My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 225: The Pure Land of Buddhism?

When I came to the backyard, I saw twenty or so people rolling up their sleeves to work, Master Yishui directly called out to stop.

Hearing Master Yishui's words, the people who were working stopped.

After all, this is an important place of Buddhism, Master Yishui is also in charge, so you still have to listen to what he says.

Otherwise, if the great monk complains about himself in front of the Buddha, it will be over.

"Dig for me, who told you to stop."

Li Yanran frowned, I'm doing business, you call stop?

Who do you think you are.


Cheng Chubi also frowned, shouting at those men.

Hearing this, everyone quickly waved their shovels and continued to work.

After all, if he offended the Buddha, he might suffer bad luck, but if he offended Li Yanran, he would not be able to eat that day.

Compared with filling the stomach, the Buddha can only be remembered in the heart.

"Stop me all."

Master Yishui rushed over, but was blocked by Cheng Chubi.

"What do you want?"

Cheng Chubi stared at the great monk, not knowing what he was going to do.

"This is an important place of Buddhism. It is really unreasonable for you to wreak havoc here. Aren't you afraid of the Buddha's crime?"

Master Yishui glanced at Cheng Chubi's general grid, swallowed, and shouted at Li Yanran.

"Fomen important place?
I am the Princess Lishan of the Tang Dynasty. This Lishan Mountain is surrounded by my fiefdom, and your Buddhist center is also within the scope of my fiefdom.

Do you understand what this means? "

Li Yanran went directly to the great monk and revealed her identity.

"It turned out to be Princess Lishan, but Buddhism is a pure place, not in the secular world.

Even if you are the princess of the current dynasty, even if this is your fiefdom, this is also the land of Buddhism, I hope the princess will order you to stop. "

Master Yishui was also taken aback when he heard Li Yanran's identity, but immediately looked at Li Yanran with a straight neck.

So what if you are the princess of the Tang Dynasty?

Buddhism does not worship the king but only the Buddha. Your identity may be a noble person to others.

But I am just a monk, and I will not be stubborn by worldly views, and there is no need to be afraid of anything.

"Hehe, you stand on the territory of Great Tang, eat my Great Tang, drink my Great Tang, and now say that this is the land of Buddhism, not under secular management, what a joke."

Hearing the words of Great Monk Yishui, Li Yanran was completely laughed out of anger.

It's a joke, the host of a ruined temple, only a few monks, dare to be so rude to himself, the princess of the Tang Dynasty.

He also said that the pure land of Buddhism is not under the management of the world.

This sounded like a fantasy to her, which made her laugh out loud.

"Your Highness, let alone you, even if the emperor stands in front of the poor monk, Yi Shui will say the same thing.

How can the pure land of Buddhism be subject to the secular jurisdiction, so please leave, Your Highness. "

Looking at the child Li Yanran, Monk Yishui had nothing to say.

Don't say I look down on you, you are a mere princess of the Tang Dynasty, so what if the emperor stands here?

He is already a monk, he only respects the Buddha, not the king, and the four elements are all empty, not only himself, but also his beliefs and thoughts.

"Brother Li, things are a little difficult."

Seeing the opponent being so tough, Li Siwen was the first to give up.

Although Buddhism is a foreign sect, it is deeply rooted in the Tang Dynasty.

Moreover, the teachings of Buddhism are of great benefit to the country's rule of the people, so the emperor is more lenient than the law to Buddhism.

It is true that monks did not worship the king's parents before, but now it seems that it is not easy for Li Yanran to move this dry well.

If this is exploited by someone with a heart, Li Yanran will be impeached, and then even Li Zhi will not be able to protect her.

"If it's difficult, I have to do it. Princess Ben has dug this dry well, let alone a great monk, even if the gods and Buddhas all over the sky come, they can't stop me.

Dig for me, if the great monk dares to take a step forward, call me, and I will take care of what happens. "

Difficult?Li Yanran only knew that if the hot spring could not be dug out, then she would have to spend a lot of money to lure the hot spring down from Lishan Mountain.

Now this spring is no longer a dry well, but countless money.

Blocking people's money is like killing their parents. Even if the king of heaven came, she would never back down, let alone a great monk.

"I'll see who dares to dig."

The great monk Yishui also just made Cheng Chubi rush towards the dry well.

Seeing this, Li Siwen stretched out his right leg, and the great monk Yishui tripped over him without checking.

"Who dares to plot against the poor monk?"

Yishui touched the blood on his chin, and looked at the people behind him. There was no trace of monk's compassion in his eyes, only dazzling blood red.


Being swept by the gaze of the Great Monk Yishui, Li Yanran couldn't help shivering.

What happened to those eyes that made them so frightening.

"Cheng Chubi, Yuchihuan, take down that great monk for me."

Li Yanran instantly understood that this great monk is definitely not a good person.

In any case, with a person with such eyes, there is nothing wrong with taking him down first.

"I'm a Buddhist. Who can take me? Who dares to take me? I'll take you little girl first."

Hearing Li Yanran's words, Great Monk Yishui became angry instantly.

The little girl even dared to take us down, I really don't think so.

With a red light in his eyes, he rushed towards Li Yanran as soon as he stepped on his legs.

"A villain dares?"

"Don't think about it."

Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan were about to lose their souls when they saw this, and they grabbed the shoulders of the great monk Yishui respectively.

The great monk Yishui was not an ordinary person either, he let go of the strength of the two of them with a slip of his shoulders, and continued to rush towards Li Yanran unabated.

"And dare?"

Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan were half a step behind, it was Li Siwen who kicked the water in the face, but they were held back by the opponent's hands.

Twist his arms vigorously, but Li Siwen walked with his body, taking advantage of the momentum, he whipped his legs and swept towards Yishui's head.

After such a delay, Cheng Chubi and Yu Chihuan behind him also caught up, and the two strong bulls, one on the left and one on the right, went straight to Yishui and killed them.

Changsun Yan found a hoe from nowhere, and stood in front of Li Yanran tremblingly, looking nervous at the battle situation in front of him.

Although the Great Monk Yishui was not an ordinary person, he was powerless in the face of Cheng Chubi, Yu Chihuan and Li Siwen, and was soon captured.

"You dare to touch me? I am a member of the Buddhist sect. If you touch me, you will touch all the monks in the world. Even His Majesty will be devastated."

Although Yishui was captured, he didn't let go of his mouth at all, and stared at Li Yanran with wide eyes.

You are just a princess, if you really dare to do something to yourself, the emperor will not be able to protect you.

"Gua, let me tear his mouth apart, and then send someone to look up this monk's past and find out who he was before, and keep digging wells without stopping."

Seeing Yishui being captured, Li Yanran had nothing to say, this guy must not be a good person.

She absolutely does not allow any bandits to get away with shaving their hair and changing their cassocks.

"Can't dig, no one can dig."

Hearing that Li Yanran was going to dig a well, the great monk Yishui immediately glared and yelled.

"Why are you standing there, Cheng Chubi reminded me, if anyone doesn't work hard, he won't come here in the future.

In addition, his eligibility as a food householder was also disqualified, so I don't need it. "

Li Yanran glanced at the water, there must be something wrong with this well, whether there is a spring or not, she will dig it out for him today.


"Hurry up."

"What the hell, where is Lao Tzu's hoe? Which conscientious person stole Lao Tzu's hoe."

Hearing Li Yanran's words, those strong and strong people dared not delay, and they used all their strength to start digging wells.

The dry well was not big, and it was dug to the bottom soon, but when everyone dug down, there was a problem.

"A lot of bones, a lot of bones down here."

I don't know who yelled, and then all the people who went down the well jumped out, their eyes full of panic.

"what's the situation?"

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