The surrounding merchants and people dare not show their atmosphere.

They had never seen anything more vicious than Zhenshanhu.

But now Zhenshanhu is about to be beaten into a pig's head.

Afterwards, someone erected a wooden frame at the street corner, and asked someone to hang the Zhenshan tiger on it to expose it to the sun.

After everything was settled, Li Yanran also clapped her hands, very satisfied.

Doing this by yourself can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people and doing justice for the sky.

People around looked at these young people, especially Li Yanran, the youngest, and they all trembled.

Li Yanran looked around again and said: "This bastard dares to call himself Zhenshanhu, and these wicked people are exposed to the sun for five days.

If he can live, it will be pitiful to God, and he will spare his dog's life. If he dies, he will die, and the right will be taken by God. "

"In addition, anyone who owes this person's gambling accounts on credit will be exempted."

There is no distinction between pornography, gambling and drugs. It seems that people like Zhenshanhu are best at attracting people to gamble and then lending money.

Wait until you haven't come forward before asking people to take the fields, real estate, and even wives and daughters to pay off the debts.

The so-called small gambling is fun, but in fact, how many people who fall into it can control it.

After a long time, it is inevitable that a family will be destroyed.

This is why Datang banned gambling.

Hearing that Li Yanran said that the gambling house's debts would be canceled directly, everyone gasped.

Good guy, the young people in front of me are not only cruel, but also kind.

How many lives and families have been saved by the cancellation of gambling debts.

Li Yanran took another step out and said, "In the future, if anyone dares to repay gambling debts in this land, or open a gambling shop to harm others, tell me, I must let those people know what means are."

"it is good."

"The Four Heavenly Kings of Chang'an are mighty."

"Master is really a living Bodhisattva."

I don't know who started it, and there was a lot of applause from around.

Regardless of how sacred the Four Heavenly Kings of Chang'an are, at least it seems that they are hundreds of times stronger than that Zhenshanhu.

It's a good thing to have them say no.

Amidst the cheers, Li Yanran also waved her hand and led the people away.

"Little Li Hong, do you know why I want to attack this Zhenshanhu?"

Li Yanran looked at Li Hong beside him, since he had seen these things, she had to teach him why he did this, otherwise the fiefdom would be for nothing this time.

"Sister, this is called doing justice for the sky and eliminating harm for the people. Such people really don't regret their death."

Li Hongzhao glanced at Li Yanran, and expressed his experience.

"anything else?"

Li Yanran nodded first, then shook her head.

Although the other party was right, she still had other meanings.

"Sister, my younger brother is stupid, just tell me directly."

Li Hong curled his lips. Could it be that sister wants to praise you for being a hero?
It shouldn't be so superficial.

"Zhen Shanhu is definitely not the only bad guy here, but the others are obviously not as powerful as the other party.

Elder Sister can't kill many people as soon as she arrives here, so she has to do a trick to show those wicked people. "

Li Yanran gave Li Hong a blank look, the young age is the time to use her brain.

What's the matter, do you also want to learn from Sun Yan, the second ancestor, and be a dude?
"To kill chickens and scare monkeys is to make an example to others, I understand."

As soon as Li Hong tilted his head, he immediately understood the meaning of killing chickens and scaring monkeys.

And what the other party is doing right now, killing one person and shocking Xinfeng, I believe no one will dare to jump out to find trouble in a short time.

"Well, little Li Hong is smart."

Li Yanran nodded. After all, Li Hong has good genes. If he really wants to tell Changsun Yan, maybe he has to tell a little story.

"So if you encounter something like this in the future, you know what to do."

"I understand, distinguish between primary and secondary, with the smallest price in exchange for the greatest effect."

Li Hong smiled sweetly at Li Yanran, and expressed his understanding.


When Li Yanran was praising Li Hong, the head of the village also brought some elders to greet him.

These people are all prestigious elders in the village or clan, and they are also the lowest-level organization in the management of local villages in the Tang Dynasty.

Without the existence of these people, let alone trying to govern the huge Tang Dynasty, even governing a county would be troublesome.

When the elders saw Li Yanran, they knelt down and saluted. They are now Li Yanran's patrons. Although they don't have to pay taxes to the court, they are responsible to Li Yanran.

If Li Yanran is a good person, let it go. If he is a ruthless person, far exceeding the tax of Tang Dynasty, then their life that is not rich will be worse.

Now the taxation system of the Tang Dynasty is mainly based on the land equalization system and rent adjustment. The tax rate is almost forty to one, which is much lighter than that in the Han Dynasty.

The common people also have room to breathe, population development, productivity has been greatly improved.

Now that Li Yanran has come to the food town in good condition, it is a blessing and a disaster.

"You don't have to be afraid of anything, you are my food city, as long as you farm the land with peace of mind, I won't be too troublesome.

As for the taxation of Shiyi, it will be reduced by another [-]% according to the original taxation system of the Tang Dynasty. "

Li Yanran knew what these people were thinking, and was afraid that he would pay more taxes, but how could he be the kind of person who was short-sighted and fished out of water.

Shiyi himself didn't even think about how much money he could make, so he might as well let it go, because the top priority of development is to lightly pay and pay less.

If all the people in Shiyi on the fief were starved and ran away, then her people would be ruined.

"It's [-]% less than the tax of Tang Dynasty? Your Highness, is what you said true?"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, all the elders were stunned. It was [-]% less than the court's tax, which meant that they had gained a fortune out of thin air.

In this way, their lives can become a little better.

"What did you say? How can His Highness's words be a joke? You can't wait to thank me quickly."

Li Siwen glared at those old people, they are so good at getting cheap.

"This old man thanked His Highness on behalf of the people."

Those elders had nothing to say, they all knelt on the ground and saluted Li Yanran.

After all, where can I find such a good food master.

"As elders, you should know how to measure."

Hearing Li Yanran's inquiry, everyone turned their attention to an elder with white beard.

"The little old man's name is Wei Shu. He used to be an official in the classroom before, but he knows some measuring methods."

Wei Shu directly revealed his identity.

"Your Majesty gave me [-] mu of land under Mount Li, and you will be responsible for measuring the land.

Of the 340 mu of land, [-] mu will be left for me, and the rest will be divided into [-] and [-] acres and distributed to others for cultivation.

I don't collect rent, I just need to pay half of my annual harvest. These lands will be everyone's property in the future. "

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