My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 213 Lot

After Wei Shu heard it, he was completely dumbfounded.

One must know that these fiefdoms of Li Yanran do not need to pay taxes to the state, and only receive half of the harvest, how can there be such a good thing in the world.

Doesn't this mean that each household has gained less than ten mu of land?

After glancing at Li Yanran, Wei Shu's mind became active, and he left this matter to himself, hehe, then he won't post it?

"The little old man must help His Highness do everything properly."

Li Yanran glanced at the smiling Wei Shu, and instantly turned cold and said, "You don't want to take advantage of my land when the land is divided, do you?"

"No, dare not, Your Highness is joking, how dare the little old man be greedy for ink."

Hearing this, Wei Shu was taken aback for a moment.

Although this Highness doesn't look big, why is his mind so deep, he can see what is in his heart right away.

"I'm sorry you don't dare. If I know about it, this mountain-shattering tiger will be a lesson for you. I don't think you want to hang it up and bask in the sun for a few days."

Hearing this, Wei Shu suddenly raised his head and glanced at the Zhenshan Tiger hanging on a wooden shelf in the distance, not to mention being too scared.

Only now did he realize that the other party was not a sheep being bullied, but a tiger that could eat people.

That trembling mountain tiger is a lesson from the past.

Li Yanran smiled slightly, patted Wei Shu on the shoulder and said, "After you have divided the fields, let others choose first.

After everyone has selected the land, you old people who are responsible for measuring will choose the rest of the land, which is reasonable. "

Wei Shu looked at Li Yanran with bitterness in his eyes.

It can be said that the other party blocked all their maneuverable space at once.

Zhenshanhu was still floating on the flagpole, even if Wei Shu had the guts to say no to it.

He is so old, but he can't stand such a toss.

"Why are you still standing there, hurry up and divide the land, what's the matter, do you still want me to treat you to dinner?"

Wei Shu and others saw it, and ran away in a hurry.

The people nearby were whispering when they heard it.

Unexpectedly, there is such a good thing, not only half of the tax is exempted, but also ten acres of land for free.

Now they only hate that they are not from a few villages, otherwise they would also be lucky.

Li Yanran glanced at the people around her and said again: "From now on, everyone will have meat to eat.

Anyone who doesn't follow the rules and dares to make trouble here will be against our Chang'an Four Heavenly Kings and leave. "

After Li Yanran finished speaking, she led the people away.

"Brother Li, is Zhenshanhu hanging like that? Do you need someone to guard it?"

Li Siwen glanced at Zhenshanhu behind him, and frowned involuntarily.

"Do you feel that someone dares to rescue that Zhenshanhu?"

A trace of disdain appeared on the corner of Li Yanran's mouth, Zhenshanhu was already useless, who would take the risk to save such a useless person.

"But you caused trouble when you first came to this fief, you might be impeached."

Changsun Yan on the side also frowned.

He knows this kind of thing best. Whenever he does something in Chang'an, someone will definitely complain to his father.

At that time, I will inevitably have to be beaten and scolded again.

"Impeachment, we are doing good deeds, doing good deeds, eliminating harm for the people, and doing justice for the sky."

Cheng Chubi's eyes widened, he admitted to the defendant who caused trouble and fought in Chang'an before.

Now they are eliminating harm for the people, if anyone dares to impeach Li Yanran, Cheng Chubi will be the first to disagree.

"Whoever dares to make a false accusation, I... I will beat him up."

Yuchihuan also had a tiger face, his eyes were full of excitement.

This is the first time he has done such a chivalrous act. If he is sued, he will be the second to disagree.

"Okay, then it's your turn to stand out, and I will take care of the sky if it falls."

Li Yanran glanced at the two of them, they just burned down two casinos and punished a rogue, so what could happen.

If anyone dares to impeach her, she will pinch the other's eyeballs and let the other party take a good look.

"Sister, what should we do now?"

Li Hong also clenched his fists at the side. If it is wrong to act chivalrously, will there still be people who fight against injustice in the world?

"What do you want to do? First, go and see the fiefdom given by the emperor.

Then choose a place near the mountains and rivers to relocate the farms, dairy farms, and industries outside the city.

Then they sold all the Zhuangzi and land outside Chang'an City, and they could get an extra income. "

The main reason for Li Yanran to come to the fiefdom this time is to inspect the place. After all, the manor outside Chang'an City is very valuable. It is a pity to raise cattle and chickens.

Moving here, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so I can do whatever I want.

Moreover, the land here is vast, not to mention raising cattle, even herding cattle is no problem.

"Let's go."

Li Yanran and Li Hong rode in the same carriage, Changsun Yan and the others rode their horses to follow and ran towards the fiefdom.

Coming to the base of Mount Li, Li Yanran couldn't help curling her lips when she looked at the other courtyard of the imperial palace on the mountain.

"I think it's not bad here. It's easy to defend but hard to attack. If you build a manor, put up a few high walls, and deploy a hundred private soldiers, even if hundreds or thousands of people come, you won't be able to kill them."

Li Siwen looked at a dangerous place and immediately became interested.

"That's right, it's really nice here."

Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan also nodded together, agreeing with the place Li Siwen chose.

"What we are going to build is a farm. There is nothing you want here. The terrain is still uneven. You don't want people to go several miles to fetch water, right?"

Li Yanran gave the three of them a blank look, I am building a farm, not a fortress, what I want is easy to defend but hard to attack.

Really three silly batches.

Hearing Li Yanran's words, the three of them also smiled contemptuously.

After all, they all came from military families, so the land selection was naturally inclined towards the military, forgetting the original purpose of the farm.

The establishment of a farm is to raise cattle, sheep, and poultry, not to fight against foreign thieves.

That being said, something is really out of place here.

The carriage continued to move forward, and after a while, a small river appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing Xiaohe, Li Yanran ordered everyone to stop, then stood on the carriage and looked around.

"Just here, it's a good place, surrounded by mountains and rivers."

"Not here."

Li Siwen was taken aback, and immediately refused.

"The terrain here is too flat, and there are rivers. If there is a heavy rain, the river will inevitably rise sharply. At that time, there will be no disaster of flooding."

Hearing Li Siwen's words, Li Yanran was depressed again, what the hell, the river swelled and flooded.

But depression is depression, Li Yanran can still listen to the words.

Continuing forward, the other party nodded when he reached an uphill.

"Delineate a place and plan to transfer all your craftsmen, and then hire some people from the surrounding food tenants. I will see the completion of the manor in half a month."

"Okay, leave it to me."

Changsun Yan nodded, he has always been responsible for these matters.

Taking a look at the sky, Li Yanran stared directly at Li Hong.

"It's almost time, you still haven't returned to the palace?"

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Li Hong's face instantly turned up.

Co-author Today I sneaked out and didn't see anything interesting, so I had to go back, how could this be possible.

"What? Must I send someone to escort you back?"

Seeing that Li Hong was not happy, Li Yanran hit him on the head with threats in his eyes.

"Okay, I see."

Li Hong was depressed, he could only obey Li Yanran if he couldn't offend Li Yanran.

The situation is stronger than others, if my elder sister really sued my parents this time, then I really have no hope if I want to leave the palace in the future.

"Zhou Xun, you arrange two people to escort His Highness back to the palace. Remember, they must be sent to the palace."

Li Yanran called Zhou Sun behind him, and asked him to arrange someone to take Li Hong back.

What kind of moths will come out of this little devil.


Soon the two knights guarded the carriage, left Li Yanran and ran towards Chang'an.

"What about us?"

When Li Hong left, Changsun Yan came over again.

Those who don't have access to the village or shop here, if they don't return to Chang'an, they can only return to Xinfeng.

"Go back to Xinfeng, and stay in Xinfeng today."

Li Yanran glanced at the sky, she didn't want to sleep in the wild, now it's not like before, there are wolves here.


A group of people got on their horses one after another and headed towards Xinfeng.

On the way, I suddenly saw a group of people gathered together, not knowing what they were doing.

happy friday everyone

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