My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 205 Don't Squeeze Children

Chapter 205 Don't Squeeze Children
Gao Zhizhou was dumbfounded. You called me here to share the pain.

You are really a good person.

"What? Gao Yushi doesn't want to solve problems for His Majesty?"

Xu Jingzong gave Gao Zhizhou a sideways look, since you are here, don't leave, what you just said is so good, now is the time to solve His Majesty's worries and problems.

"Gao Zhizhou is naturally willing to solve His Majesty's problems."

Gao Zhizhou was depressed, so he could only interrogate those troublemakers with Xu Jingzong.

After Xu Jingzong's severe torture, those members of the aristocratic family were also tortured badly, and in the end they couldn't bite anymore.

After all, these people are just ordinary domestic servants, and they are not dead men, so they can only confess all the people behind them.

Taking the information obtained from the interrogation, Xu Jingzong and Gao Zhi went into the palace together to report the situation to Li Zhi and Wu Zetian.

Li Zhi and Wu Zetian looked at each other. Except for the Cui family of the first family, all of these people were on the list, and they scratched their heads a little.

"Your Majesty, this is the end of the matter, there is no need to hesitate too much, and it will be broken when it is done."

Wu Zetian looked at Li Zhi, and directly said what he meant.

"Well, let's list some names and demote them first. This can be regarded as a warning to these aristocratic families. If they make any changes, don't blame me."

Li Zhi nodded, the current situation has become like this, if he didn't respond, the family thought he was afraid of them.

It's time to teach the other party a lesson.

"Well, the concubine understands."

Li Zhi returned to the imperial study room, before his ass warmed up, he saw that Li Yanran had passed Rui'an and rushed in.

"Father, father."

Li Yanran came to Li Zhi with excitement in her eyes.

"How, what's the profit this time?"

Li Zhi touched Li Yanran's little head, and his eyes were full of anticipation.

The man of the family has been captured by himself, and the next step is the proceeds of the lottery.

"Forty-three million dollars."

Li Yanran directly revealed such an astronomical figure.

500 million lottery tickets and a profit of 300 million yuan really make people lament the prosperity of the people of the Tang Dynasty.

"There are so many."

Li Zhi was a little stupid, and he didn't expect there to be so many.

"Father, this is only in the early stage. When it is extended to the entire Tang Dynasty in the later stage, the profit is really unimaginable."

Li Yanran nodded, once the lottery is promoted, the profit can only be astronomical.

"Well, the royal father can naturally see it."

Li Zhi smiled slightly, he was as rich as an enemy, and it was just around the corner.

"Yan Ran, aren't you curious, how will I deal with those troublemakers you sent?"

Li Zhi glanced at Li Yanran and said.

"Father, should Yanran be worried about those things?"

Li Yanran glanced at her father, I'm just a child, those things don't seem to be what I should worry about.

She still understands the truth that if she is not in her position, she does not plan for something.

Besides, if you do everything yourself, what do you want the emperor to do.

"Why shouldn't you, you are a child of the royal family, and these people are from the rich family.

They want to make trouble for your father, shouldn't you ask, as a daughter? "

Li Zhi tapped lightly on Li Yanran's head.

"Father, if you are not in the position, you will not seek other political affairs. I am still a child, so don't oppress me.

You and A Niang are enough for those big events in the court, I'd better forget about it. "

Li Yanran pouted, please stop oppressing me.

I'm not the crown prince, you can still tell Li Hong about these things, so forget it with me.


Li Zhi shook his head, these things are really not what Li Yanran should inquire about.

Who made her a daughter? It seems useless to say more.

"Father, if it's okay, I'll go first."

Li Yanran jumped out from under Li Zhi, and after paying respects, she turned around and left.

Returning to his own palace, he pushed open the door of the bedroom, only to see Li Hong slumped on his sofa.

"Sister, sister, you are back, Hongdi has been waiting for a long time."

Seeing Li Yanran approaching, Li Hong directly jumped up from the sofa, shouting in a childish voice.

"Why are you in my bedroom?"

Li Yanran pulled Li Hong's ears, her eyes were full of anger.

Is a girl's boudoir a place where you, a man, come whenever you want?

I really don't know what to do.

"Sister, my Monkey King, my Monkey King."

Although Li Hong's ears were pulled, his eyes lit up and he asked about Monkey King.

"Have you memorized all the books today? You have been thinking about listening to Monkey King all day long."

Li Yanran is depressed, a Journey to the West will fascinate you like this.

Where is the appearance of the prince of the Tang Dynasty.

"I've already memorized those books, and Xu Shi even praised me for being smart, and I can understand a little bit."

Li Hong rolled his eyes and replied directly.

"You don't even write a draft when you lie. If your father finds out that you are not doing your job properly, you may have to whip you a few more times."

The little kid still wanted to lie to himself, so Li Yanran slapped Li Hong on the head.

"Really, Sister, let's continue, what happened to the Monkey King?"

Li Hong blushed, and asked Monkey King urgently.

"What happened to Monkey King, sister can only tell you that he got out of trouble."

Li Yanran thought for a while, Tang Monk's journey to the West seems to have happened during the Zhenguan period, if he told all the contents of Journey to the West, there might not be any troubles.

How can I say that Journey to the West is considered a feudal superstition, and there are no so-called demons and ghosts in the Tang Dynasty.

"Who saved it then?"

Li Hong tilted his head, his eyes full of doubts.

"Why do you care so much?"

Li Yanran knocked on Li Hong's head again.

She hasn't decided how to come to the follow-up of Journey to the West, so she doesn't think about what to say to the other party at the moment.

"No matter, I want to know, sister, just tell me."

Li Hong was still unwilling to let go, and he was about to ask about Monkey King's follow-up.

"Sister, let me tell you a different story."

Li Yanran has convinced Li Hong, the little boy, if you have such perseverance in your studies, it will be great.

It's really speechless.

"what story?"

Li Hong was taken aback for a moment, wondering what good stories his elder sister had to tell him.

"The one I'm going to tell you is called A Chinese Ghost Story."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, and said one of the plots she was most familiar with.

"A Chinese Ghost Story? What is it?"

Li Hong frowned, he was not a good bird when he heard the name, it was not as magnificent as the Monkey King.

"It is said that there was a scholar named Ning Caichen who rushed to Guobei County to collect his debts. However, due to the sudden heavy rain, he had to hide in the legendary Lanruo Temple to lodge a complaint, but was rejected by the Taoist priest Yan Chixia in the temple, so Ning Caichen left in the middle of the night. "

(End of this chapter)

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