"Ask me to go to your fief for the elderly? Is this a bit too much?"

Sun Simiao glanced at Li Yanran, completely dumbfounded.

Are you asking?
Shouldn't the word be called robbery?
"I know that you are a doctor with a benevolent heart, and that you have written such a masterpiece as a thousand-dollar prescription, in fact, it is to promote medical skills and save people.

Come to my fief, and I will help you build the largest medical school in the Tang Dynasty, cure diseases and save lives, teach careers and solve doubts, wouldn't it be beautiful. "

Li Yanran looked at the pouting Sun Simiao, and directly enlightened her.

"Sun Simiao is just a wild crane, I may not be able to bear what you said."

Sun Simiao shook his head, his ambition is not in the so-called fame and fortune, as long as he can cure the sick and the living, these are enough.

"This princess said you can afford it, so you can afford it. The dean of this medical school is none other than you."

Li Yanran also shook her head, I'm talking about my decision, not discussing with you, you need to understand the situation.

"Princess Lishan, you have to know that when Emperor Taizong wanted to confer the title on me, but I politely refused, why did you impose it on me?"

Sun Simiao felt that the whole person was not well. He had never seen anything like this before.

You said that if you want to build a medical school, I will be the dean?
Emperor Taizong is not as overbearing as you.

"Sun Simiao, have you ever heard a saying that villains and girls are hard to raise.

Emperor Taizong is wise and magnanimous, but I am different, I am a woman.

So you have to come to my medical school, and you have to come if you don’t. "

Li Yanran had a serious face, her eyes were full of disdain.

So what if you move Emperor Taizong out?
He is him and I am me.

The reason why Emperor Taizong let you go is because he didn't know how powerful you are, an old man. I'm different, I know.

So no matter what, this girl will not let you, a demigod, go.

"You, you are really unreasonable."

At this point, Sun Simiao had nothing to say, he could only turn his head to the side, not looking at Li Yanran.

Seeing Sun Simiao's appearance, Li Yanran didn't panic at all.

"Sun Yaowang, do you know what bacteria are?"


Li Yanran spoke, but Sun Simiao didn't interfere, just snorted coldly, expressing his own meaning.

"Bacteria are free in the world, and there are also bacteria in the human body. Many diseases are actually caused by bacteria.

For example, the root cause of wound rot and inflammation is the growth of bacteria on the surface of the wound, leading to pathological changes. "

"You mean if you can get rid of the bacteria, you can prevent the wound from rotting?"

Mentioning these, Sun Simiao also regained his energy, and turned his head to look at Li Yanran.

"That's right, if the wound can be properly sterilized when treating the wound, then the wound can be prevented from festering to the greatest extent."

Li Yanran glanced at Sun Simiao again, her eyes were full of complacency.

Xiao Mian, so what if you are the dignified drug king?

Although my girl's medical skills are not as good as yours, I have forward-looking theoretical knowledge. I don't believe you are not interested.

"Then how can it be sterilized?"

"If you want to kill bacteria, it's very simple, but if you want to kill bacteria, the first thing you need to do is to know bacteria."

Li Yanran shook her head, if she has alcohol to sterilize, she can do it.

"You also said that bacteria are free between the sky and the earth, and you can see them but you can't see them. How can you know them?"

Sun Simiao was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what Li Yanran wanted to say.

"Sun Yaowang, you stay in my fief, and I will give you a good thing, so that you can see the existence of bacteria with your own eyes, how about it?"


Hearing that Li Yanran was abducted to the fief again, Sun Simiao went into emo.

This abducting, he still has to tie himself there, now he really has the kind of scholar who meets a soldier, which is reasonable and inexplicable.

"Okay, let's go to your fief to live for a while."

Sun Simiao has lived most of his life, and he can see everything.

He used to live in seclusion in Mount Wutai and taste all kinds of herbs, but now it's just a change of place, which is not all that bad for him.

Besides, he is very interested in the bacteria that Li Yanran mentioned. If he can really study it carefully, there may be some other progress.


The group returned to Xinfeng County in such a mighty way, found a random wine shop and stayed.

Sun Simiao was the worst. Not only was he placed in the houses of Yuchihuan and Cheng Chubi, but he was also tied up.

Not for other reasons, but because Li Yanran said that if Sun Simiao ran away and kicked their heads as balls, Cheng Chubi had no choice but to do this to Sun Simiao.

"My lord, can you help the little old man loosen his ties, who can sleep here?"

Sun Simiao looked at the two bear-like people, and one could imagine the distress in his heart.

Whether you are good or bad, you are also a famous doctor in the world, so you treat yourself like this.

Besides, I also said that I would go to the fiefdom to live temporarily. As for that?

"Brother Li said, you are a living god, and you can't be a bit slack when dealing with gods, so it's impossible to loosen your ties."

Cheng Chubi glanced at Sun Simiao, with a trace of disdain on his lips.

"Young master, if I were a god, I would still be caught by you, I'm just an ordinary doctor.

Besides, I'm over 100 years old now, how about treating an old man like me? "

Sun Simiao looked at Cheng Chubi, feeling extremely depressed.

If I lived longer, I would become a god.

If I were a god, I would have slapped you to death long ago, and I would still be treated so rudely by you.

"I also said that I am not a god. You said that you are over 100 years old. I look at you at most 60 years old, much younger than my father."

Cheng Chubi was stunned when he heard that the other party was over 100 years old.

In the Tang Dynasty, people who could live to be 70 or 100 years old were considered old, and more than [-] years old was simply a myth.

Not to mention Sun Simiao, who looks like a man in his 100s or 70s when he is over [-] years old.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Yuchihuan holding the rope in his hand, Sun Simiao was also puzzled.

"I don't worry about one rope for such a fairy character, so I'll add another one for you."

After Yu Chihuan finished speaking, he went straight to the fight, and then tied Sun Simiao firmly, and finally came to a dead end.

Sun Simiao is completely convinced now, as there really is such a master as there is a younger brother.

Li Yanran is a bandit, and none of his subordinates are good people.

I have said that I am over 100 years old, and if you can’t stand the toss, you will add another circle. Seriously, respecting the old and loving the young are all learned in the stomach of a dog.

When a scholar met soldiers, he still couldn't explain why, and he didn't have much to say when facing this group of bandits.

This night, Sun Simiao felt that it was more difficult than most of his life. Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan were two generals.

The snoring was like thunder, earth-shattering, grinding teeth and farting at the same time.

After one night, Sun Simiao was completely depressed.


"Cheng. Chu. Bi."


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