My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 214 Are You Sun Simiao?Tied!

Seeing this situation, Li Yanran couldn't help being taken aback, how could she have a feeling of déjà vu at this scene.

"Old man, you bumped into our people and you vomited blood, do you have to get some money out?"

A burly man screamed at an old man with white hair and childlike face with his triangular eyes open.

On the ground next to him lay a thin man with red and purple spots in his mouth.

"He has a ruddy complexion and a long breath. It is obvious that he is fine."

The old man glanced at the man on the ground, and slowly replied: "It's you, who looks strong, but is weak in spirit. It's time to see the doctor."

"We want to see the doctor? Hahaha."

When the strong man heard the old man's words, he was immediately amused, and his face was full of hatred.

"For the sick, the most taboo disease is to avoid medical treatment. Do you feel that your lungs are swollen and you have a feeling of needle pricks every time there is a wind?"


The brawny man also had a serious expression on his face, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

"And your calves, which have short-term cramps after strenuous exercise."

"A miracle doctor."

Hearing what the old man said, the strong man immediately grabbed the old man's arm.

In ancient times, a good doctor was not as good as it is now. Not to mention ordinary people would love him, even bandits and robbers would not criticize him harshly.

After all, no one is immune to birth, old age, sickness and death, anyone can offend but not the doctor.

"Needless to say, these are minor illnesses of yours, but it's just a long time ago. Did you drown in water when you were a child?"

The old man shook his head and asked again.

"That's right, I did drown when I was seven or eight years old. Thanks to our fate, otherwise it would have been gone."

The strong man does not doubt that there is him, he is like a fairy, and he even knows the history of drowning when he was a child.

"The problem with your lungs is actually the root cause of that drowning. I'll prescribe a medicine for you. You can go to the pharmacy and take some medicine for recuperation, and you'll be cured."

The old man nodded, took out a pen and paper from the medicine box behind him, wrote the prescription and handed it to the strong man.

"Thank you for your kindness, that's all I have."

After receiving the old man's prescription, the brawny man quickly took out a few big pills from his pocket and handed them over.

"No need to do that, hurry up and grab the medicine."

"Then thank you, old man."

The strong man was about to leave after saying that, but he glanced at his companion who was still pretending to be dead on the ground, and kicked him.

"Damn it, even a genius doctor dares to blackmail you. You really blinded your dog's eyes, so you still don't get out."

The man was kicked, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

Didn't you ask me to blackmail people like this, boss?
Why is it now my fault.

"Ha ha."

The old man couldn't help but smile slightly as he watched the few people leaving, and was about to leave with his medicine box on his back.

"Come up."

Li Yanran looked at the old man and suddenly became interested.

Just by looking at the other person, he can accurately tell his illness, and he can also prescribe the right medicine.

In the eyes of a modern person like her, this is simply a miracle.

Later generations went to the hospital for medical treatment, blood tests and filming all the way down, saying that nothing can be seen, this old man is so powerful?

"How many? What's the matter?"

The old man looked at Li Yanran and the others surrounding him, and couldn't help being taken aback.

"It's nothing, the boy just wants to get acquainted with Mr.

Li Yanran pushed Cheng Chubi away, and gave him a slight salute.

If the other party is really a genius doctor, then she must stay with him no matter what, after all, this is ancient times.

If there is really a disaster or something, it is better to have a care.

"It should be called a woman."

The old man glanced at Li Yanran, shook his head slightly and said.

Li Yanran was taken aback, "The old gentleman still knows how to make faces?"

This old man is really a formidable character, and he can tell at a glance that he is a woman disguised as a man.

Really strange.

Do you, a doctor, still know how to be a feng shui magician and fortune-telling?

Seeing that Li Yanran was in a daze, the old man smiled and said: "It is said that men have masculinity and women have female appearance. It is not about face, but the difference between men and women."

Hearing that Li Yanran said that he also met, the old man couldn't help shaking his head.

I am a serious physician, not those Feng Shui magicians.

"So that's the case, dare to ask the old gentleman's name?"

Li Yanran didn't understand what the other party said, she just wanted to know who the other party was.

"The little old man's name is Sun Simiao, it's just a wandering cloud wild crane."

"Who? What's your name?"

Hearing this name, Li Yanran felt that her head was about to cramp.

Sun Simiao?

Medicine King Sun Simiao?An old man who has lived for more than 100 years?

Why is he here.

"A mere title is nothing to worry about. If nothing happens, I will leave first."

Sun Simiao shook his head, picked up the medicine box and was about to leave.

"Tied up."


Hearing Li Yanran's words, everyone was stunned.

What do you mean?

What are you going to do?
"Didn't you hear? I asked you to tie me up."

Li Yanran stared, then kicked Cheng Chubi's ass.


Just as Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan were about to make a move, Sun Simiao also shouted loudly: "Wait a minute."

"what happened?"

Li Yanran was a little puzzled, I want to tie you up, what are you waiting for?
"How many sons did Sun Simiao offend?"

Sun Simiao was horrified, what kind of approach did these masters have.

It is really puzzling for him to kidnap someone if he disagrees.

"No offence, we met for the first time."

Li Yanran smiled slightly, of course you didn't offend us.

"Then why did you tie me up?"

Sun Simiao was a little confused.

"Because you are Sun Simiao, why are you staring blankly, do it."

Li Yanran gave Cheng Chubi a blank look, what was she still doing blankly.

This is Sun Simiao, the medicine king of the Great Tang Dynasty. Now that he is not bound, if he is run away by the other party, where will he find him?

Now Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan didn't hesitate anymore, and directly took Sun Simiao down.

Then he lifted the opponent and threw him directly onto the carriage.

"Brother Li, did Sun Simiao offend you?"

Li Siwen glanced at Li Yanran, wondering why the other party was going crazy, and tied up the old man at the slightest disagreement.

If this gets out, it may be time for someone to be impeached.

"No offence, you will know in the future, go to Xinfeng."

Li Yanran also got into the carriage, looking at Sun Simiao in front of her, she couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Miss, why did you arrest me?"

Sun Simiao was really taken aback by Li Yanran, he has lived almost his entire life, and he has never seen such an unreasonable person.

You must know that Emperor Taizong respected him very much when he was still alive, so why did he meet so many rogues today.

"I am Li Yanran, Princess Lishan of the Tang Dynasty."

"You are Princess Lishan? You discovered Artemisia annua, the antidote to the epidemic in Shaozhou?"

Hearing the other party's name, Sun Simiao was also taken aback, and asked the other party directly.

"You know me?"

Li Yanran was taken aback, she didn't expect Sun Simiao to know her own name.

"Hehe, I have long heard that Princess Lishan has great foresight and can use the impossible medicine to save the people. She is really a model for the little old man to learn from."

There is also a prescription for treating malaria in her Qianjinfang, but Li Yanran can find another way to treat it with Artemisia annua.

It really made him feel that the world is miraculous, and manpower cannot be poor.

"Grandpa Sun, you are joking, Artemisia annua is actually a herbal medicine that I discovered by accident, so it is not worthy of your praise.

So you know why I tied you up. "

"I hope Her Highness the Princess will show you, the little old man really doesn't know what His Highness means."

I don't know why you want to tie me up?

You are still the princess of the Tang Dynasty like this, and you kidnap people if you disagree with me. You don't look like a princess.

"I know that you are the king of medicine in the Tang Dynasty. The reason why you were tied up was because of a merciless request. I hope the old man can go to my fief for the elderly."

Having talked about this point, Li Yanran directly expressed her thoughts.


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