My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 208 Fiefdom

"Speak up if you have something to say. It's fine if I can do it. If I can't do it, it's useless for you to be courteous to me."

Seeing Li Yanran's actions, Li Zhi couldn't help shivering.

"Father, my daughter has a fief, but I haven't visited it yet, can I ask for a leave of absence so that I can go and see the fief?"

Li Yanran smiled sweetly at Li Zhi, and expressed her thoughts.

"Why are you going to the fiefdom? There are officials in charge there, and all the food that should be given to you will be given to you. There is no need to go there in person."

Li Zhi glanced at Li Yanran, not understanding what she wanted.

"Father, it is my fief after all, I don't feel at ease if I don't go to see it, and it's not far from Chang'an, so just let me have a look."

Li Yanran moved her small head forward, her eyes full of anticipation.


Li Zhi tapped lightly on Li Yanran's forehead.

"It's not impossible to go and have a look, but you have to promise me that you won't cause trouble when you arrive in the fief."

Li Zhi knows Li Yanran's ability to cause trouble, if he finds something for himself after he arrives in the fief, it will give him some headaches.

"That's natural. I just went to see the situation of the fief, and I didn't go to rob the house. How could it cause trouble?"

Li Yanran clutched her forehead, her face was full of grievances.

"Okay, I agree to this matter, but I still have to inform your mother. With your temperament, you will have to stay at least two or three days to go to the fiefdom."

Li Zhibai glanced at Li Yanran.

The so-called knowing daughter Mo Ruofu, Li Yanran said to go and see, at least it would take two days, and she had to tell Wu Zetian about it.

After all, the other party is very tight to Li Yanran, if he doesn't return to the palace for a few days, he will definitely be worried.


Li Yanran nodded, she was only going to Lishan for a tour, so A Niang would not disagree.

"Let's go then."

Li Zhi got up directly and left with Li Yanran to meet Wu Zetian.

"What? Are you going to the fiefdom?"

When Wu Zetian heard that Li Yanran was going to fief the land, she exploded.

Go to some fiefdom in Chang'an, it's dirty and messy, and there's nothing to see in the backcountry.

"Aniang, I'm just going to take a look. After all, it's my fiefdom. It's not good if I don't go and take a look."

Li Yanran hurried to Wu Zetian's side, pinching her legs and shoulders.

"That doesn't work either. If it doesn't work, let Li Feng wait for you to go and have a look."

While enjoying Li Yanran's service, Wu Zetian opened his mouth to help her find a way.

"What can Li Feng, that boring gourd, do in the past? Didn't you always teach Yanran to do things by herself?
I went to the fief to practice this, just let me go. "

Li Yanran curled her lips, there was no difference between Li Feng going and not going.

She went to the fiefdom because she had something to do, and Li Feng was caught blind in the past.

"Well, you can go, but you can't cause trouble. Even if there is any problem with the fief, you have to leave it to your father to decide."

Wu Zetian was depressed for a while, she was using A Niang's words to gag A Niang.

Having said that, what else can I say.

"Aniang Wan is the best."

Glancing at Li Zhi who was on the side, Li Yanran quickly changed her words.

You must know that the word long live can only be used on the emperor. If I said that in front of Li Zhi, I would have to be scolded again.

"Well, push hard on the right side."


In the evening, Li Yanran happily returned to her bedroom. Li Hongzheng was sitting on the steps, writing and drawing something on the ground with a wooden stick in his hand.

Li Yanran gave Li Feng a wink, then tiptoed to Li Hong.

"Xiao Lihong, what are you doing?"

"Ah, sister."

Hearing Li Yanran's voice, Li Hong was taken aback, and quickly wiped off the things on the ground with his feet.

"Hmph, dare to speak ill of sister?"

Li Yanran directly grabbed Li Yanran's collar, she saw what the other party drew on the ground just now, and dared to speak ill of herself.

Really deserves a fight.

"Sister, I misunderstood, Li Hong missed you."

While being picked up, Li Hong vigorously wiped away the traces on the ground with his little feet.

"Miss me? Just don't curse me."

Li Yanran was happy and didn't bother to argue with Li Hong.

What kind of wickedness can a child have?

"Sister, sister, is there something good for you?"

Seeing the excitement on Li Yanran's face, Li Hong tilted his head and asked.

"Sister got permission from my father, tomorrow I'm going to fief the land."

If there is good news, it is natural to share it. Li Yanran directly told about her going to the fiefdom tomorrow.

"Sister, you are going to fief, take me with you."

Hearing that Li Yanran was going to fief, Li Hong was also full of envy.

The fiefdom, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so you can go wherever you want.

"It took me a while to go by myself, you'd better take classes in the palace."

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, and took you to the fiefdom, if something goes wrong, she can't afford it.

"Sister, don't be so heartless. How about I beat your legs and rub your shoulders?"

Li Hong hurried up behind Li Yanran and helped him rub his shoulders on his toes.

"Don't even think about it, come out of the palace with me, I don't want to be pointed and scolded by my father and queen mother."

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a headshot, you are a little troublemaker, taking you out is like bringing a bomb.

If it explodes, I have to let my parents beat me up.

"Cut, if you don't go, you won't go, what a big deal."

Li Hong covered his forehead and gave Li Yanran a blank look.

"Sister, Yan Chixia, Yan Chixia, hurry up and continue."

"Yan, you are tall, sister is sleepy, I need to rest early."

Li Yanran ignored Li Hong, and went directly into the bedroom, while Li Hong followed Li Yan step by step, and kept babbling for Auntie to continue talking.

"Sister, can you just tell me, please."

Li Hong pulled Li Yanran's arm, pleading all over his face.

"I really can't help you."

Li Yanran was also afraid of Li Hong, so she directly started talking about the following plot.

Until the story of A Chinese Ghost Story was finished, Li Hong still had a lot to say.

"Yan Chixia is really powerful, she should be a fairy among the gods."

The so-called everyone has their own advantages, if you put it in the eyes of adults, you may see the love between Nie Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen.

But in the eyes of Li Hong, a six-year-old boy, Yan Chixia is his idol.

Who wouldn't like such a fairy character.

"Okay, go to sleep."

Li Yanran glanced at Li Hong, and immediately lifted the quilt to rest.

"Sister, do you think that if Ning Caichen hadn't met Yan Chixia, would he still have met Nie Xiaoqian?"

Li Hong suddenly said something, which made Li Yanran stunned.

If he hadn't met Yan Chixia, Ning Caichen would have become a lonely ghost if he had met Nie Xiaoqian, so there would be no role in a Chinese ghost story.

"If you don't bother me now, hurry up and go to bed, and I will give you a Chinese Ghost Story II when I come back from the fief. If you talk again, there will be no more."

Li Yanran turned her head away from Li Hong, the child's curiosity couldn't be suppressed at all, so she directly threw out A Chinese Ghost Story II.

"What about two more? Sister, don't lie to me."

Li Hong's eyes lit up when he heard that there was a second part.

It turns out that sister is not talking about movies, but TV dramas, which are fun and fun.

After all, he seized the time to lie down and didn't dare to speak anymore.

Glancing at Li Hong, Li Yanran also shook her head, still can't handle you?
Fight with me, you are still a little tender.

Little ghost head.

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