My wife is Wu Zetian

Chapter 226 Evil Thief

Hearing that there were bones under the dry well, Li Yanran glanced at Monk Yishui, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

She seemed to understand a little bit why the other party resisted so desperately that she would not allow herself to dig a well.


Li Siwen nodded. He also guessed that something was going on here, so he went over directly.

Turning over and jumping down the dry well, Li Siwen began to look at the bones at the bottom of the dry well.

"Brother Li, they are all children's skeletons, there are more than [-] of them."

After Li Siwen finished his investigation, he jumped out of the dry well and reported to Li Yanran.

"Wei Shu, Wei Shu."

Hearing that there were more than [-] skeletons of children, Li Yanran frowned even more.

"Your Highness, did you call me?"

Wei Shu hurried over when he heard Li Yanran calling him.

"Has there been a large number of missing children in Xinfeng in recent years?"

"Your Highness, how do you know?

But that was ten years ago, and Jing Zhaoyin made a big fuss about this matter.

The result is nothing, without the slightest clue. "

Hearing Li Yanran's inquiry, Wei Shu's vision also dimmed.

One of his young grandsons also disappeared ten years ago, otherwise it would have been time to marry and have a son.

"The case ten years ago, hehe, Li Siwen immediately took those monks to me, and sent people to search the entire Santai Temple, there must be something wrong here.

The dry well continues to be dug down for me, and the hot spring must be dug out for me. "

Li Yanran already understood why the case ten years ago could not be solved.

It is obvious that this is a den, hiding those abducted children here, even if Jing Zhaoyin's people come here, they will not easily set foot there.

What a Buddhist holy place, what a place not to be ruled by the world.

It really made her feel ashamed.

Although true Buddhists pay attention to saving all living beings, they do have great wisdom and a big heart, but people like Yishui are demons in human skin.

If such a person can get away with it by relying on the protection of Buddhism, she will never allow it.

Soon Cheng Chubi directly took down those novice monks, and then led his men to search in Santai Temple.

"Hahahaha, those were all done by me, those bones are the children who disappeared ten years ago, but so what?
The old monk has already put down the butcher's knife and immediately became a Buddha. I am an outsider, what can you do to me? "

Yishui seems to have guessed that what he did has been exposed, but he is still clamoring because he is a monk.

Those who are monks who do not worship their parents and kings are not governed by the laws of the Tang Dynasty.

"You did it ten years ago, my grandson, where is my grandson?"

Hearing Yi Shui's words, the people around were stunned for an instant, especially the old Wei Shu, who rushed to the other side with his eyes wide open.

"Hehe, the obedient ones have already been sold by us, and the disobedient ones will become dead bones in the well."

Yi Shui replied indifferently, he is not afraid at all now because he has a talisman.

"You beast, beast."

Wei Shu slapped Yishui directly, but Yishui frowned and said, "If you dare to touch the old monk, aren't you afraid that the Buddha will punish you and make your whole family and the whole village die?"

Hearing this, Wei Shu's hand was also hanging in the air, trembling and not daring to drop it.

One of the words of Buddha is too mysterious. Since the previous dynasty, he has been worshiping and worshiping Buddha, and the word of Buddha has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

The heart of the Buddha is the heart of the people. With this slap, he has relieved his hatred, but what if there is retribution?
What about my own family, my own villagers?
As a father and an old man in a village, he can't just ignore everyone's safety for his own momentary anger.

"Hahahaha, you still dare not."

Yishui looked at the trembling Wei Shu with a ferocious smile on his face.


Just because Wei Shu didn't dare to do anything, doesn't mean Li Yanran didn't dare, she just grabbed the stick and slapped Monk Yishui on the face.


"What? Hit him and smash his face, especially that mouth."

A trace of hatred flashed in Li Yanran's eyes, she was not a holy mother, but she would not see such a scene as the devil in the world appearing in front of her.

Do you really think that if you put on cassocks, the Living Buddha is alive?

I bother.

Others dare not do anything, but Cheng Chubi and Yuchihuan have nothing to fear.

My father is a demon king who was killed from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. If he is really afraid of karma, it is impossible for him to become famous.

For a self-righteous monk, let alone a slap in the mouth, it doesn't matter if he is chopped with a knife.

If they don't ask for Buddha, even if the Buddha really came to them, they still have to look at their own sword to speak.

There was a burst of punching and kicking, and the big mouth slapped Yishui's face like it didn't want money. The opponent's face was rotten, and then it stopped.

"Brother Li."

Li Siwen frowned and came to Li Yanran's side.

"what happened?"

"Find out a ledger, take a look."

Li Siwen handed over the ledger directly.

"So brave, so brave."

After looking through the ledger, Li Yanran felt her eyeballs aching.

The piles and pieces recorded in this ledger are all the activities that Santai Temple has done over the years.

Really shocking.

"This matter is a bit beyond our imagination, and it needs to be reported to the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple."

Li Siwen also understands the trouble of this matter, if it is really made public, it will be a major event that will break the sky.

"There is no need to report, I will directly report to the father, and let him make a decision."

A cold light flashed in Li Yanran's eyes, she knew that her mother respected and respected Buddha, but Buddhism was always a great harm.

This is also the reason why the Tang Dynasty wanted to suppress Buddhism since the founding of the country, and his father Li Zhi even issued an order in the second year of Xianqing to order monks to kneel down to worship the king, in order to suppress Buddhism.

Now that Fomen appeared in such a black sheep, she wanted to see what her father would do next.

"Leave it to His Majesty? Will it be a bit of a fuss?"

Hearing that Li Yanran was going to bring this matter to Li Zhi, Li Siwen was also taken aback.

I don't understand what Brother Li means?
"You will know when the time comes. Collect all the materials and return to the palace at night to be handled by the emperor."

Li Yanran didn't say anything, this matter can be big or small, what to do depends on her father.


Li Yanran waved her hand, and focused all her attention on the dry well. The main task of coming to Santai Temple today is to dig the hot springs, and they must be brought out.

The young and strong worked hard, and soon the dry well was dug down several meters, but there was still no trace of hot spring.

"Brother Li, why don't we change places, there is no sign of hot spring here."

Changsun Yan was as anxious as the monkeys in Mount Emei beside the dry well, so he had to go to work by himself.

"Dig again, today is to dig through the ground for me, and dig for me too."

Li Yanran was depressed for a while, and glanced at Wei Shu who was on the side. If this old guy dared to let him go, she would definitely burn his beard on fire.

"Out of the water, out of the water."

I don't know who yelled, and the people in the well ran up quickly.

Suddenly, a gust of Bai Lian gushed out with steaming heat, directly rushing into the midair.

Seeing this white exercise, Li Yanran immediately moved over.

Feeling the temperature of the water column, Li Yanran was also overjoyed, this must be a hot spring.

"Instruct someone to put it here for me, and then arrange for someone to erect a pipeline to bring the hot spring to our hot spring town."

Now that the hot spring is here, her major worry is gone, and the next step is to continue to build momentum for the hot spring town.

After receiving Li Yanran's order, these men were also excited, and immediately threw themselves into their work. As for how to lure the hot spring out, they had their own professional staff to handle it.

Now that the hot spring has come out, Li Yanran immediately returned to Chang'an with the great monk Yishui and those young monks.

Li Yanran came to the imperial study room, looked at Li Zhi who was buried in the memorial, and quietly touched Li Zhi's back.



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