery tickets have been caught and sent to the palace."

Ryan entered the room and read the message he had just received.

"Dozens of counterfeiters, these people from aristocratic families are really daring."

Hearing this, Li Zhi slapped the table and stood up, his eyes full of coldness.

"Your Majesty, the late emperor has always been taking a high-handed stance towards the family, in Mei Niang's opinion, he just took this opportunity to rectify it.

Get some senior officials out, so that the poor children of imperial high schools have the opportunity to develop their abilities. "

The corner of Wu Zetian's mouth was also full of coldness, how could she tolerate these thieves if she dared to go against the royal family.

"Well, you're right. I think I'll leave the interrogation to Xu Jingzong. I believe he will give me a satisfactory answer."

Li Zhi nodded, Wu Zetian agreed with him.

The aristocratic families above the court occupied almost half of the country, which was not a good sign for the country or the emperor.

That's why he agreed to Li Yanran's lottery ticket at the beginning, just for this opportunity, he didn't expect his daughter to be a treasure.

May all your wishes come true.

"The concubine knows."

Wu Zetian saluted generously, and someone immediately went to deliver orders to Xu Jingzong.

When Xu Jingzong got the will, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

He naturally knew what the emperor wanted, but he had to face the five surnames and seven kings, a behemoth entrenched in history, and he would also be caught in a dilemma.

"Come on, please go and invite Doctor Yushi to come over immediately, I have something important to discuss."

Xu Jingzong thought for a while, and sent someone to find Gao Zhizhou.

"Gaoyang County Lord, why are you calling me?"

Hearing Xu Jingzong's call, Gao Zhizhou hurriedly drove here.

"Gao Yushi, do you know the latest lottery ticket?"

Xu Jingzong glanced at Gao Zhizhou, and directly took out the lottery ticket.

"The lottery has been circulating recently, how could I not know about it, is it related to the lottery that the Duke of Gaoyang called me over?"

Gao Zhizhou couldn't help but frowned when he mentioned the lottery.


Xu Jingzong directly made trouble for the people of those aristocratic families, and then told them all about being arrested.

"Your Majesty is going to attack the family."

Gao Zhizhou was not mediocre to be valued by Wu Zetian, and he immediately understood Li Zhi's intentions.

This is to take the opportunity to suppress the aristocratic family again. After all, Tang Taizong has done this before, so it is not unusual.

"So do you think we should do our best to help His Majesty suppress the family, or should we leave some room for the family.

After all, once these people go crazy, we will become the target of public criticism. "

Xu Jingzong was also very distressed. Although he is Wu Zetian's absolute eagle dog, it depends on the situation.

The power of the family is too great. If he really offends everyone, once Li Zhi compromises with the family, it is very likely that he will become a victim of the struggle between the two sides.

"Mr. Gaoyang County, we are able to achieve today's status thanks to the support of His Majesty and Empress Dowager Empress. We can't do it on the wall. It's better to be firm than to have both sides."

Gao Zhizhou looked at Xu Jingzong, he understood the other party's worries, but he himself was just a dog.

To be a hawk dog is to have the consciousness of being a hawk dog, and to understand your own master.

As a sword of empress Wu and the emperor, if he has his own thoughts, no matter what others do, the emperor will not tolerate them.

"Well, the old man understands what to do."

Xu Jingzong nodded, Gao Zhizhou's words directly awakened Xu Jingzong.

"If this is the case, the officer will resign."

Gao Zhizhou saluted Xu Jingzong, and was about to leave but was stopped by the other party.

"Since Gao Yushi is here, come with me to interrogate."


(End of this chapter)

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