My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 209 Together

There was nothing to say all night, and early the next morning, Sun Xu appeared on time like an alarm clock, and took Li Hongqian to Chongwen Hall to attend class, while Li Yanran changed into a man's attire.

Just when she was about to leave, Zhou Xun came in front of her with a dozen guards.

"Zhou Falcon?"

Glancing at Zhou Falcon, Li Yanran couldn't help being taken aback.

"His Royal Highness, Zhou Fun is following the Queen's order to escort His Royal Highness to the fief."

Zhou Xun knelt down on one knee and told his reason for coming.

"Wait far away, don't disturb my interest."

Li Yanran looked depressed, I just went to the fief to see, with so many people following you, how can I understand the people's sentiments.


Zhou Sun saluted directly, not surprised by Li Yanran's words at all.

After all, this is to go out, and no one is very happy to call back and forth.

"Let's go."

Stepping into the carriage, Li Yanran went straight to the outside of the imperial city, while Zhou Sun and the others straddled their horses and followed behind the carriage.

"Brother Li, why did you bring so many guards here today?"

Li Yanran went to Lan Kwai Fong first, while Zhou Sun and the others were waiting outside. Changsun Yan and the others couldn't help being puzzled when they saw this situation.

"It's okay, I told my father about your IOU, and he also agreed to extend the time, but there is a request.

Every night for one month, the interest will be increased by [-], how do you say it. "

Li Yanran glanced at Chang Sun Yan, and directly told about the IOU.

"One thousand per month?"

Hearing such a high interest rate, Changsun Yan was dumbfounded.

This is too dark, it's not as cruel as you.

If you weren't the emperor Lao Tzu, you might have already gone to talk about it.

"How to say, I can only admit it."

Li Siwen was depressed for a while, the other party was the emperor, and he couldn't afford to offend him, it was also thanks to them hanging out with Li Yanran.

There are opportunities to make money everywhere, otherwise, even if you kill yourself, it won't be enough.

"Hey, I was also fooled by the lard. Why did I have to sign the contract of selling myself in the first place?"

Cheng Chubi looked depressed, and now the money is worthless.

An interest of one thousand per month will double in one year.

It really beeped the dog.

"Well, I have already brought the words, you can do it yourself."

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she immediately got up and was about to leave.

"Brother Li, what are you going to do?"

Seeing that Li Yanran was about to leave, Zhang Sunyan quickly stopped her.

"You guys stay well in Chang'an, I'll go to Lishan fief to have a look."

Li Yanran glanced at Changsun Yan, and told about her going to fiefdom.

"and many more."

Cheng Chubi directly stood in front of Li Yanran, staring at Li Yanran with a tiger face.

"Why, you startled me."

Li Yanran was taken aback by the shock, if you act like this, your soul will be scared away.

"Brother Li is going to fief, how can you not take me there, I will be your guard and keep you safe."

Cheng Chubi scratched his head and said slowly.

"I want to be a guard too."

Yu Chihuan also leaned over, showing off the muscles in his arms.

"I'm going to the fiefdom, why are you joining in the fun?"

Li Yanran gave the two of them a blank look, and went to fief the land by herself, it's none of your business.

I don't want you to be guards?
Could it be that Zhou Xun and the others eat dry food?
"Brother Li, you are a little out of touch now. Your fief is our fief, so there is no reason to go alone."

Li Siwen also stood up, looked at Li Yanran and said slowly.

"so what?"

Li Yanran curled her lips, as long as you can, you are the only one with a sharp tongue.

Usually, you are rare for being smart, but now you are fine, and you are using all your smartness on yourself.

"So Li Ge will naturally take our Four Heavenly Kings with us. The Four Heavenly Kings of Chang'an will step out of Chang'an and become famous in the Tang Dynasty. Lishan is the first stop."

Changsun Yan also jumped out at the right time. It's time for the Four Heavenly Kings of Chang'an to leave their comfort zone and go outside for a walk.


Li Yanran directly punched Changsun Yan on the head.

What are you going to do?That's my fief, not where you go to be toubob.

To be majestic, isn't your grandson Yan also a county fief?
Don't harm this girl's people.

"Brother Li, why did you hit me?"

Changsun Yan covered his head, he always wondered if Li Yanran had learned some martial arts cheats.

Otherwise, at such a young age, his hand strength would have caught up with Li Siwen.

"You were the one who hit, what's the matter, my fief is for you to show off your prestige?"

Li Yanran stared at her eyeballs and hit Changsun Yan several times, if she doesn't hit you, maybe you will fly to the sky.

"I know I was wrong, ouch, stop hitting."

Changsun Yan was beaten so hard by Li Yanran that he ran away, begging for mercy.

"You can follow me to the fiefdom, but you have to promise me that you must obey my command in everything, or you will just get out of here."

Tired from the beating, Li Yanran looked at the other three out of breath, and said all the ugly things first.

"Promise to follow orders."

"Move together and obey the command."

"Me too."

The three stood together, as if they hadn't listened to Li Yanran's words.

All actions follow the command, this is just the basic principle.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go."

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she flicked her sleeves and walked outside.


After looking at each other, the four of them were all stunned when they got out of Lan Kwai Fong and looked at Li Yanran's carriage.

This is a bit of a bully, the good Chang'an donkey, why did you abandon us?

"What are you in a daze for? I'll set off first and let Zhang Si prepare a few good horses. You just have to follow."

Riding a donkey is safe, but it is only around Chang'an. If you really want to go far, you have to use a horse-drawn carriage.

Besides, I am also a princess of the Tang Dynasty, if I ride a donkey to fief the land, I will not make people laugh.

"No, Brother Li and I will get into the carriage together. Zhang Si, you go to the mansion and ride my horse over here for a round."

Changsun Yan got into Li Yanran's carriage directly, and he still needs to ride the horses by himself?
Besides, riding a horse is not as comfortable as riding in a carriage, let alone Li Yanran's high-end carriage.

"Pull it down, men and women can't accept each other, let you get into my carriage, what about my reputation, stay aside."

Li Yanran kicked Changsun Yan down, wanting to get into this girl's car, go and make your spring and autumn dream come true.

"Brother Li, I found that since you recovered your identity, you have become more hypocritical.

It's as if you didn't have a carriage with me when you sneaked away from the palace. "

Changsun Yan clutched her buttocks and looked at Li Yanran in front of her, feeling a little depressed.

In his impression, Li Yanran was not such a hypocritical person, why did he become like this now.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you, Li Feng, let's go."

Li Yanran directly put down the curtain and told Li Feng to drive away.

Changsun Yan and the others looked at each other, each rode their donkeys and ran back to their mansions, put on horses and headed straight out of the city.

"My lord, where are we going?"

Sun Xu looked at Li Hong in the carriage, wondering where he was going to play.

"Leave the city and go to Mount Li."


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