My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 206 Yan Chixia is Dead

Chapter 206 Yan Chixia is Dead

He didn't pay attention to Li Hong, the little devil, and just told the story of a Chinese ghost story on his own.

Halfway through the story, Li Hong also listened with great interest, watching Li Yanran's eyes full of stars.

Although he doesn't understand those feelings and loves, Yan Chixia's power makes him want to stop.

"Later, what happened to that dead tree spirit? Did Yan Chixia kill him with a flying sword?"

Seeing Li Yanran stop, Li Hong felt depressed for a while.

Sister is like this, every time she talks about orgasm, she stops abruptly, which makes people feel itchy.

"If you want to know what happens next, please listen to the next breakdown."

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, what time is it, why are you still talking?
If you talk about it again, you will talk all night. Don't you know that going to bed late is a woman's worst enemy?
If you want to disturb my beauty sleep, even the king of heaven and my father will not do it.

Not to mention you little devil.

"Sister, tell me another paragraph, tell me another paragraph."

Li Hong held Li Yanran's hand relentlessly.

"The dryad is not dead, Yan Chixia is dead, Ning Caichen is dead, and Nie Xiaoqian is also dead."

Li Hong directly covered his ears, his small eyes were full of depression.

"Sister is a bad person, I don't want to listen, I don't want to listen."

Seeing Li Hong's conflicted appearance, Li Yanran couldn't help showing a sneer.

Xiao Mian, can't heal you anymore?
"Then go to sleep now."

"I'm going to sleep, I'm going to sleep right away, sister, you can't let Yan Chixia die."

Li Hong drooped his face, and got under the quilt obediently.

After a night of nothing to say, the next morning, Sun Xu came outside Li Yanran's bedroom again, looking at Li Feng who was like a door god, he couldn't help shivering.

"This little brother Li, please inform me, the prince should go to morning reading."

Not daring to do anything wrong, Sun Xu saluted Li Feng obediently.

When Sun Xu said so, Li Feng also nodded, and directly knocked on the door of the bedroom.

"His Royal Highness, it's time for the prince to go to study early."

Hearing Li Feng's voice, Li Yanran also rubbed her eyes, and kicked Li Hong's body.

"Who? Who dares to sneak attack the prince."

Being kicked suddenly, Li Hong immediately woke up and yelled in a daze.

"Sneak attack on your elbow, it's time for morning reading, why don't you hurry to class."

Li Yanran rewarded Li Hong with a headshot and a sneak attack, thanks to which you can figure it out.

"Oh oh oh."

Li Hong also came to his senses this time, and replied to Li Yanran aggrievedly, then got up from the bed and walked outside.

"Your Highness, we're going to be late, let's go."

Seeing Li Hong coming out, Sun Xu hurried over.

"I know, there's so much nonsense."

Li Hong gave Sun Xu a sideways look, when will I listen to you eunuch?

I really don't know what to say.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Sun Xu didn't dare to say anything, he got into the chariot directly to meet Li Hong, and headed towards the Chongwen Museum.

"Lao Li, let's go too,"


Li Yanran got into the carriage and walked directly outside the palace.

"Brother Li, Brother Li."

"Brother Li."

Changsun Yan and the others had been waiting in Lan Kwai Fong for a long time, when they saw Li Yanran approaching, they immediately surrounded her.

"Well, you worked hard yesterday."

Li Yanran nodded, and sat down on the sofa.

"What's hard or not, these are what we should do."

As soon as Li Siwen finished speaking, the three of them, Changsun Yan, cast angry glances.

It's not hard for you to co-author, I know that we were busy yesterday and didn't finish cleaning the venue until the evening.

Not hard?No hard work with a hammer.

"Brother Li, I heard that yesterday's profit was 300 million yuan?"

Changsun Yan looked at Li Yanran, he is most concerned about profit now.

Only when he earns money can he pay back the money. After all, he owes his elder cousin eleven thousand pennies, which is too difficult.

"Well, yesterday's profit was indeed 300 million yuan. After 860% of the contribution to the royal family, our profit is 86 million yuan, and each of you has an income of [-] yuan."

Li Yanran nodded, 86 yuan per person, which is 860 yuan, and the income from the two lottery tickets is also [-] yuan per person.

"More than 800 pens are not bad, enough to pay back the fraction I owe His Majesty."

Changsun Yan curled his lips. Normally, the profit would not be small, but now it is a drop in the bucket.


The other three sighed together, you must know that the three of them not only owed the emperor [-] guan, but also owed Li Yanran [-] guan.

This is a sinkhole, when will it be filled.

"Don't worry, this is only in Chang'an, I believe that the emperor will take Chang'an as the center and expand around.

At that time, the income of the lottery will definitely exceed your imagination. "

Li Yanran rolled her eyes and looked at Sun Yan, or her father would not want to see you.

He only cares about the petty gains in front of him, but this is still Changsun Wuji's good son, it would be embarrassing to say so.

"Brother Li, why don't you intercede with His Majesty and give him a few more months?"

Li Siwen's eyes were full of bitterness, it had been half a month, and he still hadn't got ten thousand guan.

"That's right, this ten thousand pens is really too much."

Cheng Chubi also scratched his head.

"Let's talk about it at that time, even if you can't show it, you can believe that the father will not criticize you."

Li Yanran glanced at the few people, who told you to sign the redemption contract with your father, you really are like a tiger.


"Okay, nothing to worry about, just get ready.

These days I have been busy picking up lottery tickets, and the sofa is almost ready. It's time to hold an event and sell it again. "

Li Yanran glanced at the three of them, and told them to prepare, the breeding farms are ready, so they can't be wasted, right?


Several people nodded, and then left to prepare for the sale of the sofa.

On the Golden Luan Hall, Li Zhi sat on the dragon chair, looked at the officials below, and said nothing.

The officials of the several great families had speculations in their hearts, and they could see the panic in their hearts from their eyes.

"All officials, if you have something to do, play early, and if you have nothing to do, leave the court."

Ryan glanced at Li Zhi and cleared his throat.

"Your Majesty, I have the original play."

Xu Jingzong stepped out directly, holding a jade kui in his hand and saluted Li Zhi.


Seeing Xu Jingzong come out, everyone's heart trembled.

This is the number one eagle dog of the emperor and the empress, and if he stands up now, nothing good will happen.


Li Zhi looked at Xu Jingzong, then glanced at the other courtiers in the hall, his eyes were full of coldness.

"Issuing lottery tickets by the royal family is an act that benefits the country and the people, but some people blatantly send people to sabotage the lottery issuance in disregard of national laws.

The minister thought it was a heinous act, and hoped that His Majesty would punish him severely. "

After Xu Jingzong finished speaking, all the officials were terrified, and sure enough, the emperor still attacked them.

"Should this happen? It's really abominable. Who are Xu Jingzong and these people? If this thief is not eliminated, where is the law of the country and where is the power of heaven?"

When Li Zhi heard this, he immediately jumped up, his eyes full of anger.

"Your Majesty, I have the original play."

Lu Chengqing stood up directly and saluted Li Zhi.

"Lu Chengqing, did I let you speak?"

(End of this chapter)

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