Li Zhi gave Lu Chengqing a sideways glance, I didn't let you speak, so you stood up, guilty?

"Your Majesty, I think the matter of the lottery is a major national matter. How can you listen to one person's opinion? It should be judged by the three divisions to determine the real culprit."

Lu Chengqing glanced at the bureaucrats around him, and directly spoke out his thoughts.

Everyone knows that Xu Jingzong is good at using torture, and the charges you concocted are unparalleled in the world.

If you were to organize them like this, how would the five surnames and seven hopes be arranged?

Now that something has happened, there is only one thing he can do, and that is the joint trial of the three divisions. Only by participating in it can he check for omissions and fill in the gaps, and minimize the harm.

"Joint trial by the three divisions? It's not necessary. These people are making waves in the royal family's lottery. They are against the royal family. Xu Jingzong is enough."

Li Zhi shook his head, he had already seen the other party's thoughts, firstly the three divisions will be interrogated, how can I let you do what you want.

"Your Majesty, I think that royal affairs are the world's major affairs, how can I be so arbitrary, it should be judged by the three divisions."

Wang Fangyi, the mainstay of the Wang family in the court hall, slowly stood up and saluted Li Zhi.

"My family's affairs are nothing for outsiders, you should step back."

Li Zhi glanced at Wang Fangyi and frowned involuntarily.

He is the cousin of Queen Wang, and he is extremely talented and useful.

And he is not within the scope of Li Zhi's suppression this time, so I don't want to say anything more to him.

"His Majesty."

"Shut up, whoever dares to speak too much will be guilty of the following offense, Xu Jingzong, you continue to speak."

Li Zhi glanced at Baiguan, and directly slapped the dragon case, his eyes were full of threats.

"Your Majesty, I interrogated the censor overnight, and those thieves also fully confessed.

His Majesty may not believe it, but these people are all from the proud family, Wang, Lu, and Zheng are among them. "

Xu Jingzong saluted again, glanced at Lu Chengqing, and then revealed the families behind those people.

"No wonder you want a joint trial between the three divisions. It turned out to be the ghost of you who said, why did you do this?"

Li Zhi's eyes widened, and he shouted angrily at the officials in the hall.

"Your Majesty, rest your anger."

"Your Majesty, rest your anger."

"Your Majesty, rest your anger."

Seeing that Li Zhi was so angry, Lu Chengqing and others took the lead in kneeling down, followed by other officials.

"Calm down, have I calmed down?

The lottery is issued by my royal family. You are making trouble in the lottery, are you deliberately antagonizing me?
Do you really think that I dare not kill people? "

Calm down?It would be strange if I could appease my anger.

You are now in my hands. If you don't peel off your skin, I, the emperor, will be in vain.

"Lu Chengqing, what else do you have to say about your Lu family?"

Li Zhi called Lu Chengqing's name, didn't you call Huan just now?Now I will take your Lu family first.

"Your Majesty, there have been black sheep since ancient times. Even if someone from the Lu family dares to risk the world and make trouble in the lottery, it is only a personal wish. I hope Your Majesty will be aware of it."

Lu Chengqing was also depressed for a while, now that Li Zhi has spoken so clearly, he still has something to say.

If you make a mistake, you will be beaten, and if you are beaten, you must stand at attention. He still knows this.

So I directly expressed my attitude, the Lu family accepted the punishment, and you can figure out how to deal with it.

"Hehe, black sheep, how about you?"

Li Zhi glanced at the officials again, mainly asking Wang Fangyi and Zheng Yuanze.

Zheng Yuanze was the biological father of Concubine Zheng Gui in the current dynasty, and he is currently a member of Zhongshushe, and he can be regarded as the mainstay of the Zheng family in the imperial court.

"I think what Lu Chengqing said is true, the black sheep should be caught, so that my Wang family can be cleared."

"I also think so, and I hope His Majesty will learn from you."

Wang Fangyi and Zheng Yuanze also saluted together, expressing their willingness to accept punishment.

"Okay, Xu Jingzong, then you can submit the list of people behind these people."

"Your Majesty, here is the list."

Xu Jingzong directly handed over the list listed by Li Zhi.

"Okay, as long as everyone involved is demoted to the place, let's do that."

Li Zhi didn't even look at the list, and asked Xu Jingzong to deal with it according to the contents on the list.

After a court meeting, Wang, Lu, and Zheng III also lost nearly [-]% of their power in the court.

Only Cui Shi saw the opportunity quickly and did not suffer any losses.

The three families were demoted, and the vacated positions were quickly filled by Li Zhi's people.

Another week later, lottery tickets were sold again, this time not only in Chang'an, but also in several surrounding counties.

The four Zhang, Sun and Yan were not in Chang'an, but were assigned to the Quartet to preside over the lottery sales.

After some operations, the sales of lottery tickets reached a new high. In addition to the sold out lottery tickets in Chang'an, the surrounding counties also made a lot of money.

After some calculations, the profit has reached more than 7000 million yuan. Although the income of [-] yuan is just a drop in the ocean for the entire Datang, it is only the first step in the lottery.

If it is really extended to the whole country, it will be astronomical.

"Father, the lottery has been formalized. Changsun Yan and the others are busy these days, working extremely hard. Why don't you give them some time for the IOU?"

As the boss of several people, Li Yanran naturally wants to seek the welfare of her younger brother.

"It's not impossible to allow more time, but the money owed to me must not be owed in vain, I want interest."

Li Zhi glanced at his good daughter Li Yanran, and couldn't help smiling.

He naturally knew that Changsun Yan and the others were running back and forth these days, but is my money so easy to owe?

If you want to pay back later, you have to pay extra.

"Father, you can't force a sheep to squeeze the wool. Although it is said that pressure makes people improve, let's forget about those few."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Zhi, her eyes were full of depression.

Old Li, you are the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, we can't lose money.

It's a bit too much to pluck the wool, but grandson Yan and the others pluck a sheep.

"Don't worry, I'm not a money lender, the monthly interest is one thousand guan, they can afford it."

Li Zhibai glanced at Li Yanran, what was he thinking?

I am the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, how could I have the same knowledge as Changsun Yan and the others.

Besides, [-] guan, the interest of [-] guan a month is not much.

"Okay okay."

Li Yanran is helpless, you want one thousand per month in interest, which doubles in a year, isn't that much?
Fortunately, you are the current emperor. If it were someone else, Changsun Yan and the others would all report to officials.


Li Zhi nodded, and if you can't accept the money owed to the emperor, you will be charged [-] yuan a month in interest, then I can only ask your father for it.

After all, you can't go too far, no, I'm the emperor, so it's reasonable to ask you for some interest.

Li Yanran came behind Li Zhi, and a pair of small hands began to rub her father's shoulders.

"Father, I have an idea."

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